

LearnAndRecord 2022-09-22



Burnout may be changing your brain. Here's what to do


March 10, 2022

Are you burned out?

If these three symptoms apply to you -- a total lack of energy, a decline in your sense of belonging and a plummeting self-esteem -- you could be a victim of burnout, experts say.

After two years of living in a simmering pool of pandemic stress, you could feel stretched to the max. Stay in that state long enough -- or at a level of intensity such as that facing doctors and nurses working with the dying in Covid-19 wards -- and it may even change your brain.

"You notice things like being more irritable, more destructive, less motivated, less hopeful," said Amy Arnsten, a professor of neuroscience at Yale School of Medicine who studies the neural mechanisms of burnout.

Understanding how your brain reacts to burnout can be helpful, as it shows people many of their reactions are part of a "natural phenomenon," Arnsten said.

"I am not a bad person -- this is just how the brain changes with chronic stress. It's doing it to try to protect me, even though in this situation, it's making it worse," she said.

"Having that kind of insight and perspective can break the vicious cycle where you're blaming yourself for not being better."

Chronic stress has long been known to contribute to mental and physical diseases, and now researchers are able to capture what happens to the brain.

"One of the most striking (effects) is thinning of the gray matter of an area of the brain called the prefrontal cortex," Arnsten said. "It helps us to act appropriately. It gives us insight about ourselves and others. It gives us perspective. It allows us to do complex decision-making and to be able to have thoughtful, abstract reasoning rather than concrete or habitual responses."

By weakening that area, experts say burnout can impact our ability to pay attention and retain memories, making it harder to learn new things and increasing the risk for mistakes.

That's not all. Burnout can enlarge the amygdala, which is the part of the brain responsible for our "fight-or-flight" response when in danger, researchers have discovered.

"It's a double whammy. At the same time the prefrontal cortex is getting weaker and more primitive, the brain circuits that generate emotion like fear are getting stronger," Arnsten said. "You start seeing the world as harmful even when it's not."

Can you reverse these changes in the brain once they occur? Studies in mice show it's possible, and a 2018 study in people found cognitive behavioral therapy for burnout reduced the size of the amygdala and returned the prefrontal cortex to pre-stress levels.

Research in people also shows we can keep the damage from occurring in the first place -- if we feel we are in charge.

"If you feel like you're in control of the stressor, then there aren't these toxic brain changes," Arnsten said. "If you feel out of control it leads to chemical changes in the prefrontal cortex that weakens the connections, and over time actually erode those connections away."

What is burnout?

Burnout presents with three major symptoms that can intertwine in unique ways for each person, experts say.

"One of them gets most of the attention. It's exhaustion," said Kira Schabram, an assistant professor of management in the Foster School of Business at the University of Washington.

"The problem is there's two other dimensions," she said. "Inefficacy, or feeling like you're not really accomplishing things anymore, and cynicism, or a sense of alienation, either from the work itself or from other people."

The good news is that studies show you can recover from burnout, experts say. First, give yourself grace.

"If it's exhaustion, give yourself permission to engage in self-care, right? Take a nap. Take a day off. Call in sick," Schabram said.

Try to do healthy activities as part of that self-care, such as "trying to get to sleep and eating healthy foods not high in sugar," Arnsten said.

"Alcohol is what people often reach for to relieve the stress, but it actually makes you feel worse the next day ... and the same thing with benzodiazepines like Valium. But the healthier physiological activities (like) exercising and meditation that give you perspective can be really helpful," Arnsten said.

When it comes to addressing the sense of alienation that comes with burnout, Schabram said the solution may seem counterintuitive.

"What we find is having compassion towards others helps restore that sense of belonging," she said. "Become someone's mentor. Start volunteering. What we find is that those acts of doing something kind for someone else really pulls you out of that sense of alienation."

And don't forget to be compassionate to yourself, Schabram added: "We found both other-compassion and self-compassion help with burnout."

Self-care and doing for others can also help with feelings of self-worth, by boosting your sense of accomplishment: "I took a cooking class or I picked up yoga for myself or I mentored someone else," Schabram said.

And studies show those activities don't need to be massive or time-consuming to reduce feelings of burnout, she added.

