

LearnAndRecord 2022-09-20

近日,美国加利福尼亚州一位名叫克洛伊·科尔(Chloe Cole)的跨性别者出席一场公开听证会,公开表态支持该州一项医疗规定,该规定禁止医疗补助基金为性别焦虑症的医疗干预买单。



California ex-trans teen backs Florida ban on Medicaid funds for transgender medical interventions

Fox News

Chloe Cole said she may not be able to have children and is at higher risk for cancer because of transgender medical interventions

A California teen girl who once identified as transgender and took hormones and underwent surgery to affirm such an identity spoke out in favor of a Florida rule blocking Medicaid funds from paying for medical interventions for gender dysphoria.

"I really didn’t understand all of the ramifications of any of the medical decisions that I was making," Chloe Cole, 17, said at a public hearing Friday. She said she was medically transitioned from ages 13 to 16, taking so-called puberty-blocking drugs and testosterone, and undergoing surgery to remove her breasts at age 15. "I was unknowingly physically cutting off my true self from my body, irreversibly and painfully."

"I don’t know if I’ll be able to fully carry a child, and I might be at increased risk for certain cancers, mainly cervical cancer," Cole said in a separate private meeting with Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo Friday, footage of which Ladapo posted on Twitter Sunday. "And because I do not have my breasts, … I am not able to breastfeed whatever future children I have."

"That realization, actually, was one of the biggest things that led to me realizing that this was not the path that I should have taken," Cole added.

"No child should have to experience what I have," she concluded.

When asked what she would say to the public, Cole said, "Do not transition your kids."

"If you are considering transitioning, please wait until you are a fully developed adult," Cole, whose Twitter handle is @ChoooCole, told Fox News Digital. "Transitioning can damage your body and mind in ways that we may not fully understand."

Ladapo also warned against transgender medical interventions for children.

"Medicalization of minors with gender dysphoria might advance the political views of physicians involved in their care, but the data showing any benefits for the actual children is extraordinarily thin," the surgeon general told Fox News Digital. "The affirmation model runs an unacceptably high risk of harm."

"Parents are threatened with fears of suicide, but the treatments have not been shown to actually reduce this risk," he added. "These patients need compassionate care of their emotional and mental well-being—not to be embroiled in political views about sex/gender."

Cole spoke in favor of Rule 59G-1.050, in which the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA), would restrict Medicaid funding from transgender drugs and procedures. Under the rule, Florida Medicaid would not cover puberty blockers, hormones and hormone antagonists, sex reassignment surgeries, or "any other procedures that alter primary or secondary sexual characteristics" to treat gender dysphoria.

AHCA Communications Director Brock Juarez praised Cole's testimony as "very thought-provoking." He also noted AHCA's recent report finding that several services for treating gender dysphoria "are not consistent with widely accepted professional medical standards and are experimental and investigational with the potential for harmful long term effects."

Transgender activist groups, medical associations, and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) have supported medical interventions for minors diagnosed with gender dysphoria, condemning policies like the one Cole supports.

"The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that youth who identify as transgender have access to comprehensive, gender-affirming, and developmentally appropriate health care that is provided in a safe and inclusive clinical space," the AAP wrote in a March 2021 statement condemning laws against transgender medical interventions for children. 

Neither the AAP nor the National Center for Transgender Equality responded to Fox News Media's requests for comment by press time.

In May 2021, the Biden administration and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that the Office for Civil Rights will interpret and enforce Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act and Title IX's prohibition on discrimination based on sex to include discrimination on the basis of gender identity. Last month, Biden signed an executive order urging HHS to ensure minors' access to transgender interventions.

Yet the medical community is divided on the issue. 

Dr. Matthew Benson, a board-certified pediatric endocrinologist in Jacksonville, testified that he agrees with the AHCA's rule. "I think the data on which the gender-affirmative model is based is not scientific," he said. He cited studies from Sweden and Denmark showing extremely high rates of suicide among people who took transgender interventions, and concluded, "We need better data, we need long-term perspective trials where we can look at adverse effects. We need much more robust data to justify these kinds of very robust therapies."

Most hormone treatments "are only FDA approved as puberty blockers in children for the purpose of treating central precocious puberty and not for gender dysphoria," Dr. Michael Laidlaw, an independent private practice endocrinologist in Rocklin, Calif., told Fox News in Dec. 2021. He faulted "the off-label use of these medications for gender dysphoria," claiming that "blocking normal puberty has numerous unhealthy side effects including loss of normal bone development, interference with normal brain and social development, and importantly causes infertility and sexual dysfunction. Many of these effects will be irreversible."

