
玫瑰刺又多 花期又短 还容易枯萎

LearnAndRecord 2023-02-18



1. 你能想到哪些可以替换good/great/amazing的词?

2. 文中的hit是什么意思?

3. ooze是什么意思?


Why Are Roses So Popular for Valentine's Day?

From: Reader's Digest

Why do we give these tokens of love (or friendship) on Valentine's Day? There's more to the lore and logic than you think.

When it comes to gifts and tokens of affection, flowers are a classic choice. But of all the flowers given on holidays, none are as closely associated with Valentine's Day as the red rose. Even if you're not someone who pays attention to this mid-February holiday, it's hard to miss the sales displays filled with dozens of Valentine's Day roses situated front and center in supermarkets, drugstores and even gas station mini-marts. Of all the Valentine's Day gifts out there, none is as iconic as the rose.

Of course, Valentine's Day roses aren't strictly for expressing romantic love. Thanks to different rose color meanings, the classic beauties make great Valentine's Day gifts for friends and family members too. But before you hit the nearest florist for a rainbow's array of roses, find out how the tradition of giving roses for Valentine's Day started (a neat piece of trivia) and which roses are tops. And in the hubbub of the holiday, don't forget to stop and smell the roses while researching Valentine's Day ideas.

How much do people spend on Valentine's Day roses?

In 2022 alone, people spent $23.9 billion on Valentine's Day, according to the National Retail Federation. Of that, $2.3 billion went to Valentine's Day flowers—averaging out to nearly $17 per person. That number typically increases every year, so there's a decent chance the figure will be even higher in 2023. And grumble as they may about the cost of Valentine's Day roses (the price of roses skyrockets around the holiday), Americans are willing to pay the price for the flower that best signifies love.

“Plants are great for long-lasting tokens of love, and a simple red rose plant is ever popular,” says Sandra Varley, a florist with more than a decade of experience and the sales and marketing manager for Flying Flowers. And while a bouquet of cut roses may not last quite as long as a rose bush, it says “I love you” for as long as the flowers live—even longer if you dry them.

Why is a rose given on Valentine's Day?

The tradition of giving roses for Valentine's Day has several origin stories, and like the history of Cupid and Valentine's Day, it's rooted in Greek mythology. “Some stories say that the first red rose was created when the Greek goddess Aphrodite was scratched by a white rose's thorn, causing that rose to turn red,” says Sara Cleto, PhD, a folklorist and co-founder of the Carterhaugh School of Folklore and the Fantastic. “Others say that the first red rose grew on the ground where Adonis, Aphrodite's lover, died and the goddess's tears fell.”

As far as the history behind the tradition of Valentine's Day roses, an early figure sometimes connected to the association between roses and romance is Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, wife of a British ambassador to Turkey during the 1700s. “Lady Montagu wrote letters home enthusing over a version of Turkish 'flower language,' or the process of assigning certain symbolic meanings to certain flowers, but she seems to have misinterpreted this local custom, which had more to do with rhyming words than the significance of the flowers themselves,” Cleto says. “Still, the concept of 'flower languages' caught on, especially in 19th-century England, and over the course of that century, roses became ever more tightly linked to romantic love.”

But a huge reason giving roses for Valentine's Day has persisted as a tradition is “simply because roses are beautiful, fabulous-smelling flowers that happen to travel really well,” says Cleto. “Flowers are usually shipped over long distances, and roses are both gorgeous and hardy, so that's a huge part of why this practice has continued.”

What are the best roses for Valentine's Day?

Red roses are the best roses for Valentine's Day because the color is associated with passion and romantic love. “Part of this is probably because red dye used to be particularly expensive, difficult to obtain and sometimes synonymous with royalty,” Cleto explains. “All these factors made red feel especially desirable and luxurious.”

