

LearnAndRecord 2023-05-13






1. According to the article, what is one way to give a sincere compliment?

A. Link your compliment to something you genuinely feel.

B. Use hyperbole or gratuitous praise.

C. Keep your compliments superficial.

D. Avoid using adjectives.

2. According to the article, why is it important to avoid hyperbole or gratuitous praise when giving a compliment?

A. It can make the compliment seem insincere.

B. It can make the recipient uncomfortable.

C. It can lead to misunderstandings.

D. It can damage relationships.

3. What is one piece of advice given in the article for complimenting a stranger?

A. Start by making eye contact and smiling.

B. Avoid using adjectives.

C. Keep your compliment vague and general.

D. Use hyperbole to make a greater impact.


How to Give Sincere Compliments

From: Oprah Daily

Jun 29, 2019

A kind, genuine, thoughtful compliment is like a form of magic—it has the power to turn someone’s day around in an instant and make them feel proud, happy, and appreciated. And while there's nothing wrong with telling someone you like their shirt (as long as, you know, you actually do—we’re not talking about Mean Girls Regina George-style "Oh my God I love your bracelet, where did you get it?!" compliments), giving a compliment is really an opportunity to go deeper and strengthen your bond with the person.

"Compliments can be a useful tool to nurture and enhance relationships," says psychotherapist Lindsay Liben, LCSW. "Ultimately it contributes to deeper, more intimate connection."

And beyond the benefits to relationships, doling out compliments can immediately make you as the giver happier as well. Liben points to research showing that giving gratitude-based compliments, in particular, correlates with greater levels of optimism, satisfaction and happiness. As relationship expert and coach Rachel DeAlto puts it, "Compliments create positive energy! And like gifts, giving them can benefit the giver as well as the recipient."

Here's how to build a sincere, thoughtful compliment, that will strengthen your relationships, boost happiness and gratitude, and definitely bring a smile to someone's face.

Link your compliment to something you genuinely feel.

To give a compliment that really resonates, Liben suggests a three-step process, which starts by identifying an action or quality that you truly respect or appreciate. "The compliment should be authentic," she says, and connected to values that you personally hold dear or that you know are important to that person.

Then, think about why you appreciate that quality.

The next step is to figure out the reason this quality resonates so strongly with you. So to put the first two steps together, for example, if you're thinking about complimenting a friend about her vacation-planning skills leading up to your girls trip, consider why you appreciate the related actions—did she make the trip fun and stress-free for everyone else, for example? Then, connect the first two steps to deliver the compliment, being as specific as possible. So in the case of the getaway, it might be something like, "You're so fantastic at picking incredible places to eat! I so appreciate that you're in control."

Be authentic and specific, not hyperbolic.

Liben also recommends keeping in mind the "KISS" method for giving compliments: That is, "Keep It Sincere and Specific."

"Hyperbole or gratuitous praise can cheapen the gesture, making it feel empty and disingenuous. An honest compliment, even if it's a small one, carries more weight," she explains.

So, for example, telling your friend that the party she threw was "Literally the best night ever," might come off as less meaningful than something along the lines of, "I love how you had icebreaker games ready to go so we could all get to know each other as soon as we got there! Hosting seems to come so naturally to you and I really appreciate you always introducing me to new people."

Done right, even seemingly superficial compliments can make someone's day.

"Never underestimate the power of a 'your blouse is beautiful' or 'your haircut is fantastic,' to brighten someone's day," says DeAlto. "Yet we can always dig deeper and find an attribute, personality trait or accomplishment to compliment as well."

...but use adjectives.

Liben agrees that "Skin-deep compliments may sometimes feel shallow, but in the right context, they can be empowering and appreciated." She recommends making a simple compliment resonate even more by actually connecting it to a more emotional thought, like instead of saying, "I love your dress!" adding something like, "Your sunny yellow dress is beautiful and seeing it brightened my morning!"

Compliment your favorite traits in your romantic partner.

The formula of specific trait plus emotional connection works for complimenting romantic partners on a deeper level as well, and can even help your relationship. "Identifying and celebrating what you adore about your partner can improve your relationship by increasing mindfulness," says Liben, adding that as a bonus, "the effects of complimenting a romantic partner can also contribute to greater conflict resolution and better communication."

Use compliments as a tool in the workplace.