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California ex-trans teen backs Florida ban on Medicaid funds for transgender medical interventions

Fox News

Chloe Cole said she may not be able to have children and is at higher risk for cancer because of transgender medical interventions

克洛伊·科尔(Chloe Cole)说,由于变性医疗干预,她可能无法生育,而且患癌症的风险更高


表示“干涉,介入;(由家庭成员、朋友或医护人员共同开会劝导有酗酒或毒瘾问题者接受现实并开始治疗的)干预活动”,英文解释为“Intervention is the act of intervening in a situation. A meeting at which someone with a drug or alcohol problem is asked by family members, friends, or health workers to accept the fact that they have a problem and is encouraged to get treatment”

A California teen girl who once identified as transgender and took hormones and underwent surgery to affirm such an identity spoke out in favor of a Florida rule blocking Medicaid funds from paying for medical interventions for gender dysphoria.



hormone /ˈhɔːməʊn/ 表示“激素;荷尔蒙”,英文解释为“a chemical substance produced in the body or in a plant that encourages growth or influences how the cells and tissues function; an artificial substance that has similar effects”,如:growth hormones 生长激素。


表示“经历,经受(令人不快的事或变化) ”,英文解释为“to experience something that is unpleasant or something that involves a change”举个🌰:

Playing board games is undergoing a revival in popularity.


🎬电影《白日梦想家》(The Secret Life of Walter Mitty)中的台词提到:But as we undergothis transition to LIFE online... we wanted to be candid with you... 但由于我们处于"生活"杂志网络化的过渡期...所以我们想明白告诉你们...


表示“外科手术”,英文解释为“the treatment of injuries or diseases in people or animals by cutting open the body and removing or repairing the damaged part”举个🌰:

The patient had/underwent surgery on his heart.



1)表示“证实;确认;断言”,英文解释为“to state something as true”举个🌰:

The suspect affirmed (that) he had been at home all evening.


2)表示“(公开)声明”,英文解释为“to publicly show your support for an opinion or idea”举个🌰:

The government has affirmed its commitment to equal rights.



Medicaid /ˈmed.ɪ.keɪd/ 表示“(美国面向穷人的)医疗补助制度”,英文解释为“a government service in the US that allows poor people to receive medical treatment”


dysphoria /dɪsˈfɔː.ri.ə/ 表示“烦躁,焦虑”,英文解释为“severe unhappiness or mental illness, especially a person's feeling of being very uncomfortable in their body or of being in the wrong body”如:gender dysphoria 性别焦虑症。

"I really didn’t understand all of the ramifications of any of the medical decisions that I was making," Chloe Cole, 17, said at a public hearing Friday. She said she was medically transitioned from ages 13 to 16, taking so-called puberty-blocking drugs and testosterone, and undergoing surgery to remove her breasts at age 15. "I was unknowingly physically cutting off my true self from my body, irreversibly and painfully."



ramification /ˌræm.ɪ.fɪˈkeɪ.ʃənz/ 表示“(众多复杂而又难以预料的)结果,后果;可能的后果;衍生结果;派生影响”,英文解释为“one of the large number of complicated and unexpected results that follow an action or a decision”举个🌰:

These changes are bound to have widespread social ramifications.



表示“转换性别”,英文解释为“to start living as a person of a different gender”举个🌰:

He transitioned from male to female almost 20 years ago.



puberty /ˈpjuːbətɪ/ 表示“青春期”,英文解释为“the stage in people's lives when they develop from a child into an adult because of changes in their body that make them able to have children”


testosterone /teˈstɑːstəroʊn/ 表示“睾丸素;睾酮”,英文解释为“a male hormone that causes a stage of growth in older boys and development of their sexual organs”。


表示“不可逆转地;不能撤回地;不可挽回地”,英文解释为“in a way that is not possible to change or impossible to return to a previous condition”

"I don’t know if I’ll be able to fully carry a child, and I might be at increased risk for certain cancers, mainly cervical cancer," Cole said in a separate private meeting with Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo Friday, footage of which Ladapo posted on Twitter Sunday. "And because I do not have my breasts, … I am not able to breastfeed whatever future children I have."

科尔周五在与佛罗里达州卫生局局长约瑟夫·拉达波(Joseph Ladapo)的另一次非公开会议上说:“我不知道我是否能够完全怀上孩子,而且我患某些癌症的风险可能会增加,主要是宫颈癌。”拉达波周日在推特上发布了这段视频。“因为我没有乳房,...我无法母乳喂养我未来的孩子。”


熟词僻义,王力宏与李靓蕾风波再起文中表示“(报纸、广播或电视)刊登,播出”,英文解释为“(of a newspaper or radio or television broadcast) to contain particular information”举个🌰:

This morning's newspapers all carry the same story on their front page.


carry还可以表示“怀孕;怀胎”,英文解释为“to be pregnant with a child”举个🌰:

It was quite a shock to learn that she was carrying twins.


