

LearnAndRecord 2023-10-13




1. What is the main objective of the research conducted by the London School of Economics?

A. To promote the iPhone application Mappiness

B. To establish Tuesday as the most miserable day of the week

C. To determine the impacts of environment on individual and national wellbeing

D. To locate the happiest and unhappiest places in the country

2. Which of the following statements would the researchers most likely agree with?

A. Mondays are the happiest days of the week.

B. The mood of individuals is influenced by the day of the week.

C. People are always unhappy on Tuesdays.

D. Mappiness is the most reliable application for tracking moods.


Mondays less miserable than Tuesdays, research finds

From: The Telegraph

10 October 2010

Conventional wisdom has been turned on its head by researchers at the London School of Economics, who have been monitoring the moodswings of 22,000 people.

Over a two-month period volunteers have been registering their state of mind with the help of an iPhone application called Mappiness,

The results have shown that Tuesday is when most people are at their lowest ebb.

“It seems plausible that on Monday the weekend has not quite worn off,” said George MacKerron, of LSE's Department of Geography and Environment, who is running the project.

“By Tuesday they are well into the working week and the following weekend is not yet in sight.”

The information has been gathered by sending an alert to volunteers' iPhones twice a day.

They are asked how they feel, who they are with, whether they are at home and what they are doing.

Their exact position is logged at the same time by satellite – using the same technology as employed in car navigation systems.

This also enabled researchers to discover the happiest – and indeed unhappiest – places in the country.

Thus far Bournemouth is the happiest place in the country, with 82 per cent of respondents seeming pretty content.

Life is rather less cheerful in the City of London, Eastbourne and Slough, where the Office comedy series was set.

Much could be learned from the research, Mr MacKerron added.

“By tracking across space as well as time, and by making novel use of a technology that millions of people already carry with them, we hope to find better answers to questions about the impacts of natural beauty, environmental problems – maybe even aspects of climate – on individual and national wellbeing.”

Forget manic Monday, terrible Tuesday is really the most depressing day of the week

From: Daily Mail

12 October 2010

If you woke up this morning thinking the toughest day of the week had been and gone, you were wrong.

Mondays may have long been thought of as miserable, but we're more likely to feel down in the dumps on a Tuesday.

According to researchers from the London School of Economics, our moods are at their brightest on Saturday, with the weekend feelgood factor continuing into Sunday. 

But while levels of contentment drop when the working week begins on Monday, it is on Tuesday that we reach our lowest ebb.

Academics used an iPhone application called Mappiness to log the moods of 22,000 participants over two months.

'It seems plausible that on Monday the weekend has not quite worn off,' said George MacKerron, from LSE's Department of Geography and Environment.

The data was collated by sending alerts to volunteers' mobile phones twice a day.

The messages asked how they felt, who they were with, where they were and what they were doing.

Using satellite navigation systems, their exact locations were also logged – allowing the scientists to pinpoint the happiest parts of the country.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the highest levels of contentment were found in seaside towns, with Bournemouth and Dorset coming top.

But things were less cheerful for those in the City of London, Eastbourne and Slough – the setting for Ricky Gervais's comedy series The Office.

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Mondays less miserable than Tuesdays, research finds

From: The Telegraph

10 October 2010

Conventional wisdom has been turned on its head by researchers at the London School of Economics, who have been monitoring the moodswings of 22,000 people.

伦敦经济学院(London School of Economics)的研究人员对22000名参与者的情绪波动进行了监测,研究结果颠覆了传统观念。


表示“传统的;常规的;普通的”,英文解释为“traditional and ordinary”如:conventional behaviour/attitudes/clothes 传统行为/态度/服装。


表示“监视;检查;跟踪调查”,英文解释为“to watch and check sth over a period of time in order to see how it develops, so that you can make any necessary changes”举个🌰:Each student's progress is closely monitored. 每一位同学的学习情况都受到密切的关注。


moodswing 指的是情绪变化剧烈或频繁的状态。它由 "mood"(情绪)和 "swing"(摆动)两个词组成,意味着情绪像摆动一样在不同的情绪状态之间来回变化。

Over a two-month period volunteers have been registering their state of mind with the help of an iPhone application called Mappiness,



1)熟词僻义,表示“显示(读数);记录”,英文解释为“if a measuring instrument registers an amount or sth registers an amount on a measuring instrument, the instrument shows or records that amount”举个🌰:The thermometer registered 25°C. 温度计显示读数为25摄氏度。

2)我们常见的含义是“(尤指把姓名)登记,注册”,英文解释为“to put information, especially your name, into an official list or record”举个🌰:I registered the car in my name. 我把车登记在我的名下。

📍政府工作报告中经常会出现这个词,比如2020政府工作报告中提到的:先进制造业、现代服务业较快增长。Advanced manufacturing and modern services registered rapid growth.