"Even really small gestures had an effect the next day," she said.

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Burnout may be changing your brain. Here's what to do


March 10, 2022

Are you burned out?



表示“极度劳累;疲劳过度”,英文解释为“extreme tiredness usually caused by working too much”如:employees complaining of/suffering burn-out 抱怨/感到极度劳累的员工。

根据世界卫生组织,职业过劳(Occupational burnout)是一种由慢性工作压力导致的症候群,症状包含“精神耗尽、对工作的心理距离增加、对工作的负面感觉、以及工作效率的减少”。职业过劳被归类为一种医学疾病。

burn (yourself) out

burn (yourself) out 表示“把(自己)累垮”,英文解释为“to be forced to stop working because you have become ill or very tired from working too hard”举个🌰:

Stop working so hard - you'll burn yourself out.


If these three symptoms apply to you -- a total lack of energy, a decline in your sense of belonging and a plummeting self-esteem -- you could be a victim of burnout, experts say.



表示“(疾病的)症状”,英文解释为“any feeling of illness or physical or mental change that is caused by a particular disease”举个🌰:

He's complaining of all the usual flu symptoms - a high temperature, headache, and so on.



plummet /ˈplʌmɪt/ 此前在《纽约时报》这头版,“爆表”了文中提到过,表示“(数量、比率、价格)暴跌”,英文解释为“If an amount, rate, or price plummets, it decreases quickly by a large amount.举个🌰:
In Tokyo share prices have plummeted for the sixth successive day.

瑞幸咖啡怎么了?文中也出现过,CNBC的标题Shares of China’s Luckin Coffee plummet 80% after investigation finds COO fabricated sales就用到了plummet这个词。



self-esteem /ˌself.ɪˈstiːm/ 表示“自尊”,英文解释为“belief and confidence in your own ability and value”举个🌰:

The compliments she received after the presentation boosted her self-esteem.


After two years of living in a simmering pool of pandemic stress, you could feel stretched to the max. Stay in that state long enough -- or at a level of intensity such as that facing doctors and nurses working with the dying in Covid-19 wards -- and it may even change your brain.



1)表示“(分歧或消极情绪)酝酿,积聚”,英文解释为“If a disagreement or negative emotion simmers, it grows slowly stronger over a period of time and could become more serious at any moment.举个🌰:
She's been simmering with resentment ever since the meeting.

2)表示“用文火炖;煨”,英文解释为“When you simmer food or when it simmers, you cook it by keeping it at boiling point or just below boiling point.”举个🌰:
Simmer the sauce gently for 10 minutes.

🎬电影《朱莉与茱莉亚》(Julie and Julia)中的台词提到:It's simmering. 水开了。

🎬还是电影《朱莉与茱莉亚》(Julie and Julia)中的台词:It took three of us, crammed into the kitchen over a pot of simmering water, 我们三个挤在厨房里,凑在一锅沸腾的水面前,


stretch /stretʃ/ 作名词,表示“(连续的)一段时间”,英文解释为“a continuous period of time”举个🌰:
The elderly generally need far less rest than the young, and tend to sleep in several short stretches.

作动词,表示“到…的限度;超过…的限度;竭尽”,英文解释为“to go as far as or past the usual limit of something”举个🌰:
Many families' budgets are already stretched to breaking point.


表示“病房;病室”,英文解释为“a separate room or area in a hospital for people with the same type of medical condition”,如:a maternity ward 产科病房,a surgical ward 外科病房,a psychiatric ward 精神科病房,a children's ward 儿科病房。

"You notice things like being more irritable, more destructive, less motivated, less hopeful," said Amy Arnsten, a professor of neuroscience at Yale School of Medicine who studies the neural mechanisms of burnout.