Everyone has their preferences as far as the variety, but according to Varley, Samourai roses are tops when it comes to Valentine's Day roses. “It is the perfect intense red that oozes luxury, and the large petals are velvety in texture and are complemented well by the surrounding dark green leaves,” she says. “The shape of the bloom is perfect for a romantic bouquet also, as the oval buds open to a large double bloom flower, which is full and impactful. One further advantage is that this particular rose is thornless, which is perfect for gift giving.”

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Why Are Roses So Popular for Valentine's Day?

From: Reader's Digest

Why do we give these tokens of love (or friendship) on Valentine's Day? There's more to the lore and logic than you think. 为什么我们要在情人节送这些爱情(或友情)的信物?这其中的传说和渊源比你想象的要多。


token /ˈtəʊ.kən/ 1)表示“标志;表示;象征”,英文解释为“something that you do, or a thing that you give someone, that expresses your feelings or intentions, although it might have little practical effect”举个🌰:

As a token of our gratitude for all that you have done, we would like you to accept this small gift. 为了表示我们对你们所做的一切的感谢,希望你们接受我们这份小小的礼物。

2)表示“(某些机器中用以代替纸币的)代币,专用辅币”,英文解释为“a round metal or plastic disc that is used instead of money in some machines”


表示“(祖辈流传下来的)知识,传说”,英文解释为“traditional knowledge and stories about a subject”举个🌰:

According to local lore, the water has healing properties. 根据当地的传说,这种水有治病的功效。

When it comes to gifts and tokens of affection, flowers are a classic choice. But of all the flowers given on holidays, none are as closely associated with Valentine's Day as the red rose. Even if you're not someone who pays attention to this mid-February holiday, it's hard to miss the sales displays filled with dozens of Valentine's Day roses situated front and center in supermarkets, drugstores and even gas station mini-marts. Of all the Valentine's Day gifts out there, none is as iconic as the rose.



表示“处于…的;位于...的”,英文解释为“in a particular situation; in a particular position”举个🌰:

The school is situated near the park. 该学校位于公园附近。


表示“偶像的;图符的;象征性的;非常出名的,受欢迎的”,英文解释为“An iconic image or thing is important or impressive because it seems to be a symbol of something.”举个🌰:

He gained iconic status following his death. 他死后成了偶像级人物。

Of course, Valentine's Day roses aren't strictly for expressing romantic love. Thanks to different rose color meanings, the classic beauties make great Valentine's Day gifts for friends and family members too. But before you hit the nearest florist for a rainbow's array of roses, find out how the tradition of giving roses for Valentine's Day started (a neat piece of trivia) and which roses are tops. And in the hubbub of the holiday, don't forget to stop and smell the roses while researching Valentine's Day ideas.



florist /ˈflɒr.ɪst/ 表示“花商;花店店员”,英文解释为“a person who works in a shop that sells cut flowers and plants for inside the house”


array /əˈreɪ/ 表示“(尤指非常有吸引力、令人赞赏并常以特定的方式排列的)一系列,一批,大量,大群”,英文解释为“a large group of things or people, especially one that is attractive or causes admiration or has been positioned in a particular way”举个🌰:

There was a splendid array of food on the table. 满桌子都是美味佳肴。


trivia /ˈtrɪv.i.ə/ 表示“琐事;细枝末节”,英文解释为“details or information that are not important”,也可以解释为“冷知识”(Trivia is unimportant facts or details that are considered to be amusing rather than serious or useful.)举个🌰:

She has an encyclopedic knowledge of sports trivia. 她对体育运动的细枝末节无所不知。


hubbub /ˈhʌb.ʌb/ 表示“(很多人同时说话时产生的)喧嚷,喧闹;纷乱,嘈杂”,英文解释为“a loud noise, especially caused by a lot of people all talking at the same time”举个🌰:

I could hardly hear myself speak above all the hubbub in the bar. 在喧嚷的酒吧间里,我几乎听不见自己的声音

How much do people spend on Valentine's Day roses? 人们在情人节的玫瑰上花了多少钱?

