

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

当地时间3月17日,英国国防大臣本·华莱士(Ben Wallace)接到一位冒充“乌克兰总理”的男子打来的恶作剧电话。据了解,英国国防大臣和他视频通话了大约10分钟才发现。


Hoax caller claiming to be Ukrainian PM got through to UK defence secretary

The Guardian

An inquiry has been launched after an apparent hoax caller claiming to be the Ukrainian prime minister, Denys Shmyhal, was able to get through and speak directly to the defence secretary, Ben Wallace.

After Wallace revealed news of the call on Thursday, Priti Patel said something similar had happened to her earlier in the week. Both government ministers expressed solidarity with Ukraine.

A defence source told the Reuters news agency Wallace had ordered an immediate inquiry to find out how the apparent impostor was able to speak to him. The incident raises security questions, particularly as Wallace suggested that Russia was behind the effort.

The shadow Home Office minister, Holly Lynch, said: “For individuals to be able to fraudulently gain access to two of the most senior government ministers with responsibilities for our national defence is worrying.

“There are questions that need answering as to why the basics in due diligence appear not to have happened, especially at a time of heightened security concerns around disinformation and cyberattacks.

“An urgent investigation must look into how this happened so the necessary steps can be taken to avoid anymore such incidents.”

Wallace is not the first British minister to fall foul of a hoax call. In May 2018, Boris Johnson – then the foreign secretary – talked about international relations with a hoax caller who pretended to be the Armenian prime minister.

And, in 2015, it emerged that the authorities had been the target of two hoax calls. In one, an impostor claiming to be the head of GCHQ Robert Hannigan managed to get through to the then prime minister David Cameron on his mobile. In the other, a caller rang GCHQ and managed to obtain Hannigan’s mobile phone number.

A government spokesperson said at the time that departments had been told to be more careful and that such incidents were taken seriously. Cameron, however, seemed less disturbed, recounting the story in lighthearted fashion during a pre-election visit to the Liberal Democrat-held marginal seat of Eastleigh in Hampshire.

Explaining how he had rumbled the hoax caller, he said: “My BlackBerry went in my pocket, I answered it and it claimed to be a conference call established, which I do very frequently, between the head of GCHQ and some of the staff in my office. A voice came through, a voice I didn’t recognise. The voice said that he was sorry to wake me up which I thought was strange as it was 11am.”

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Hoax caller claiming to be Ukrainian PM got through to UK defence secretary

The Guardian

An inquiry has been launched after an apparent hoax caller claiming to be the Ukrainian prime minister, Denys Shmyhal, was able to get through and speak directly to the defence secretary, Ben Wallace.

英国方面启动了一项调查。此前,一个自称是乌克兰总理杰尼斯·什米加尔(Denys Shmyhal)的人打来了恶作剧电话,并直接与国防大臣本·华莱士(Ben Wallace)进行了对话。


hoax /hoʊks/ 表示“骗局;恶作剧”,英文解释为“an act intended to make sb believe sth that is not true, especially sth unpleasant”,如:a bomb hoax 炸弹骗局。


表示“调查,查究”,英文解释为“an official process to discover the facts about something bad that has happened”如:a judicial inquiry 司法调查。

After Wallace revealed news of the call on Thursday, Priti Patel said something similar had happened to her earlier in the week. Both government ministers expressed solidarity with Ukraine.

华莱士周四透露了这个电话的消息后,普里蒂·帕特尔(Priti Pate)说她在本周早些时候也遇到过类似的事情。两位政府大臣都对乌克兰表示声援。


表示“揭露;泄露;透露”,英文解释为“to make known or show something that is surprising or that was previously secre”举个🌰:

He was jailed for revealing secrets to the Russians.



solidarity /ˌsɒlɪˈdærɪtɪ/ 表示“团结一致;相互支持”,英文解释为“If a group of people show solidarity, they show support for each other or for another group, especially in political or international affairs.”

A defence source told the Reuters news agency Wallace had ordered an immediate inquiry to find out how the apparent impostor was able to speak to him. The incident raises security questions, particularly as Wallace suggested that Russia was behind the effort.



impostor/imposter表示“冒名顶替者”,英文解释为“a person who pretends to be someone else in order to deceive others”


📍scammer表示“诈骗犯; 骗子”,英文解释为“a person who perpetrates a scam; swindler”。

The shadow Home Office minister, Holly Lynch, said: “For individuals to be able to fraudulently gain access to two of the most senior government ministers with responsibilities for our national defence is worrying.