Regularly complimenting your co-workers or employees can actually boost their performance: Liben points to a link between expressing well-deserved performance-related recognition and improving professional output. To do this as effectively as possible, "the compliment should be genuine and deserved," she says, as well as performance-specific.

"Use context clues to help you formulate an appropriate sentiment. For example, after a coworker gives a powerful presentation, compliment her delivery rather than her outfit," she says.

Don’t be afraid to compliment a stranger!

Whether it's a person on the train or a musician whose performance rocked the house, well-founded (read: not creepy!) compliments are generally appreciated. But for people who are shy, it can be easier said than done. ("What if she thinks I’m weird?" or some version of that may be running through your head.)

"Start by taking the emotional thermometer of the situation by making eye contact with the receiver," advises Liben. "Then proceed with a smile. Be direct and speak in an audible volume that conveys confidence."

Besides likely bringing a smile to the other person's face, Liben adds that "If complimenting a stranger is outside your comfort zone, it can be a real dopamine rush."

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How to Give Sincere Compliments

From: Oprah Daily

Jun 29, 2019

A kind, genuine, thoughtful compliment is like a form of magic—it has the power to turn someone's day around in an instant and make them feel proud, happy, and appreciated. And while there's nothing wrong with telling someone you like their shirt (as long as, you know, you actually do—we're not talking about Mean Girls Regina George-style "Oh my God I love your bracelet, where did you get it?!" compliments), giving a compliment is really an opportunity to go deeper and strengthen your bond with the person.

一句友善、真挚、体贴的赞美就像一种魔法,能瞬间改变别人的心情,让他们感到自豪、快乐和感激。虽然告诉别人你喜欢他们的衬衫没有错(只要你真的喜欢就行——我们不是在说《贱女孩》(Mean Girls)里吉娜·乔治式的“哦,天哪,我喜欢你的手镯,你在哪里买的?!”之类的赞美),但赞美别人确实是一个更深入地加强你与对方联系的机会。


genuine /ˈdʒen.ju.ɪn/ 1)表示“真正的;非伪造的;名副其实的”,英文解释为“If something is genuine, it is real and exactly what it appears to be.”举个🌰:If it is a genuine Michelangelo drawing, it will sell for millions. 如果这幅画是米开朗琪罗的真迹,它的售价将会达数百万。

2)表示“真诚的;诚实的;真心的”,英文解释为“If people or emotions are genuine, they are honest and sincere.”举个🌰:She looked at me with genuine surprise - "Are you really going?" she said. 她真的很惊讶,看着我问道:“你果真要走吗?”


可以作动词,也可以作名词,表示“赞美;称赞;钦佩;致敬;致意”,英文解释为“to tell sb that you like or admire sth they have done, their appearance, etc.”举个🌰:She complimented him on his excellent German. 她夸奖他德语棒极了。

turn sth around

表示“使(企业、计划或体系)好转,使扭转,使有起色”,英文解释为“to change an unsuccessful business, plan, or system so that it becomes successful”举个🌰:The new management team turned the ailing company around in under six months. 新的管理团队使这个不景气的公司在不到半年的时间里焕发了生机。

📍Turn someone's day around是一个习语,意思是改变某人的情绪或态度,使其从负面情绪中恢复过来并感到更加积极和愉快。


bracelet /ˈbreɪ.slət/ 表示“手镯;臂镯;手链”,英文解释为“a piece of jewellery that is worn around the wrist or arm”如:a gold/silver/diamond bracelet 金/银/钻石手镯。

"Compliments can be a useful tool to nurture and enhance relationships," says psychotherapist Lindsay Liben, LCSW. "Ultimately it contributes to deeper, more intimate connection."

“赞美别人是培养和加强人际关系的有用工具,”执业临床社工(Licensed Clinical Social Worker, LCSW)、心理治疗师林赛·利本(Lindsay Liben)说。“最终,有助于建立更深入、更亲密的联系。”


表示“促进;扶助;培养”,英文解释为“to help a plan or a person to develop and be successful”举个🌰:As a record company executive, his job is to nurture young talent. 作为唱片公司主管,他的职责是培养有才华的年轻人。


enhance /ɪnˈhɑːns/ 表示“提高;增加;增强;增进”,英文解释为“to improve the quality, amount, or strength of something”举个🌰:These scandals will not enhance the organization's reputation. 这些丑闻可不会提高这个组织的声誉。


psychotherapist /ˌsaɪ.kəˈθer.ə.pɪst/ 表示“心理治疗医师”,英文解释为“someone who gives people psychotherapy”举个🌰:He sees a psychotherapist twice a week. 他每周接受两次心理治疗。