In 2022 alone, people spent $23.9 billion on Valentine's Day, according to the National Retail Federation. Of that, $2.3 billion went to Valentine's Day flowers—averaging out to nearly $17 per person. That number typically increases every year, so there's a decent chance the figure will be even higher in 2023. And grumble as they may about the cost of Valentine's Day roses (the price of roses skyrockets around the holiday), Americans are willing to pay the price for the flower that best signifies love.



表示“正派的;体面的,正经的;像样的,相当不错的”,英文解释为“socially acceptable or good”举个🌰:

Everyone should be entitled to a decent wage/standard of living. 人人都应该有权获得像样的工资/过上体面的生活。


grumble /ˈɡrʌm.bəl/ 可以作名词(相当于complaint),也可以作动词,表示“发牢骚,抱怨,嘟囔”,英文解释为“to complain about someone or something in an annoyed way”举个🌰:

She spent the evening grumbling to me about her job. 她一晚上都在向我抱怨她的工作。

📍mustn't grumble表示“没有什么好抱怨的,日子过得还不错”,英文解释为“something you say to mean that your life is not bad and that you should not complain about it”举个🌰:

"How's it going then, LR?" "Oh, not too bad. Mustn't grumble."“那么,一切还好吧,卤肉?”“哦,挺好,没有什么好抱怨的。”

🎬电影《老爸上战场》(Dad's Army)中的台词提到:But one mustn't grumble. 字幕组译为:差强人意啦。


And grumble as they may about the cost of Valentine's Day roses (the price of roses skyrockets around the holiday), Americans are willing to pay the price for the flower that best signifies love.


· Grumble as they may about the cost of Valentine's Day roses

· Americans are willing to pay the price for the flower that best signifies love.

在第一个部分中,“as”引导一个让步状语从句,意思是“尽管他们可能对情人节玫瑰的价格有怨言”,整个状语从句作为一个整体修饰了主句的动作“Grumble”,表达了虽然人们会抱怨,但是他们仍然会对玫瑰花支付高昂的价格的意思。在这个句子中,“Grumble as they may”动词原形放在句首倒装,这种结构可以用来表达某种矛盾或对立,从而增强整个句子的表达力。可还原为:As they may grumble about the cost of Valentine's Day roses, ...

第二个部分是一个简单的主句内嵌了定语从句,其中“Americans”是主语,“are willing to pay the price”是谓语,表示“愿意为...付出代价”。定语从句“that best signifies love”修饰了“the flower”,表示人们愿意为最能代表爱情的花支付高昂的价格。因此,整个句子的意思是“尽管人们可能对情人节玫瑰的价格有怨言,但他们愿意为最能象征爱情的鲜花买单”。



1)表示“表示;意味着”,英文解释为“If an event, a sign, or a symbol signifies something, it is a sign of that thing or represents that thing.”举个🌰:

These were not the only changes that signified the end of boyhood. 这些不是表示男孩时代已结束的唯一变化。

2)表示“(用符号或手势)表达”,英文解释为“If you signify something, you make a sign or gesture in order to communicate a particular meaning.”举个🌰:

Two jurors signified their dissent. 两个陪审员表达了他们的异议。

🎬电影《不死鸟》(Phoenix)中的台词提到:What do the circles signify? 圆圈是什么意思?

🎬电影《我,机器人》(I, Robot)中的台词提到:What does this action signify? 这个动作是什么意思?

“Plants are great for long-lasting tokens of love, and a simple red rose plant is ever popular,” says Sandra Varley, a florist with more than a decade of experience and the sales and marketing manager for Flying Flowers. And while a bouquet of cut roses may not last quite as long as a rose bush, it says “I love you” for as long as the flowers live—even longer if you dry them.