Surgeon General

表示“(美国)卫生局局长”,英文解释为“the person who is in charge of the US Public Health Service (= a government department responsible for protecting public health), or the person with a similar job in a state”

"That realization, actually, was one of the biggest things that led to me realizing that this was not the path that I should have taken," Cole added.


"No child should have to experience what I have," she concluded.


When asked what she would say to the public, Cole said, "Do not transition your kids."


"If you are considering transitioning, please wait until you are a fully developed adult," Cole, whose Twitter handle is @ChoooCole, told Fox News Digital. "Transitioning can damage your body and mind in ways that we may not fully understand."

科尔的推特账号是@ChoooCole,他告诉福克斯新闻数字频道(Fox News Digital):“如果你正在考虑变性,请等到你是一个发育完全的成年人再说。变性会以我们可能无法完全理解的方式损害你的身心.”


熟词僻义,作名词,表示“(尤指奇怪的)名字,名称”,英文解释为“a name of a person or place, especially a strange one”举个🌰:

That's some handle to go through life with!


Ladapo also warned against transgender medical interventions for children.


"Medicalization of minors with gender dysphoria might advance the political views of physicians involved in their care, but the data showing any benefits for the actual children is extraordinarily thin," the surgeon general told Fox News Digital. "The affirmation model runs an unacceptably high risk of harm."



minor /ˈmaɪnə/ 1)表示“未成年人”,英文解释为“a person who is under the age at which you legally become an adult and are responsible for your actions”举个🌰:

2)表示“辅修科目;辅修课程”,英文解释为“a subject that you study at university in addition to your major”。


extraordinarily /ɪkˈstrɔː.dɪn.ər.əl.i/ 表示“极其,极端;特别地”,英文解释为“very; more than usual”举个🌰:She is, it must be said, extraordinarily beautiful.


"Parents are threatened with fears of suicide, but the treatments have not been shown to actually reduce this risk," he added. "These patients need compassionate care of their emotional and mental well-being—not to be embroiled in political views about sex/gender."



表示“富有同情心的”,英文解释为“showing compassion”举个🌰:

The public's response to the crisis appeal was generous and compassionate. 公众对危难时刻的呼吁表现得慷慨大方、富有同情心。


be embroiled in表示“使卷入(纠纷);使陷入(困境);使纠缠于”,英文解释为“to involve sb/yourself in an argument or a difficult situation”举个🌰:

He became embroiled in a dispute with his neighbours.


Cole spoke in favor of Rule 59G-1.050, in which the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA), would restrict Medicaid funding from transgender drugs and procedures. Under the rule, Florida Medicaid would not cover puberty blockers, hormones and hormone antagonists, sex reassignment surgeries, or "any other procedures that alter primary or secondary sexual characteristics" to treat gender dysphoria.



1)表示“程序;步骤;常规”,英文解释为“a set of actions that is the official or accepted way of doing something”举个🌰:

The company has new procedures for dealing with complaints.


2)表示“医疗处理;手术”,英文解释为“a medical operation”举个🌰:

It's a routine/standard surgical procedure.



表示“拮抗剂”,英文解释为“a substance that stops or reduces a change or reaction in the body”如:a seratonin antagonist 血清素拮抗剂。

AHCA Communications Director Brock Juarez praised Cole's testimony as "very thought-provoking." He also noted AHCA's recent report finding that several services for treating gender dysphoria "are not consistent with widely accepted professional medical standards and are experimental and investigational with the potential for harmful long term effects."

AHCA联络官布洛克·华雷斯(Brock Juarez)称赞科尔的证词“非常发人深省。”他还指出,AHCA最近的报告发现,治疗性别焦虑症的几项服务“不符合广泛接受的专业医疗标准,是实验性的和调查性的,有可能产生长期的有害影响。”


表示“证词;证言;口供”,英文解释为“a formal written or spoken statement saying what you know to be true, usually in court”,如:a sworn testimony 宣誓证词。


表示“引人深思的,发人深省的”,英文解释为“making you think a lot about a subject”,如:a thought-provoking book/film 引人深思的书/电影。

Transgender activist groups, medical associations, and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) have supported medical interventions for minors diagnosed with gender dysphoria, condemning policies like the one Cole supports.



pediatrics /ˌpiːdiˈætrɪks/ 美式拼写;paediatrics 英式拼写,名词,表示“儿科学”,英文解释为“the science or study of medical care for children”。


表示“(通常指出于道义而)谴责,指责”,英文解释为“to criticize something or someone strongly, usually for moral reasons”举个🌰:

The terrorist action has been condemned as an act of barbarism and cowardice.


🎬电影《英伦对决》(The Foreigner)中的台词提到:And I condemn these acts of violence, but I can't help you. 对这些暴力行为我表示谴责,但我帮不了你。

"The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that youth who identify as transgender have access to comprehensive, gender-affirming, and developmentally appropriate health care that is provided in a safe and inclusive clinical space," the AAP wrote in a March 2021 statement condemning laws against transgender medical interventions for children. 


