

LearnAndRecord 2023-05-16






2. make your mouth water是什么意思?

3. grill是什么意思?


Barbeque or Barbecue: Which Is Correct?

From: Reader's Digest

Oct. 27, 2022

Being *grilled* over the way you spell this word? Find out if there's a correct way to spell the word for this tasty cooking style.

It's become an American pastime, a staple of summer holidays and restaurants around the country. It can be a verb, a noun, or even an adjective. There are probably way more surprising foods you can grill than you thought. It might make your mouth water just thinking about it. And yet…are you spelling it right?

“Barbecue” and “barbeque,” only one letter off, are used interchangeably to describe a type of cooking and the food that is cooked that way. And, of course, the longer words are often abbreviated just to “BBQ.” Is any of those spellings more right—or wrong—than others? And which came first, “barbeque” or “barbecue”?

“Barbecue” or “barbeque”: The origins

The first word to describe this familiar food preparation process, and the one that the modern versions come from, is the Spanish “barbacoa.” This word dates back to the mid- to late 1600s, when Spanish colonists used it to describe the cooking style of the Taíno people, indigenous to South America and the Caribbean. It described their method of cooking meat over a fire. And the word “barbacoa” is still used today to describe a method of slow-cooking food over a fire, usually Mexican food.

So it certainly would seem like “barbecue” is the correct form, since it originated from the word “barbacoa,” with a C and not a Q. But…the popular abbreviation is “BBQ,” so why does the word itself have a Q?!

Which is correct, “barbeque” or “barbecue”?

Well, there's no simple answer. Spellings evolved, as spellings do, and in the early days of America, there were a few different spellings, including ones you won't see today: “barbacue,” “borbecue,” and more variations. According to Southern Living, George Washington himself spelled it “barbicue.” But “barbecue” and “barbeque” eventually surfaced as the most popular spellings (with the former more prevalent).

While “barbecue” comes from Spanish, the “barbeque” spelling reportedly came to be thanks to the French phrase barbe à queue, which means “whiskers to tail” and describes the process of roasting an entire pig. (“BBQ” is the abbreviation because the word is pronounced “bahr-bi-kyoo,” not because “barbeque” is the actual spelling.)

As for which is correct, “barbeque” or “barbecue”? Well, it depends on who you ask. Dictionary.com and Merriam-Webster both list “barbecue” as the standard spelling, but both sites also list “barbeque” as a variant. (Merriam-Webster calls it “less common.”) Dictionary.com even lists “bar-b-que” as an option as well. So, no, whichever you prefer to use, you're not incorrect, and they have the same meaning.

Turn to the BBQ authorities, though, and you'll get a more complicated response. “Barbeque” or “barbecue” is, in fact, one of the spelling rules no one can agree on. The North Carolina Barbecue Society spells it with a C, but South Carolina's calls it “barbeque,” as does the Kansas City Barbeque Society. And, needless to say, the barbecue (que?) societies are likely to be considerably more passionate about the “correct” spelling than the linguists. It's similar to the debate between “PEE-can” and “puh-KAHN.”

What about BBQ?

So if all of those versions of the word are acceptable, does that mean “BBQ” is wrong? No. “BBQ” is just the abbreviation for the word, developed from the sounds of the word. It's not wrong, but it's also not a full word; it's a shortened version of one, similar to how “lbs” is an abbreviation for “pounds.” (Though how those letters became the abbreviation for “pounds” is a story all its own.) So you're probably best off sticking to one of the full words in your more formal barbecue-related writing.

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Barbeque or Barbecue: Which Is Correct?

From: Reader's Digest

Oct. 27, 2022

Being *grilled* over the way you spell this word? Find out if there's a correct way to spell the word for this tasty cooking style.