“植物是爱情的长久象征,简单的红玫瑰一直很受欢迎,”桑德拉·瓦利(Sandra Varley)说。她是一名有十多年经验的花店老板,也是Flying Flowers的销售和市场经理。虽然一束剪下来的玫瑰可能没有玫瑰丛那样持久,但只要鲜花还盛开,它就会一直表达着“我爱你”的心意——如果你把它们晒干,这份心意就会更长久。


bouquet /buˈkeɪ/ 表示“花束”,英文解释为“a group of flowers that have been fastened together and attractively arranged so that they can be given as a present or carried on formal occasions”如:a bouquet of flowers 一束花。

🎬日本电影《花束般的恋爱》英文译名就是:We Made a Beautiful Bouquet.

Why is a rose given on Valentine's Day? 为什么在情人节送玫瑰?

The tradition of giving roses for Valentine's Day has several origin stories, and like the history of Cupid and Valentine's Day, it's rooted in Greek mythology. “Some stories say that the first red rose was created when the Greek goddess Aphrodite was scratched by a white rose's thorn, causing that rose to turn red,” says Sara Cleto, PhD, a folklorist and co-founder of the Carterhaugh School of Folklore and the Fantastic. “Others say that the first red rose grew on the ground where Adonis, Aphrodite's lover, died and the goddess's tears fell.”

情人节送玫瑰的传统有几个起源故事,就像丘比特(Cupid)和情人节的历史一样,它根植于希腊神话。“有传说,第一朵红玫瑰是希腊女神阿佛洛狄忒(Aphrodite)被一朵白玫瑰的刺划伤后产生的,导致那朵玫瑰变成了红色,”民俗学家、the Carterhaugh School of Folklore and the Fantastic联合创始人萨拉·克莱托(Sara Cleto)博士说。“还有人说,第一朵红玫瑰是在阿佛洛狄忒的情人阿多尼斯(Adonis)死后,女神的眼泪落在地上时长出来的。”


mythology /mɪˈθɒlədʒɪ/ 表示“神话”,英文解释为“myths in general”举个🌰:

She's fascinated by the stories of classical mythology (= ancient Greek and Roman myths). 她被古典神话故事迷住了。


表示“抓;搔;擦;划”,英文解释为“to cut or damage a surface or your skin slightly with or on something sharp or rough”举个🌰:

Be careful not to scratch yourself on the roses. 当心不要被玫瑰刺扎伤。


thorn /θɔːn/ 表示“(植物茎上的)刺,荆棘”,英文解释为“a small, sharp pointed growth on the stem of a plant”

As far as the history behind the tradition of Valentine's Day roses, an early figure sometimes connected to the association between roses and romance is Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, wife of a British ambassador to Turkey during the 1700s. “Lady Montagu wrote letters home enthusing over a version of Turkish 'flower language,' or the process of assigning certain symbolic meanings to certain flowers, but she seems to have misinterpreted this local custom, which had more to do with rhyming words than the significance of the flowers themselves,” Cleto says. “Still, the concept of 'flower languages' caught on, especially in 19th-century England, and over the course of that century, roses became ever more tightly linked to romantic love.”

至于情人节玫瑰传统背后的历史,一位早期人物可能与玫瑰和浪漫之间的联系有关,那就是18世纪英国驻土耳其大使的妻子玛丽·沃特利·蒙塔古夫人(Lady Mary Wortley Montagu)。“蒙塔古夫人写信回家时,对土耳其的一种‘花语’说法大加赞赏,但她似乎误解了这种当地习俗,这种习俗更多是与押韵词有关,而不是花本身的意义,”克莱托说。“尽管如此,‘花语’的概念还是流行起来了,尤其是在19世纪的英国,在那个世纪里,玫瑰花与浪漫爱情的联系越来越紧密。”


ambassador /æmˈbæs.ə.dər/ 表示“大使”,英文解释为“an important official who works in a foreign country representing his or her own country there, and who is officially accepted in this position by that country”


enthuse /ɪnˈθjuːz/ 1)表示“津津乐地道讲述;兴奋地说”,英文解释为“to express excitement about something or great interest in it”举个🌰:

He was enthusing over a wonderful restaurant he'd been to. 他正津津乐地道说着他曾住过一家多么好的饭馆。

2)表示“使充满热情;使热心;使感兴趣”,英文解释为“to get other people to share your excitement and interest in a particular subject”举个🌰:

He was passionately interested in classical music but failed to enthuse his children (with it). 他酷爱古典音乐,但却没能让他的孩子也(对此)产生兴趣。


表示“使用象征的;作为象征的;象征性的”,英文解释为“containing symbols, or being used as a symbol”举个🌰:

The dove is symbolic of peace. 鸽子是和平的象征。


表示“误解;误释”,英文解释为“to form an understanding that is not correct of something that is said or done”举个🌰:

My speech has been misinterpreted by the press. 我的讲话被新闻界曲解了。


rhyme /raɪm/ 作动词,表示“押韵;成韵;和…同韵”,英文解释为“Words that rhyme have the same last sound”作名词,表示“押韵词;同韵词”,英文解释为“a word that has the same last sound as another word”

catch on

表示“受欢迎;流行起来;变得时髦”,英文解释为“If something catches on, it becomes popular.”举个🌰:

The idea has been around for ages without catching on. 这个观点由来已久,但一直未风行。

🎬电影《龙之心3:巫师的诅咒》(Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse)中的台词提到:Let's hope that tradition doesn't catch on amongst humans. 希望龙类的传统别出现在人的身上。

But a huge reason giving roses for Valentine's Day has persisted as a tradition is “simply because roses are beautiful, fabulous-smelling flowers that happen to travel really well,” says Cleto. “Flowers are usually shipped over long distances, and roses are both gorgeous and hardy, so that's a huge part of why this practice has continued.”



1) 表示“继续存在(发生)”,英文解释为“If something bad persists, it continues to exist or happen举个🌰:
If the pain persists, you must see a doctor. 如果一直痛,你就必须去看医生了。

2) 表示“坚持;执意”,英文解释为“to continue to do something, although this is difficult, or other people oppose it”举个🌰:
‘I don't think it's right,’ He persisted. “我认为那不对。”他坚持说道。


fabulous /ˈfæbjʊləs/ 表示“极好的;绝妙的”,英文解释为“If you describe something as fabulous, you are emphasizing that you like it a lot or think that it is very good.”如:a fabulous performance 精彩的表演。

📍替换good/great/amazing的形容词,如:incredible, astonishing, charming, fabulous, fantastic, gorgeous, magnificent, marvelous, miraculous, phenomenal, prodigious, remarkable, spectacular, stupendous, superb, unbelievable, wondrous 欢迎补充。


gorgeous /ˈɡɔːr.dʒəs/ 表示“极其漂亮的,美丽动人的;令人愉快的”,英文解释为“very beautiful or pleasant”举个🌰:

The bride looked gorgeous. 新娘看上去美极了。


hardy /ˈhɑː.di/ 1)表示“强壮的;能吃苦耐劳的”,英文解释为“strong enough to bear extreme conditions or difficult situations”;

2)表示“(植物)耐寒的”,英文解释为“Hardy plants can live through the winter without protection from the weather.”如:a hardy perennial 耐寒的多年生植物。

What are the best roses for Valentine's Day? 最适合情人节的玫瑰花是什么?

Red roses are the best roses for Valentine's Day because the color is associated with passion and romantic love. “Part of this is probably because red dye used to be particularly expensive, difficult to obtain and sometimes synonymous with royalty,” Cleto explains. “All these factors made red feel especially desirable and luxurious.”



dye /daɪ/ 表示“染料”,英文解释为“a substance used to change the colour of something”举个🌰:

She dipped the material into the dye. 她把布料浸在染料中。


synonymous /sɪˈnɒnɪməs/,表示“同义的,近义的”,英文解释为“having the same meaning”,be synonymous with可以表示“等同于…的”(so closely connected with sth that the two things appear to be the same)举个🌰:
Wealth is not necessarily synonymous with happiness.