Neither the AAP nor the National Center for Transgender Equality responded to Fox News Media's requests for comment by press time.


In May 2021, the Biden administration and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that the Office for Civil Rights will interpret and enforce Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act and Title IX's prohibition on discrimination based on sex to include discrimination on the basis of gender identity. Last month, Biden signed an executive order urging HHS to ensure minors' access to transgender interventions.

2021年5月,拜登政府和卫生与公众服务部(HHS)宣布,民权办公室(Office for Civil Rights)将解释和执行《平价医疗法案》(Affordable Care Act)第1557条和第九章禁止基于性别的歧视,以包括基于性别认同的歧视。上个月,拜登签署了一项行政命令,敦促HHS确保未成年人获得变性干预。

Yet the medical community is divided on the issue


Dr. Matthew Benson, a board-certified pediatric endocrinologist in Jacksonville, testified that he agrees with the AHCA's rule. "I think the data on which the gender-affirmative model is based is not scientific," he said. He cited studies from Sweden and Denmark showing extremely high rates of suicide among people who took transgender interventions, and concluded, "We need better data, we need long-term perspective trials where we can look at adverse effects. We need much more robust data to justify these kinds of very robust therapies."

杰克逊维尔(Jacksonville)的马修·本森医生(Dr. Matthew Benson)是一名获得委员会认证的儿科内分泌学家,他作证说,他同意AHCA的规定。他说:“我认为性别确认模式所基于的数据不科学。”他引用了瑞典和丹麦的研究,这些研究显示,接受变性干预的人自杀率极高,并得出结论,“我们需要更好的数据,我们需要长期的前瞻性试验,在这些试验中,我们可以观察不良影响。我们需要更可靠的数据来证明这些非常可靠的疗法是合理的。”


英式 paediatric /ˌpiː.diˈæt.rɪk/美式 pediatric,形容词,表示“儿科学的,小儿科的”,英文解释为“relating to the medical care of children”如:paediatric medicine 儿科学。


endocrinologist /ˌen.dəʊ.krɪˈnɒl.ə.dʒɪst/表示“内分泌学家”,英文解释为“a doctor or scientist who specializes in endocrinology”


表示“证明,证实;作证”,英文解释为“to speak seriously about something, especially in a law court, or to give or provide proof”举个🌰:

He testified that he had seen the man leaving the building around the time of the murder.


Most hormone treatments "are only FDA approved as puberty blockers in children for the purpose of treating central precocious puberty and not for gender dysphoria," Dr. Michael Laidlaw, an independent private practice endocrinologist in Rocklin, Calif., told Fox News in Dec. 2021. He faulted "the off-label use of these medications for gender dysphoria," claiming that "blocking normal puberty has numerous unhealthy side effects including loss of normal bone development, interference with normal brain and social development, and importantly causes infertility and sexual dysfunction. Many of these effects will be irreversible."

2021年12月,加利福尼亚州罗克林(Rocklin)的独立私人内分泌医生迈克尔·莱德劳(Dr. Michael Laidlaw)告诉福克斯新闻(Fox News),大多数激素治疗“仅被美国食品和药物管理局批准为儿童青春期阻滞剂,用于治疗中枢性性早熟,而不是性别焦虑症”。他指责“这些药物治疗性别焦虑没被临床试验认可”,声称“阻止正常青春期有许多不健康的副作用,包括失去正常的骨骼发育、干扰正常的大脑和社交发育,重要的是导致不孕和性功能障碍。其中许多影响将是不可逆转的。”


precocious /prɪˈkəʊ.ʃəs/ 1)表示“(尤指儿童)智力超常的,早熟的”,英文解释为“(especially of children) showing mental development or achievement much earlier than usual”举个🌰:

A precocious child, she went to university at the age of 15.


2)表示“少年老成的”,英文解释为“A precocious child behaves as if they are much older than they are.”如:a precocious little brat 很老练的小家伙。


表示“找…的缺点,挑剔;指责”,英文解释为“to find a reason to criticize someone or something”举个🌰:

I can't fault the way they dealt with the complaint.



表示“未经检验的;未经检验地;用于说明书标明以外的用途的;没被临床试验认可的”,英文解释为“(of a prescription drug) relating to use, or being used, in ways for which it has not been approved”


表示“不孕症;不肥沃,贫瘠”,英文解释为“Infertility is a disease of the male or female reproductive system defined by the failure to achieve a pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse.”


表示“功体失调;机能不良”,英文解释为“a problem or fault in a part of the body or a machine”举个🌰:

There appears to be a dysfunction in the patient's respiratory system.










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