以及2018年报告中提到的:国内生产总值从54万亿元增加到82.7万亿元,年均增长7.1%, China's gross domestic product (GDP) has risen from 54 trillion to 82.7 trillion yuan, registering average annual growth of 7.1 percent;

都有“显示;指示;表达”的含义(to record, show, or express something)。

The results have shown that Tuesday is when most people are at their lowest ebb.



ebb /ɛb/ 1)表示“衰退;逐渐减少;衰竭”,英文解释为“If someone's life, support, or feeling ebbs, it becomes weaker and gradually disappears.”举个🌰:Were there occasions when enthusiasm ebbed? 热情会有衰退的时候吗?

2)另一个含义表示“落潮,退潮”,英文解释为“When the sea or tide ebbs, it moves away from the coast and falls to a lower level.”

📍ebb作名词时,表示“落潮,退潮”,英文解释为“the tide when it is moving away from the coast”举个🌰:We'll sail on the ebb. 我们将在退潮时启航。

有个短语叫ebb and flow意思是“起伏,涨落”(the way in which the level of something regularly becomes higher or lower in a situation)举个🌰:You have to accept the ebb and flow of love in a relationship. 你得承受恋爱过程中爱情的起起伏伏。

🎬电影《无法无天》(Lawless)中的台词提到:There's an ebb and flow to this kind of work. 这种工作总是起起落落。

“It seems plausible that on Monday the weekend has not quite worn off,” said George MacKerron, of LSE's Department of Geography and Environment, who is running the project.

负责该项目的伦敦政治经济学院地理与环境系的乔治·麦克格伦(George MacKerron)说:“周末的闲暇氛围到了周一似乎还没有完全消散,这似乎是有道理的。”


plausible /ˈplɔː.zə.bəl/ 1)表示“貌似真实(或可信)的”,英文解释为“seeming likely to be true, or able to be believed”如:a plausible explanation/excuse 貌似有理的解释/借口。

2)表示“花言巧语的,巧舌如簧的”,英文解释为“A plausible person appears to be honest and telling the truth, even if they are not.”如:a plausible salesman 能说会道的推销员。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇针对《没有工作的世界》的书评文章中提到:This gloomy view of the impact of technology is plausible. 这种对技术影响的悲观论调似乎言之有理。

wear off

表示“逐渐消失;消逝”,英文解释为“If a feeling or the effect of something wears off, it gradually disappears.”举个🌰:Most patients find that the numbness from the injection wears off after about an hour. 大多数病人发现注射产生的麻木感在一个小时左右以后会逐渐消失。

“By Tuesday they are well into the working week and the following weekend is not yet in sight.”


The information has been gathered by sending an alert to volunteers' iPhones twice a day.


They are asked how they feel, who they are with, whether they are at home and what they are doing.


Their exact position is logged at the same time by satellite – using the same technology as employed in car navigation systems.



1)表示“行驶,行进(若干距离或时间)”,英文解释为“to travel a particular distance or for a particular length of time”举个🌰:The pilot has logged 1000 hours in the air. 这位飞行员有1000 小时的飞行记录。

2)表示“正式记录,记载”,英文解释为“to officially record something”举个🌰:The Better Business Bureau has logged more than 100 complaints. 商务改进局已经记录下了100多条投诉。


satellite /ˈsæt.əl.aɪt/ 表示“卫星;人造卫星”,英文解释为“a natural object moving around a larger object in space”举个🌰:The moon is Earth's satellite. 月球是地球的卫星。

This also enabled researchers to discover the happiest – and indeed unhappiest – places in the country.


Thus far Bournemouth is the happiest place in the country, with 82 per cent of respondents seeming pretty content.