耶鲁大学医学院研究过度劳累神经机制的神经科学教授艾米·阿恩斯顿(Amy Arnsten)说:“你会注意到一些情况,比如更易怒、更具破坏性、更没有动力、更没有希望。”


irritable /ˈɪr.ɪ.tə.bəl/ 表示“易怒的,暴躁的”,英文解释为“becoming annoyed very easily”举个🌰:

Be careful what you say - he's rather irritable today.



destructive /dɪˈstrʌk.tɪv/ 表示“破坏性的;有害的”,英文解释为“causing, or able to cause, damage”如:the destructive power of nuclear weapons 核武器的杀伤力。


neuroscience /ˈnjʊərəʊˌsaɪəns/ 表示“神经系统科学(对神经系统的解剖学、生理学、生物化学和药理学的研究)”,英文解释为“the study of the anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, and pharmacology of the nervous system”。


表示“神经的;神经系统的”,英文解释为“involving a nerve or the system of nerves that includes the brain ”举个🌰:

Some people suffered severe neural damage as a result of the disease.


📍neural networks 神经网络

Understanding how your brain reacts to burnout can be helpful, as it shows people many of their reactions are part of a "natural phenomenon," Arnsten said.


"I am not a bad person -- this is just how the brain changes with chronic stress. It's doing it to try to protect me, even though in this situation, it's making it worse," she said.



chronic /ˈkrɒnɪk/ 1) 表示“(疾病)慢性的,长期的”,英文解释为“a chronic disease or illness is one that continues for a long time and cannot be cured”,如:chronic arthritis表示“慢性关节炎”。

2) 表示“(问题)长期的”,英文解释为“a chronic problem is one that continues for a long time and cannot easily be solved”。举个🌰:
There is a chronic shortage of teachers.

3) 还有一种解释是用来形容人“积习难改的”,如“长期酗酒/沉迷赌博等的人”我们就可以用chronic alcoholic/gambler表示。

"Having that kind of insight and perspective can break the vicious cycle where you're blaming yourself for not being better."



vicious /ˈvɪʃ.əs/ 同义词是“malicious”,表示“狠毒的,恶毒的,恶意的”,英文解释为:very unkind in a way that is intended to hurt someone’s feelings or make their character seem bad.

📍vicious circle示“恶性循环”,英文解释为:a continuing unpleasant situation, created when one problem causes another problem that then makes the first problem worse.

Chronic stress has long been known to contribute to mental and physical diseases, and now researchers are able to capture what happens to the brain.


"One of the most striking (effects) is thinning of the gray matter of an area of the brain called the prefrontal cortex," Arnsten said. "It helps us to act appropriately. It gives us insight about ourselves and others. It gives us perspective. It allows us to do complex decision-making and to be able to have thoughtful, abstract reasoning rather than concrete or habitual responses."



1)表示“异乎寻常的,惊人的;引人注目的;显著的;不同寻常的”,英文解释为“Something that is striking is very noticeable or unusual.举个🌰:
The most striking feature of those statistics is the high proportion of suicides.

2)表示“俊秀的;妩媚动人的;很有魅力的”,英文解释为“Someone who is striking is very attractive, in a noticeable way.”举个🌰:
She was a striking woman with long blonde hair. 

gray matter

美式 gray matter 英式grey matter /ˈɡreɪ ˌmæt.ər/ 表示“(大脑和脊髓中的)灰质”,英文解释为“the darker tissue containing nerve fibres (= structures like threads) found in the brain and spinal cord”

prefrontal cortex

prefrontal cortex /ˌpriː.frʌn.təl ˈkɔː.teks/ 表示“额前皮质”,英文解释为“the front part of the brain, that is important in human behaviour such as planning, decision-making, and self-control”举个🌰:

Exercise counters age-related shrinking of the prefrontal cortex.



reasoning /ˈriː.zən.ɪŋ/ 表示“推理;推断;推论”,英文解释为“the process of thinking about something in order to make a decision”举个🌰:

The reasoning behind her conclusion is impossible to fault.



concrete /ˈkɒŋ.kriːt/ 作形容词,表示“确定的,确实的;具体的,有形的,实在的”,英文解释为“clear and certain, or real and existing in a form that can be seen or felt”举个🌰:

They think she killed her husband, but they have no concrete evidence.


作名词,表示“混凝土”,英文解释为“a very hard building material made by mixing together cement, sand, small stones, and water”如:reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土。


habitual /həˈbɪtʃ.u.əl/ 表示“通常的;习惯性的”,英文解释为“usual or repeated”如:a habitual thief 惯偷,habitual drug use 吸毒成瘾。

By weakening that area, experts say burnout can impact our ability to pay attention and retain memories, making it harder to learn new things and increasing the risk for mistakes.