影子内阁的内务大臣霍利·林奇(Holly Lynch)说:“对于个人能够以欺诈手段获得与两位负责我们国防的最高级政府大臣取得联系,令人担忧。”


表示“(用于主要反对党的要员的头衔中)影子的”,英文解释为“used in the title of important politicians in the main opposition party (= the party not in government)”如:the Shadow Foreign Secretary 影子外交大臣。


fraudulently /ˈfrɔːdʒələntli/ 表示“欺骗地;欺骗性地;欺诈地”,英文解释为“in a way that intends to deceive by doing something dishonest and illegal”。

“There are questions that need answering as to why the basics in due diligence appear not to have happened, especially at a time of heightened security concerns around disinformation and cyberattacks.


due diligence

1)表示“(与某公司有业务往来之前对其本身以及其财务状况进行的)必要核计,必要了解”,英文解释为“the detailed examination of a company and its financial records, done before becoming involved in a business arrangement with it”;

2)表示“(为保证自身、他人或财产安全而采取的)审慎行为”,英文解释为“action that is considered reasonable for people to be expected to take in order to keep themselves or others and their property safe”。

📍据百度百科,Due Diligence,简称DD,中文叫尽职调查,是指企业在并购时,买方企业对目标企业进行的经营现状调查。


谷歌撤下2500多个中国相关YouTube频道文中就出现过的disinformation,表示“虚假信息,假消息”,英文解释为“false information that is given deliberately, especially by government organizations”。


📍Misinformation is wrong information which is given to someone, often in a deliberate attempt to make them believe something that is not true.(常指故意提供的)虚假消息

“An urgent investigation must look into how this happened so the necessary steps can be taken to avoid anymore such incidents.”


Wallace is not the first British minister to fall foul of a hoax call. In May 2018, Boris Johnson – then the foreign secretary – talked about international relations with a hoax caller who pretended to be the Armenian prime minister.

华莱士并不是第一个在恶作剧电话中犯错的英国大臣。2018年5月,当时的外交部长鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)与一个假装是亚美尼亚总理的恶作剧来电者谈论国际关系。

fall foul of sb./sth.

表示“(因做错事或不法行为)与…发生麻烦,与…产生纠葛,冒犯”,英文解释为“ to get into trouble with a person or an organization because of doing sth wrong or illegal”如:to fall foul of the law 触犯了法律,举个🌰:

Things were going well for her till she fell foul of the director.


And, in 2015, it emerged that the authorities had been the target of two hoax calls. In one, an impostor claiming to be the head of GCHQ Robert Hannigan managed to get through to the then prime minister David Cameron on his mobile. In the other, a caller rang GCHQ and managed to obtain Hannigan’s mobile phone number.

2015年,有消息称,当局曾是两个骗局电话的目标。在其中一通电话中,一个自称是GCHQ负责人罗伯特·汉尼根(Robert Hannigan)的骗子成功地接通了当时的首相戴维·卡梅伦(David Cameron)的手机。而另一通电话中,一个打电话给GCHQ的人设法获得了汉尼根的手机号码。

A government spokesperson said at the time that departments had been told to be more careful and that such incidents were taken seriously. Cameron, however, seemed less disturbed, recounting the story in lighthearted fashion during a pre-election visit to the Liberal Democrat-held marginal seat of Eastleigh in Hampshire.



recount一词此前在《摩登情爱》:良莠不齐但时显魅力一文中出现过,A flashback-driven episode starring Dev Patel and Catherine Keener, in which the two leads recount stories of love and regret, is ultimately more effective. 在由戴夫·帕特尔(Dev Patel)和凯瑟琳·基纳(Catherine Keener)主演的倒叙一集中,两个主角讲述了爱与遗憾的故事,最终效果更好。

EDG夺冠后翻译小姐姐火了也出现了:As the longest-tenured player on EDward Gaming, he recounts how surreal it is to finally have this trophy. 作为在EDG任职时间最长的选手,他讲述了最终拥有这个奖杯是多么的梦幻。

📍recount表示“讲述;叙述;描述”,英文解释为“to describe how something happened, or to tell a story”举个🌰:

He recounted his adventures since he had left home.



表示“心情轻松的,愉快的”,英文解释为“happy and not serious”举个🌰:

It was a fairly light-hearted discussion.


marginal seat

表示“边缘席位(选举中的双方因票数接近而可能为任何一方争得的席位)”,英文解释为“A marginal seat or swing seat is a constituency held with a small majority in a legislative election, generally one conducted under a single-winner voting system. In Canada, they may be known as target ridings.”

Explaining how he had rumbled the hoax caller, he said: “My BlackBerry went in my pocket, I answered it and it claimed to be a conference call established, which I do very frequently, between the head of GCHQ and some of the staff in my office. A voice came through, a voice I didn’t recognise. The voice said that he was sorry to wake me up which I thought was strange as it was 11am.”



表示“发现,察觉,看穿(某人的秘密或非法事情的真相)”,英文解释为“to discover the true facts about someone or something secret and often illegal”举个🌰:

His boss eventually rumbled him, and he was sacked.


🎬电影《看不见的女人》(The Invisible Woman)中的台词提到:Charles, you've been rumbled. 查尔斯,你被人认出来了。









- 那年今日 -

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2020 意大利约1万名医学生免除考试

2018 中国轮椅冰壶队夺冬残奥历史首金

2016 每日N词|20160318




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