表示“回答者;答复者;应答者”,英文解释为“a person who answers a request for information”举个🌰:In a recent opinion poll, a majority of respondents were against nuclear weapons. 在最近的一次民意调查中,大多数调查对象表示反对发展核武器。


content /kənˈtent/ 表示“满意的;满足的;知足的”,英文解释为“pleased with your situation and not hoping for change or improvement”举个🌰:He seems fairly content with (his) life. 他好像对生活相当满足。

Life is rather less cheerful in the City of London, Eastbourne and Slough, where the Office comedy series was set.

而伦敦金融城、伊斯特本(Eastbourne)和斯劳(Slough, 喜剧《办公室》的取景地),人们的生活就显得相对黯淡无光。

Much could be learned from the research, Mr MacKerron added.


“By tracking across space as well as time, and by making novel use of a technology that millions of people already carry with them, we hope to find better answers to questions about the impacts of natural beauty, environmental problems – maybe even aspects of climate – on individual and national wellbeing.”


Forget manic Monday, terrible Tuesday is really the most depressing day of the week

From: Daily Mail

12 October 2010

If you woke up this morning thinking the toughest day of the week had been and gone, you were wrong.



表示“十分兴奋的;躁狂的;焦躁不安的;狂热的;忙乱的”,英文解释为“very excited or anxious (= worried and nervous) in a way that causes you to be very physically active”举个🌰:He's kind of manic - I wish he'd calm down. 他有些焦躁不安——我希望他能平静下来。

Mondays may have long been thought of as miserable, but we're more likely to feel down in the dumps on a Tuesday.


(down) in the dumps

表示“情绪低落,不高兴”,英文解释为“unhappy”举个🌰:She's a bit down in the dumps because she failed one of her exams. 因为一门考试没有及格,她有点情绪低落。

According to researchers from the London School of Economics, our moods are at their brightest on Saturday, with the weekend feelgood factor continuing into Sunday.


But while levels of contentment drop when the working week begins on Monday, it is on Tuesday that we reach our lowest ebb.


Academics used an iPhone application called Mappiness to log the moods of 22,000 participants over two months.


'It seems plausible that on Monday the weekend has not quite worn off,' said George MacKerron, from LSE's Department of Geography and Environment.

“周末的闲暇氛围到了周一似乎还没有完全消散,这似乎是有道理的,”伦敦政治经济学院地理与环境系的乔治·麦克格伦(George MacKerron)说。

The data was collated by sending alerts to volunteers' mobile phones twice a day.



collate /kəˈleɪt/ 1)表示“对照,核对,校勘”,英文解释为“to bring together different pieces of written information so that the similarities and differences can be seen”如:to collate data/information 核对数据/信息。

2)表示“检点,整理(印张);整理(报告、书等)”,英文解释为“to collect and arrange the sheets of a report, book, etc., in the correct order”举个🌰:The photocopier will collate the documents for you. 复印机会为你整理文件顺序。

The messages asked how they felt, who they were with, where they were and what they were doing.


Using satellite navigation systems, their exact locations were also logged – allowing the scientists to pinpoint the happiest parts of the country.



表示“查明,准确地说出,描述(事实真相)”,英文解释为“to discover or explain exactly the real facts about something or the cause of a problem”举个🌰:It’s difficult to pinpoint the cause of the accident. 事故原因很难查明。

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the highest levels of contentment were found in seaside towns, with Bournemouth and Dorset coming top.


But things were less cheerful for those in the City of London, Eastbourne and Slough – the setting for Ricky Gervais's comedy series The Office.


- 今日要点 -

  • Conducted by: London School of Economics

  • Method: iPhone application 'Mappiness'

  • Key Findings

    • Tuesday: Day with lowest mood

    • Happiest and Unhappiest Locations

  • Purpose: Understand factors affecting wellbeing

- 词汇盘点 -

conventional、 monitor、 moodswing、 register、 ebb、 plausible、 wear off、 log、 satellite、 respondent、 content、 manic、 (down) in the dumps、 collate、 pinpoint

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

In a conventional satellite station, a monitor was used to log and collate the respondent's mood swings. Their manic high spirits would eventually ebb, replaced by feeling down in the dumps. This pattern was registered and analyzed. It was plausible that the euphoria from the awe-inspiring view of earth could wear off, pinpointing the contentment's fleeting nature.
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