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述当今的汽车产业的文章中提到:Long synonymous with hubris and the inept allocation of capital, it needs to look to the future. 长久以来它已经成了傲慢和资本不当配置的代名词。现在,它需要放眼未来。

Everyone has their preferences as far as the variety, but according to Varley, Samourai roses are tops when it comes to Valentine's Day roses. “It is the perfect intense red that oozes luxury, and the large petals are velvety in texture and are complemented well by the surrounding dark green leaves,” she says. “The shape of the bloom is perfect for a romantic bouquet also, as the oval buds open to a large double bloom flower, which is full and impactful. One further advantage is that this particular rose is thornless, which is perfect for gift giving.”



ooze /uːz/ 1)表示“渗出;冒出;分泌出”,英文解释为“to flow slowly out of something through a small opening, or to slowly produce a thick sticky liquid”举个🌰:

Blood was still oozing out of the wound. 伤口还在往外渗血。

2)表示“洋溢着,充满(特质、气质等)”,英文解释为“if sb/sth oozes a particular characteristic, quality, etc., they show it strongly”举个🌰:

He oozes (= has a lot of) charm/confidence. 他魅力/信心十足。


petal /ˈpet.əl/ 表示“花瓣”,英文解释为“any of the usually brightly coloured parts that together form most of a flower”如:rose petals 玫瑰花瓣。


velvet /ˈvelvɪt/表示“丝绒;平绒;天鹅绒”,英文解释为“a cloth usually made from silk or cotton with a thick, soft surface”。


texture 1)表示“(摸上去的)质地,质感,纹理”,英文解释为“The texture of something is the way that it feels when you touch it, for example how smooth or rough it is.如:the soft texture of velvet 天鹅绒柔软的质地。

2)表示“(文章或音乐的)特色,韵味,格调”,英文解释为“the character of a piece of writing or music”举个🌰:

The writing has a rich texture. 这篇作品韵味无穷。


表示“补充;补足;使完善;为…增色”,英文解释为“to make something else seem better or more attractive when combining with it”举个🌰:Strawberries and cream complement each other perfectly.



compliment可以作动词,也可以作名词,表示“赞美;称赞;钦佩”,英文解释为“to tell sb that you like or admire sth they have done, their appearance, etc.举个🌰:

She complimented him on his excellent German. 她夸奖他德语棒极了。


bud /bʌd/ 表示“芽;花蕾”,英文解释为“a small part of a plant, that develops into a flower or leaf”

- 今日盘点 -

token、lore、situated、iconic、florist、array、trivia、hubbub、decent、grumble、signify、bouquet、mythology、scratch、thorn、ambassador、enthuse、symbolic、misinterpret、rhyme、catch on、persist、fabulous、gorgeous、hardy、dye、synonymous、ooze、petal、velvet、texture、complement、bud

- Generated By ChatGPT -

Once upon a time, in a city situated near a lush forest, there was a legendary florist known for her iconic bouquets. Her lore was that each bouquet carried symbolic meaning, and every petal was carefully chosen to complement the texture of the velvet ribbon. The florist's array of flowers was the envy of all, and even ambassadors from other cities came to catch on to her techniques.

One day, a hubbub arose when a misinterpretation of a mythological token caused a commotion. The myth claimed that if a scratch from a thorn caused a drop of blood to ooze, it signified good luck. A patron grumbled, saying he'd caught on that this was just trivial, but the florist remained persistent, insisting that the myth was fabulous.

In the end, the patron left with a bouquet of gorgeous, hardy flowers dyed a deep shade of red, hoping it would signify his luck. He enthused that the florist was truly a master of her craft, and the rhyming couplets she recited to explain the meaning behind each bouquet only added to their allure.
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