That's not all. Burnout can enlarge the amygdala, which is the part of the brain responsible for our "fight-or-flight" response when in danger, researchers have discovered.



amygdala /əˈmɪɡ.də.lə/ 表示“(大脑中的)杏仁核,杏仁体(主要影响情绪,尤其是愉悦和恐惧)”,英文解释为“one of two parts of the brain that affect how people feel emotions, especially fear and pleasure”


表示“或战或退(指面对危险时的反应,要么留下应对要么逃走回避);人体分泌荷尔蒙肾上腺素于血液中以做出战斗或逃跑等应对压力之身体活动的非自主性反应”,英文解释为“used to describe the reaction that people have to a dangerous situation, that makes them either stay and deal with it, or run away”。

📍战或逃反应(Fight-or-flight response)是心理学和生理学概念,为1929年美国生理学家怀特·坎农(Walter Cannon)所提出,其发现动物机体面对威胁时通常会激起神经和腺体的反应产生应激(压力),使躯体做好防御、挣扎或者逃跑的准备。后来,这一反应被认为是脊椎动物以及其他生物应激反应的最初阶段。(Wikipedia)

"It's a double whammy. At the same time the prefrontal cortex is getting weaker and more primitive, the brain circuits that generate emotion like fear are getting stronger," Arnsten said. "You start seeing the world as harmful even when it's not."



whammy /ˈwæmɪ/本义表示“晦气,霉运;具有负面影响地大情;剧烈地打击”,英文解释为“a magical spell or power that causes someone to have a difficult or unpleasant time”举个🌰:

He put the whammy on me.


📍此处的double whammy可以理解为“祸不单行;双重灾难,双重打击”,英文解释为“a situation when two unpleasant things happen at almost the same time”举个🌰:

Farmers have faced the double whammy of a rising dollar and falling agricultural prices.


📍类似的,triple whammy可以理解为“三重打击”(A threefold blow or setback)。


表示“原始的,早期的,远古的”,英文解释为“relating to human society at a very early stage of development, with people living in a simple way without machines or a writing system”。

Can you reverse these changes in the brain once they occur? Studies in mice show it's possible, and a 2018 study in people found cognitive behavioral therapy for burnout reduced the size of the amygdala and returned the prefrontal cortex to pre-stress levels.



1)表示“失败;挫折”,英文解释为“a defeat or failure”举个🌰:
They suffered a serious military reverse.

2)作动词,表示“(使)反向;(使)倒转;彻底改变;推翻”,英文解释为“to change the direction, order, position, result, etc. of something to its opposite”举个🌰:
The new manager hoped to reverse the decline in the company's fortunes.


表示“认知的;感知的;认识的”,英文解释为“Cognitive means relating to the mental process involved in knowing, learning, and understanding things.”举个🌰:

As children grow older, their cognitive processes become sharper. 


Research in people also shows we can keep the damage from occurring in the first place -- if we feel we are in charge.


"If you feel like you're in control of the stressor, then there aren't these toxic brain changes," Arnsten said. "If you feel out of control it leads to chemical changes in the prefrontal cortex that weakens the connections, and over time actually erode those connections away."



toxic /ˈtɒksɪk/ 1)表示“有毒的;引起中毒”,相当于poisonous,如:toxic waste/chemicals/effluent 有毒的废料/化学品/废水,牛津词典2018年度词汇就是:Toxic.

2)表示“令人极不愉快的;不可接受的”,英文解释为“very unpleasant or unacceptable”。

3)表示“恶毒的;造成阴影的”,英文解释为“causing you a lot of harm and unhappiness over a long period of time”如:a toxic relationship 带毒的友谊。


表示“降低,削弱”,英文解释为“If the value of something erodes or is eroded by something such as inflation or age, its value decreases.”举个🌰:
Competition in the financial marketplace has eroded profits.

还可以指“(气候)侵蚀,腐蚀;(岩石、土壤)风化”等(if the weather erodes rock or soil, or if rock or soil erodes, its surface is gradually destroyed),如:soil erosion 水土流失。

What is burnout? 什么是过度劳累?