表示“亲密的;有性关系的;宜于密切关系的”,英文解释为“having, or being likely to cause, a very close friendship or personal or sexual relationship”如:intimate relationships 亲密关系,举个🌰:The restaurant has a very intimate atmosphere. 这家餐厅的氛围很怡人。

And beyond the benefits to relationships, doling out compliments can immediately make you as the giver happier as well. Liben points to research showing that giving gratitude-based compliments, in particular, correlates with greater levels of optimism, satisfaction and happiness. As relationship expert and coach Rachel DeAlto puts it, "Compliments create positive energy! And like gifts, giving them can benefit the giver as well as the recipient."

除了对人际关系的好处之外,赞美别人也能让你更快乐。利本指出,研究表明,基于感激之情的赞美,与更乐观、更满足和更幸福尤为相关。正如人际关系专家兼教练雷切尔·迪亚托(Rachel DeAlto)所说:“赞美别人能带来正能量!就像送礼物一样,送礼物对送礼者和接受者都有好处。”

dole sth out

dole /dəʊl/ sth out 表示“发放,发给(食物、钱等);分发(钱等),施舍”,英文解释为“to give something, usually money, to several people”


表示“相互关系;联系;相关”,英文解释为“If two or more facts, numbers, etc. correlate or are correlated, there is a relationship between them.”举个🌰:Stress levels and heart disease are strongly correlated (= connected). 压力程度和心脏病密切相关。


📍optimism /ˈɒp.tɪ.mɪ.zəm/ 表示“乐观;乐观主义”,英文解释为“the quality of being full of hope and emphasizing the good parts of a situation, or a belief that something good will happen”

📍pessimism /ˈpes.ɪ.mɪ.zəm/ 表示“悲观情绪;悲观主义”,英文解释为“emphasizing or thinking of the bad part of a situation rather than the good part, or the feeling that bad things are more likely to happen than good things”


表示“接受者;领受者;承受者”,英文解释为“a person who receives something”举个🌰:He was a recipient of the Civilian Service Award. 他被授予平民服务奖章。

Here's how to build a sincere, thoughtful compliment, that will strengthen your relationships, boost happiness and gratitude, and definitely bring a smile to someone's face.



可以作名词也可以作动词,表示“改善;提高;增强;推动”,英文解释为“to improve or increase something”举个🌰:The theatre managed to boost its audiences by cutting ticket prices. 剧院设法通过降低票价来增加观众数量。

📍“佩洛西有病还是先治病吧”文中提到be boosted,get boosted用来指打了加强针(疫苗),也有说booster shot/booster dose.

Link your compliment to something you genuinely feel.


To give a compliment that really resonates, Liben suggests a three-step process, which starts by identifying an action or quality that you truly respect or appreciate. "The compliment should be authentic," she says, and connected to values that you personally hold dear or that you know are important to that person.



表示“使产生联想;引起共鸣”,英文解释为“If an experience or memory resonates, it makes you think of another similar one.”举个🌰:Her experiences resonate powerfully with me, living, as I do, in a similar family situation. 她的家庭生活环境和我相似,所以她的经历在我心中引起强烈共鸣。


表示“可靠的;真实的;真的;真正的”,英文解释为“An authentic piece of information or account of something is reliable and accurate.”举个🌰:I had obtained the authentic details about the birth of the organization. 我已经弄到了有关该组织成立的可靠的详细资料。

Then, think about why you appreciate that quality.


The next step is to figure out the reason this quality resonates so strongly with you. So to put the first two steps together, for example, if you're thinking about complimenting a friend about her vacation-planning skills leading up to your girls trip, consider why you appreciate the related actions—did she make the trip fun and stress-free for everyone else, for example? Then, connect the first two steps to deliver the compliment, being as specific as possible. So in the case of the getaway, it might be something like, "You're so fantastic at picking incredible places to eat! I so appreciate that you're in control."



表示“短假;假日休闲地;适合度假的地方”,英文解释为“a short holiday/vacation; a place that is suitable for a holiday/vacation”如:a romantic weekend getaway in Hangzhou 在杭州度过的浪漫周末。

Be authentic and specific, not hyperbolic.