表示“(在火焰或是烧热的煤上)烧烤的(食物)”,英文解释为“(of food) cooked over fire or hot coals, usually on a metal frame”如:grilled shrimp 烤虾。

grill /ɡrɪl/ 作动词,1)表示“(将食物置于烤箱中温度极高的炙烤架下)烧烤,烤制”,英文解释为“to cook something under a very hot surface in a cooker”举个🌰:

I'll grill the bacon rather than fry it. 我会炙烤培根,而不是油煎。

2)表示“盘问,审问”,英文解释为“to ask someone a lot of questions for a long time”举个🌰:

Her parents would grill her about where she'd been. 她父母会盘问她到哪儿去了。

It's become an American pastime, a staple of summer holidays and restaurants around the country. It can be a verb, a noun, or even an adjective. There are probably way more surprising foods you can grill than you thought. It might make your mouth water just thinking about it. And yet…are you spelling it right?



表示“消遣,娱乐”,英文解释为“something that you do because you think it is enjoyable or interesting”举个🌰:

Learning English was my favourite pastime. 学英语是我最喜爱的消遣方式。


staple表示“基本食物;主食;主要产品;某物的主要部分”(a basic type of food that is used a lot;a main product or part of something),如:a table-top staple 可以理解为饭桌上必备的食物,举个🌰:

Aid workers helped distribute corn, milk and other staples. 救助人员协助分发谷物、牛奶及其他必需的食物。


verb /vɜːb/ 表示“动词”,英文解释为“a word or phrase that describes an action, condition, or experience”举个🌰:

The words "learn" and "record" are both verbs. learn和record都是动词。


noun /naʊn/ 表示“名词”,英文解释为“a word that refers to a person, place, thing, event, substance, or quality”


adjective /ˈædʒ.ek.tɪv/ 表示“形容词”,英文解释为“a word that describes a noun or pronoun”


way作副词,常与介词或副词连用(used with a preposition or an adverb),表示“很远;大量;过度,大幅(尤其用于强调时间或空间中的程度或距离)”,英文解释为“used to emphasize degree or separation, especially in space or time;very far; by a large amount”举个🌰:

She finished the race way ahead of the other runners. 她遥遥领先于其他选手跑到终点。

He spends way too much money on clothes. 他花太多的钱买衣服。

Barbecue” and “barbeque,” only one letter off, are used interchangeably to describe a type of cooking and the food that is cooked that way. And, of course, the longer words are often abbreviated just to “BBQ.” Is any of those spellings more right—or wrong—than others? And which came first, “barbeque” or “barbecue”?



interchangeably /ˌɪn.təˈtʃeɪn.dʒə.bli/ 表示“可互换地,可交替地”,英文解释为“in a way that can be exchanged without making any difference or without being noticed”举个🌰:

The fuels can be mixed or used interchangeably 这些燃料可以混合使用或者交替使用。


abbreviate /əˈbriːvɪˌeɪt/ | 表示“缩略,缩写;简称”,英文解释为“to make a word or phrase shorter by using only the first letters of each word”举个🌰:

"LearnAndRecord" is often abbreviated to "LR". LearnAndRecord常简称为LR。

“Barbecue” or “barbeque”: The origins 起源

The first word to describe this familiar food preparation process, and the one that the modern versions come from, is the Spanish “barbacoa.” This word dates back to the mid- to late 1600s, when Spanish colonists used it to describe the cooking style of the Taíno people, indigenous to South America and the Caribbean. It described their method of cooking meat over a fire. And the word “barbacoa” is still used today to describe a method of slow-cooking food over a fire, usually Mexican food.



colonist /ˈkɒl.ə.nist/ 表示“殖民地居民;殖民地移民;殖民地开拓者”,英文解释为“someone who lives in or goes to live in a country or area that is a colony”


indigenous /ɪnˈdɪdʒɪnəs/ 表示“土生土长的,本地的”,英文解释为“indigenous people or things have always been in the place where they are, rather than being brought there from somewhere else”。

🎬电影《阿凡达》(Avatar)中的台词提到:We have an indigenous population of humanoids called the Na'vi. 这里有一种长得像人的土著 我们称其为“纳威”。


Caribbean /ˌkær.ɪˈbiː.ən/ 表示“加勒比海地区的;加勒比海地区人的”,英文解释为“belonging to or relating to Caribbean islands and countries, or their people”如:Caribbean food 加勒比海食物。

So it certainly would seem like “barbecue” is the correct form, since it originated from the word “barbacoa,” with a C and not a Q. But…the popular abbreviation is “BBQ,” so why does the word itself have a Q?!