Burnout presents with three major symptoms that can intertwine in unique ways for each person, experts say.



表示“(使)缠结,(使)缠绕在一起;(使)紧密关联”,英文解释为“to twist or be twisted together, or to be connected so as to be difficult to separate”举个🌰:
The town's prosperity is inextricably intertwined with the fortunes of the factory.

"One of them gets most of the attention. It's exhaustion," said Kira Schabram, an assistant professor of management in the Foster School of Business at the University of Washington.

华盛顿大学福斯特商学院管理学助理教授基拉·夏布拉姆(Kira Schabram)说:“其中一点最受关注,就是筋疲力尽。”


exhaustion /ɪɡˈzɔːs.tʃən/ 表示“精疲力竭;疲惫不堪”,英文解释为“the state of being extremely tired”举个🌰:

She felt ill with/from exhaustion.


"The problem is there's two other dimensions," she said. "Inefficacy, or feeling like you're not really accomplishing things anymore, and cynicism, or a sense of alienation, either from the work itself or from other people."



cynicism /ˈsɪn.ɪ.sɪ.zəm/ 表示“愤世嫉俗”,英文解释为“the belief that people are only interested in themselves and are not sincere”举个🌰:

Such behaviour only bred cynicism about the business world.



alienation /ˌeɪ.li.əˈneɪ.ʃən/ 表示“疏离感;疏远感”,英文解释为“the feeling that you have no connection with the people around you”举个🌰:

Depressed people frequently feel a sense of alienation from those around them.


The good news is that studies show you can recover from burnout, experts say. First, give yourself grace.


"If it's exhaustion, give yourself permission to engage in self-care, right? Take a nap. Take a day off. Call in sick," Schabram said.



可以作动词,也可以作名词,表示“(尤指日间的)打盹,小睡”,英文解释为“a short sleep, especially during the day”举个🌰:
Grandpa usually takes/has a nap after lunch.

Try to do healthy activities as part of that self-care, such as "trying to get to sleep and eating healthy foods not high in sugar," Arnsten said.


"Alcohol is what people often reach for to relieve the stress, but it actually makes you feel worse the next day ... and the same thing with benzodiazepines like Valium. But the healthier physiological activities (like) exercising and meditation that give you perspective can be really helpful," Arnsten said.



表示“冥想;沉思;深思”,英文解释为“the practice of thinking deeply in silence, especially for religious reasons or in order to make your mind calm”

📍动词:meditate /ˈmed.ɪ.teɪt/

When it comes to addressing the sense of alienation that comes with burnout, Schabram said the solution may seem counterintuitive.



表示“(想法、提议等)违反常理的,反直觉的”,英文解释为“(of an idea, proposal, etc) seemingly contrary to common sense”;

📍intuitive本身表示“(出于)直觉的”(an intuitive idea is based on a feeling rather than on knowledge or facts),而前缀counter-表示“(用于构词)表示相反或相对”(Counter- is used to form words which refer to actions or activities that are intended to prevent other actions or activities or that respond to them.)如:counter-terrorism 反恐,counter-example 反面例子,counterproductive 产生相反效果的,适得其反的。

📍instinctive表示“本能的;天性的;直觉的”(based on instinct and not involving thought)

"What we find is having compassion towards others helps restore that sense of belonging," she said. "Become someone's mentor. Start volunteering. What we find is that those acts of doing something kind for someone else really pulls you out of that sense of alienation."



表示“同情;怜悯”,英文解释为“a strong feeling of sympathy for people who are suffering and a desire to help them”。

And don't forget to be compassionate to yourself, Schabram added: "We found both other-compassion and self-compassion help with burnout."



表示“富有同情心的”,英文解释为“showing compassion”举个🌰:
The public's response to the crisis appeal was generous and compassionate.

Self-care and doing for others can also help with feelings of self-worth, by boosting your sense of accomplishment: "I took a cooking class or I picked up yoga for myself or I mentored someone else," Schabram said.


And studies show those activities don't need to be massive or time-consuming to reduce feelings of burnout, she added.


"Even really small gestures had an effect the next day," she said.


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