Liben also recommends keeping in mind the "KISS" method for giving compliments: That is, "Keep It Sincere and Specific."

利本还建议牢记表达赞美的方法“KISS”:也就是说,“保持真诚和具体(Keep It Sincere and Specific)。”


hyperbolic /ˌhaɪ.pəˈbɒl.ɪk/ 表示“(说或写)夸张的”,英文解释为“relating to a way of speaking or writing that makes someone or something sound bigger, better, more, etc., than they are”如:hyperbolic rhetoric 夸张的言辞。

"Hyperbole or gratuitous praise can cheapen the gesture, making it feel empty and disingenuous. An honest compliment, even if it's a small one, carries more weight," she explains.



gratuitous /ɡrəˈtʃuː.ɪ.təs/ 表示“(不良行为等)不必要的,无谓的,无理由的”,英文解释为“(of something such as bad behaviour) not necessary, or with no cause”举个🌰:A lot of viewers complained that there was too much gratuitous sex and violence in the film. 很多观众抱怨说影片中有太多无谓的色情和暴力镜头。


disingenuous /ˌdɪs.ɪnˈdʒen.ju.əs/ 表示“(人或其行为)不够诚实的,不够坦白的”,英文解释为“(of a person or their behaviour) slightly dishonest, or not speaking the complete truth”举个🌰:It was disingenuous of her to claim she had no financial interest in the case. 她声称自己在这个案子中没有任何经济利益,这有些心口不一。

So, for example, telling your friend that the party she threw was "Literally the best night ever," might come off as less meaningful than something along the lines of, "I love how you had icebreaker games ready to go so we could all get to know each other as soon as we got there! Hosting seems to come so naturally to you and I really appreciate you always introducing me to new people."



1)表示“确实地;名副其实地”,英文解释为“using the real or original meaning of a word or phrase”举个🌰:They were responsible for literally millions of deaths. 他们的确对数百万人的死负有责任。

2)表示“逐字(翻译)地”,英文解释为“If you translate literally, you translate each word in a text separately, without looking at how the words are used together in a phrase or sentence.”举个🌰:Translations that are done too literally often don't flow well or don't sound natural. 太拘泥于字面意思的翻译往往会不太流畅或不太自然。

3)表示“(用于强调所说的话)确实,真正地”,英文解释为“used to emphasize what you are saying”举个🌰:He missed that kick literally by miles. 他那一脚踢丢得确实相差好几英里远。

4)表示“只是,仅仅,就”,英文解释为“simply or just”举个🌰:Then you literally cut the sausage down the middle. 那么你就从香肠的中间切开吧。

come off

表示“取得预期的效果;成功”,英文解释为“to happen as planned, or to succeed”举个🌰:There was some sort of property deal that didn't come off. 有笔房地产交易没有做成。I tried telling a few jokes but they didn't come off (= no one laughed). 我试着讲了几个笑话,但没有奏效。

📍come off better/worse/badly/well 表示“(尤指同其他的相比)表现得更好(或更糟,不好,不错等)”,英文解释为“to finish in a particular condition after a fight, argument, etc., especially compared to someone else”举个🌰:I always come off worse when we argue. 我们争吵时我总是落下风。


熟词僻义,1)表示“做法,方法;看法,立场”,英文解释为“a way of dealing with or thinking about something or someone”举个🌰:The courts should take a tougher line with (= punish more severely) sex offenders. 法庭应对性犯罪者实施更加严厉的惩罚。

2)表示“(电影或话剧演员的)词,台词”,英文解释为“the words that an actor speaks when performing in a film, play, etc.”举个🌰:I only had two lines in the whole play. 在整出戏中我只有两句台词。

3)表示“(为达到逗乐、劝说或欺骗目的而说的)话语,词句,言语”,英文解释为“a remark that is intended to entertain, persuade, or deceive”如:a speech full of memorable lines 令人难忘的讲话。

Done right, even seemingly superficial compliments can make someone's day.