表示“起源,发源,发端;产生”,英文解释为“to come from a particular place, time, situation, etc.”举个🌰:

Although the technology originated in the UK, it has been developed in the US. 尽管这项技术起源于英国,但它在美国得到了发展。

Which is correct, “barbeque” or “barbecue”? 哪一个才是正确的?

Well, there's no simple answer. Spellings evolved, as spellings do, and in the early days of America, there were a few different spellings, including ones you won't see today: “barbacue,” “borbecue,” and more variations. According to Southern Living, George Washington himself spelled it “barbicue.” But “barbecue” and “barbeque” eventually surfaced as the most popular spellings (with the former more prevalent).

嗯,没有标准答案。拼写方式随着时间的推移而不断演变,在美国早期,有几种不同的拼法,包括如今看不到的拼法:“barbacue”、“borbecue”等变体。据《南方生活》(Southern Living)报道,乔治·华盛顿(George Washington)本人把它拼写为“barbicue”。但是“barbecue”和“barbeque”最终成为最流行的拼写(前者更普遍)。


表示“(使)逐渐形成,逐步发展,逐渐演变,进化”,英文解释为“to develop gradually, especially from a simple to a more complicated form; to develop sth in this way”举个🌰:

The company has evolved into a major chemical manufacturer. 这家公司已逐步发展成一个主要的化工厂。


表示“变种,变体;变化了的东西”,英文解释为“something that is slightly different from the usual form or arrangement”举个🌰:
There are wide variations in the way pensioners have benefited from the system. 养老金领取者从这个体制中受益的情况有很大差别。


表示“显露,表露,浮现,公开”,英文解释为“If a feeling or information surfaces, it becomes known.”举个🌰:

Doubts are beginning to surface about whether the right decision has been made. 人们开始对这个决定是否正确表示质疑。


表示“盛行的;普遍存在的”,英文解释为“A condition, practice, or belief that is prevalent is common.”举个🌰:

This condition is more prevalent in women than in men. 这种情况在女性中比在男性中更为普遍。

🎬电影《感谢你抽烟》(Thank you for smoking)中的台词提到:The health issue's way too prevalent. 健康问题太普遍了。


📍pervasive表示“到处存在的,到处弥漫着的,遍布的”,英文解释为“Something, especially something bad, that is pervasive is present or felt throughout a place or thing.”如:the pervasive influence of mobile phones in daily life 手机在日常生活中无处不在的影响。

While “barbecue” comes from Spanish, the “barbeque” spelling reportedly came to be thanks to the French phrase barbe à queue, which means “whiskers to tail” and describes the process of roasting an entire pig. (“BBQ” is the abbreviation because the word is pronounced “bahr-bi-kyoo,” not because “barbeque” is the actual spelling.)

虽然“barbecue”一词来自西班牙语,但据说,“barbeque”的拼写源于法语短语“barbe à queue”,意思是“从胡须到尾巴”,描述的是烤制整只猪的过程。(“BBQ”是缩写,因为这个词的发音是“bahr-bi-kyoo”,而不是因为“barbeque”是实际拼写。)


1)表示“短语”,英文解释为“a group of words that is part of, rather than the whole of, a sentence”。

2)表示“说法;用语;警句”,英文解释为“a short group of words that are often used together and have a particular meaning”


whisker /ˈwɪs.kər/ 表示“(猫、鼠等动物的)须”,英文解释为“any of the long, stiff hairs growing on the face of a cat, mouse, or other mammal”举个🌰:

He watched the cat cleaning the milk off her whiskers. 他看着猫把胡须上的牛奶弄干净。


表示“烘;烤;焙”,英文解释为“to cook food in an oven or over a fire”举个🌰:

Just roast the chicken in the oven and baste it in oil and lemon. 直接把鸡放在烤箱里烤,烤时涂上油和柠檬汁。

As for which is correct, “barbeque” or “barbecue”? Well, it depends on who you ask. Dictionary.com and Merriam-Webster both list “barbecue” as the standard spelling, but both sites also list “barbeque” as a variant. (Merriam-Webster calls it “less common.”) Dictionary.com even lists “bar-b-que” as an option as well. So, no, whichever you prefer to use, you're not incorrect, and they have the same meaning.


Turn to the BBQ authorities, though, and you'll get a more complicated response. “Barbeque” or “barbecue” is, in fact, one of the spelling rules no one can agree on. The North Carolina Barbecue Society spells it with a C, but South Carolina's calls it “barbeque,” as does the Kansas City Barbeque Society. And, needless to say, the barbecue (que?) societies are likely to be considerably more passionate about the “correct” spelling than the linguists. It's similar to the debate between “PEE-can” and “puh-KAHN.”

不过,查阅BBQ官方机构,你可能会得到一个更复杂的答案。事实上,“barbeque”或者“barbecue”是未能达成一致的拼写规则之一。北卡罗来纳烧烤协会(North Carolina Barbecue Society)的拼写用“barbecue”,但南卡罗来纳烧烤协会(South Carolina Barbeque Association)则用“barbeque”,堪萨斯城烧烤协会(Kansas City Barbeque Society)也是用这个词。当然,相比于语言学家,烤肉协会的人很可能对“正确”的拼写方式更加感兴趣。这就像是“PEE-can”和“puh-KAHN”之争一样。


authority /ɔːˈθɒr.ə.ti/ 表示“权威人士;专家;泰斗”,英文解释为“an expert on a subject”,或者表示“官方机构;当局;官方;当权者”,英文解释为“a group of people with official responsibility for a particular area of activity”如:the health authority 卫生当局。举个🌰:

She's a world authority on 19th-century Irish history. 她是19世纪爱尔兰历史方面的国际权威。


passionate /ˈpæʃ.ən.ət/ 表示“情绪激昂的,热情的”,英文解释为“having very strong feelings or emotions”如:a passionate speech 热情洋溢的演讲。


表示“语言学家,语言学者;通晓数国语言的人”,英文解释为“someone who studies foreign languages or can speak them very well, or someone who teaches or studies linguistics”。

What about BBQ? 那么BBQ呢?

So if all of those versions of the word are acceptable, does that mean “BBQ” is wrong? No. “BBQ” is just the abbreviation for the word, developed from the sounds of the word. It's not wrong, but it's also not a full word; it's a shortened version of one, similar to how “lbs” is an abbreviation for “pounds.” (Though how those letters became the abbreviation for “pounds” is a story all its own.) So you're probably best off sticking to one of the full words in your more formal barbecue-related writing.



pound /paʊnd/ 表示“磅(重量单位)”,英文解释为“a unit for measuring weight”举个🌰:

One pound is approximately equal to 454 grams. 1磅约等于454克。


One kilogram is roughly the same as 2.2 lbs. 1千克大约相当于2.2磅。

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- Generated By ChatGPT -

As a passionate linguist, Jane loved to study the origins of words. She discovered that "barbecue" originated from the Caribbean word "barbacoa", meaning "to grill slowly". This pastime evolved into a staple way of cooking for colonists and indigenous people interchangeably. Variations of this method spread throughout the world, with different regions adapting their own styles of roast. Nowadays, barbecue is prevalent at outdoor gatherings where meat is whisked onto the surface of hot coals. The lbs abbreviation on packaging became an authority for measuring weight, and the phrase "low and slow" became an adjective commonly associated with this mouth-watering cuisine. As she stroked her cat's whiskers, Jane realized how language can evolve just as easily as cuisine.
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