"Never underestimate the power of a 'your blouse is beautiful' or 'your haircut is fantastic,' to brighten someone's day," says DeAlto. "Yet we can always dig deeper and find an attribute, personality trait or accomplishment to compliment as well."



superficial /ˌsuː.pəˈfɪʃ.əl/ 1)表示“表面的,浅显的,肤浅的”,英文解释为“not complete and involving only the most obvious things”举个🌰:I thought that article was written at a very superficial level. 我认为那篇文章写得很肤浅。

2)表示“(人)浅薄的,肤浅的”,英文解释为“(of a person) never thinking about things that are serious or important”

make sb's day

make someone's day是一个常用的短语,相当于make someone happy,意思是为某个人做一些善良或体贴的事情,让他们心情愉悦或者快乐起来。这可以包括任何小小的善举,比如夸赞某人、送上有心的礼物、帮助完成一个意外的请求,或者仅仅是倾听和支持他们。这个表达的含义在于,通过花时间为别人做好事,你能够积极地影响他们的一天,并提高他们整体的幸福感。


blouse /blaʊz/ 表示“女式衬衫,罩衫”,英文解释为“a shirt for a woman or girl”如:a white silk blouse 女式白色丝绸衬衫。


表示“特性,特质,属性”,英文解释为“a quality or feature, especially one that is considered to be good or useful”举个🌰:What attributes should a good manager possess? 一名优秀的经理应该具备哪些素质?

...but use adjectives.


Liben agrees that "Skin-deep compliments may sometimes feel shallow, but in the right context, they can be empowering and appreciated." She recommends making a simple compliment resonate even more by actually connecting it to a more emotional thought, like instead of saying, "I love your dress!" adding something like, "Your sunny yellow dress is beautiful and seeing it brightened my morning!"



skin-deep /ˌskɪnˈdiːp/ 表示“肤浅的,表面的”,英文解释为“not carefully considered or strongly felt”举个🌰:After the first half-hour she realized that her new-found confidence was no more than skin-deep. 仅半个小时后,她就意识到自己新建立起的信心不过是表面上的。


empowering /ɪmˈpaʊə.rɪŋ/ 表示“使有自主感的;使感到有自立能力的;增强自信的”,英文解释为“Something that is empowering makes you more confident and makes you feel that you are in control of your life.”举个🌰:For me, learning to drive was an empowering experience. 对我来说,学习驾驶是一次让自己更自主自立的经历。

Compliment your favorite traits in your romantic partner.


The formula of specific trait plus emotional connection works for complimenting romantic partners on a deeper level as well, and can even help your relationship. "Identifying and celebrating what you adore about your partner can improve your relationship by increasing mindfulness," says Liben, adding that as a bonus, "the effects of complimenting a romantic partner can also contribute to greater conflict resolution and better communication."



表示“特征,特性,品质”,英文解释为“a particular characteristic that can produce a particular type of behaviour”举个🌰:His sense of humour is one of his better traits. 具有幽默感是他更讨人喜欢的特点之一。


bonus /ˈbəʊ.nəs/ 表示“奖金;红利;津贴”,英文解释为“an extra amount of money that is given to you as a present or reward for good work as well as the money you were expecting”如:a productivity bonus 生产效益奖金。

也可以表示“意外收获;另外的优点;额外的好处”,英文解释为“a pleasant extra thing”举个🌰:I love the job, and it's an added bonus that it's so close to home. 我喜欢这份工作,它还有个优点是离家很近。

Use compliments as a tool in the workplace.


Regularly complimenting your co-workers or employees can actually boost their performance: Liben points to a link between expressing well-deserved performance-related recognition and improving professional output. To do this as effectively as possible, "the compliment should be genuine and deserved," she says, as well as performance-specific.



deserved /dɪˈzɜːvd/ 表示“应得的;当之无愧的”,英文解释为“used to refer to something that you earn or are given because of your behaviour or qualities”如:a well-deserved rest 应得的休息。

"Use context clues to help you formulate an appropriate sentiment. For example, after a coworker gives a powerful presentation, compliment her delivery rather than her outfit," she says.



formulate /ˈfɔː.mjə.leɪt/ 表示“制订;规划;构想”,英文解释为“to develop all the details of a plan for doing something”如:to formulate a new plan 制订一个新计划。


表示“观点;意见;看法;情绪”,英文解释为“a thought, opinion, or idea based on a feeling about a situation, or a way of thinking about something”举个🌰:I don't think she shares my sentiments. 我认为她不同意我的观点。

Don’t be afraid to compliment a stranger!


Whether it's a person on the train or a musician whose performance rocked the house, well-founded (read: not creepy!) compliments are generally appreciated. But for people who are shy, it can be easier said than done. ("What if she thinks I’m weird?" or some version of that may be running through your head.)



表示“有事实根据的;理由充分的”,英文解释为“based on facts”


表示“怪异的,令人毛骨悚然的;让人起鸡皮疙瘩的”,英文解释为“strange or unnatural and making you feel frightened”如:a creepy film 令人毛骨悚然的电影。


表示“奇异的;不寻常的;怪诞的”,英文解释为“very strange or unusual and difficult to explain”,如:a weird dream 离奇的梦。

📺美剧《疑犯追踪》(Person of Interest)第三季中的台词提到:Just when I think life with you people couldn't get any weirder, one of you takes it to the next level. 每次我以为跟你们混的日子已经怪得登峰造极时,你们总有人能再创新高。

"Start by taking the emotional thermometer of the situation by making eye contact with the receiver," advises Liben. "Then proceed with a smile. Be direct and speak in an audible volume that conveys confidence."



thermometer /θəˈmɒm.ɪ.tər/ 表示“温度计;体温计”,英文解释为“a device used for measuring temperature, especially of the air or in a person's body”


volume /ˈvɒl.juːm/ 1)表示“总数;总量;总额”,英文解释为“the number or amount of something in general”举个🌰:It's the sheer volume of traffic in the city that is causing the problems. 造成这些问题的就是城里的交通流量。

2)表示“容积;体积;容量”,英文解释为“the amount of space that is contained within an object or solid shape”举个🌰:Which of these bottles do you think has the greater volume? 你认为这些瓶子中哪个容积最大?

3)表示“卷;册”,英文解释为“one in a set of related books”也可以表示“书”,英文解释为“a book”如:如:a volume of poetry 一本诗集,举个🌰: She took a slim volume down from the shelf. 她从书架上取下一本很薄的书。

4)表示“音量;音量调节钮”,英文解释为“the level of sound produced by a television, radio, etc., or the switch or other device controlling this”举个🌰:Could you turn the volume down, please, I'm trying to sleep. 你能把音量调低些吗?我要睡觉。


1)表示“运送,运输”,英文解释为“to take or carry someone or something to a particular place”举个🌰:The goods are usually conveyed by rail. 这种货物通常通过铁路运输。

2)表示“表达,传达(思想、感情或想法)”,英文解释为“to express a thought, feeling, or idea so that it is understood by other people”举个🌰:Please convey our condolences to the family. 请向家人转达我们的哀思。

Besides likely bringing a smile to the other person's face, Liben adds that "If complimenting a stranger is outside your comfort zone, it can be a real dopamine rush."



dopamine /ˈdəʊpəmiːn/表示“多巴胺(神经细胞产生的一种作用于其他细胞的化学物质)”,英文解释为“a chemical produced by nerve cells which has an effect on other cells”。

- 今日要点 -


  1. Link compliment to genuine appreciation

  2. Identify why you appreciate that quality/action

  3. Connect first two steps and be specific


  • Strengthen relationships

  • Boost happiness/gratitude

  • Benefit giver & recipient


  • Avoid hyperbole/gratuitous praise

  • Keep it sincere & specific


  • Compliment romantic partner's favorite traits

  • Use compliments as tool in workplace

  • Don’t be afraid to compliment stranger

- 词汇盘点 -

genuine、compliment、turn sth around、bracelet、nurture、enhance、psychotherapist、intimate、dole sth out、correlate、optimism、recipient、boost、resonate、authentic、getaway、hyperbolic、gratuitous、disingenuous、literally、come off、line、superficial、make sb's day、blouse、attribute、skin-deep、empowering、trait、bonus、deserved、formulate、sentiment、well-founded、creepy、weird、thermometer、volume、convey、dopamine

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

The recipient of the genuine compliment was taken aback. It had been a long time since someone had taken the time to nurture her confidence. The psychotherapist had helped turn things around for her, enhancing her optimism and empowering her to attribute her successes to her own traits. She decided to dole out kindness and positivity wherever she went, knowing it could boost someone's day. As she walked down the street, a stranger stopped her to comment on her beautiful bracelet. It may have seemed like a superficial compliment, but it resonated with her and made her day. She couldn't help but feel a surge of dopamine as she continued on her empowering journey.
- 推荐阅读 -
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