

LearnAndRecord 2023-10-13



1. How did the Titan Submersible's accident unfold?

A. The submersible imploded shortly after its voyage began.

B. The submersible lost contact with a research vessel almost two hours into the dive.

C. The submersible was destroyed immediately upon touching the Titanic wreckage.

D. The submersible was damaged by debris from the Titanic wreckage.

2. What is the significance of the "banging noises underwater" detected by Canadian aircraft?

A. They led the rescuers to the location of the debris from the Titan.

B. They were a distress signal sent by the passengers on the Titan.

C. They confirmed the exact time of the Titan's implosion.

D. They had no proven connection with the debris from the Titan.


What Happened to the Titanic Submersible?

From: The Wall Street Journal

The five people inside a submersible that went missing Sunday are believed to be dead, according to the U.S. Coast Guard and the company that operated the vessel. 

The craft, called Titan and operated by OceanGate Expeditions, dived in an area about 900 miles off Massachusetts’ Cape Cod on an expedition to visit the wreck of the Titanic. Titan lost contact with a research vessel on the surface about one hour and 45 minutes into the dive, kicking off a desperate, dayslong search for the submersible and its passengers. 

The Coast Guard said Thursday it found debris consistent with “the catastrophic loss” of the submersible’s pressure chamber approximately 1,600 feet from the bow of the Titanic. 

What’s the latest update on the search? 

The search uncovered five major pieces of debris that told investigators they had found the Titan’s remains, including a nose cone and the front-end bell of the pressure hull, officials said at a news briefing Thursday.  

The debris was found on the ocean floor in a smooth area without any debris from the Titanic shipwreck, said Carl Hartsfield of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, which was helping with the search.

“The debris is consistent with the catastrophic loss of the pressure chamber,” said Coast Guard Rear Adm. John Mauger, who has been leading the search. Experts previously said death would have been instantaneous in those circumstances.

Asked about the prospect of finding the passengers’ bodies, Mauger said the operation took place in “an incredibly unforgiving environment.” 

“We’ll continue to work and to search the area but I don’t have an answer for prospects,” he said.

Teams and equipment from around the world converged in a remote part of the North Atlantic to help with the search. They combed an area at least twice the size of Connecticut for the 22-foot-long Titan. 

Rescuers had focused on an area where Canadian aircraft detected banging noises underwater, officials said Wednesday. Officials said Thursday there didn’t appear to be any connection between the noises and where debris from the vessel was found. 

What is the timeline of events?

Officials are still piecing together a timeline to determine when the submersible imploded, Mauger said. 

A top secret military acoustic detection system designed to spot enemy submarines first heard what the U.S. Navy suspected was the Titan implosion hours after the submersible began its voyage Sunday, according to officials involved in the search.

Who were the passengers on the Titan submersible?

Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood was on the craft with his 19-year-old son, Suleman, according to a statement from the family’s company. The Dawoods, one of Pakistan’s richest families, are owners of a conglomerate called Engro that produces everything from electricity to fertilizer to milk.

British aviator and explorer Hamish Harding was also on board, according to his company Action Aviation, which specializes in services including aircraft brokerage, management and financing. Harding had undertaken a series of record-breaking challenges that led him to the depths of the ocean and around the world. He also went to space on a Blue Origin flight last year.

Another passenger, Paul-Henry Nargeolet, was considered a leading authority on the Titanic wreck, according to the website of Experiential Media Group. The Georgia-based company lists Nargeolet as its director of underwater research. 

Nargeolet spent 22 years in the French Navy, rising to the rank of commander. He completed more than three dozen dives to the site of the wreckage. 

OceanGate’s founder and chief executive, Stockton Rush, was also aboard the submersible, according to a spokesman for the company.

What is OceanGate Expeditions?

Rush founded OceanGate in 2009, saying in a speech last year that he wanted to expand deep-sea exploration. 

The Washington-based firm owns three submersibles, including the Titan, that have completed more than 200 deep-sea dives, according to the company’s website. OceanGate completed two trips to the Titanic wreck in 2021 and 2022.

This year’s expedition was slated to last 10 days, with eight days at sea. Stefan Williams, a professor of marine robotics at the University of Sydney, said it takes about two hours to travel from the surface of the ocean to the wreckage in the submersible. 

OceanGate, a privately owned company, lists six board members, including Rush, on its website. The other members include an astronaut and a financial executive.

Tourists can pay $250,000 to join an expedition to see the Titanic.

What documents did passengers sign?

Past travelers on the Titan said they signed a waiver before boarding that mentioned the risk of death at least three times.

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What Happened to the Titanic Submersible?

From: The Wall Street Journal

The five people inside a submersible that went missing Sunday are believed to be dead, according to the U.S. Coast Guard and the company that operated the vessel



submersible /səbˈmɜː.sə.bəl/ 表示“(尤指无人的)潜水器,深潜器”,英文解释为“a type of ship that can travel underwater, especially one that operates without people being in it”

词源和词根:来自拉丁语的"submergere",意为"下沉","sub-"意为"在下","-mergere"意为"沉没"。派生词:submersion, submerge


vessel /ˈvɛsəl/ 1)表示“(盛液体的)容器,器皿”,英文解释为“a container used for holding liquids, such as a bowl, cup, etc.”如:a Bronze Age drinking vessel 青铜器时代的饮具。

2)表示“船,舰”,英文解释为“a large boat or a ship”如:a cargo / fishing / naval / patrol / sailing / supply vessel 货船 / 渔船 / 海军舰艇 / 巡逻艇 / 帆船 / 补给船。


The craft, called Titan and operated by OceanGate Expeditions, dived in an area about 900 miles off Massachusetts’ Cape Cod on an expedition to visit the wreck of the Titanic. Titan lost contact with a research vessel on the surface about one hour and 45 minutes into the dive, kicking off a desperate, dayslong search for the submersible and its passengers. 

泰坦号由OceanGate Expeditions运营,当时该潜水器在距马萨诸塞州科德角约900英里的海域下潜,计划进行泰坦尼克号(Titanic)残骸的探险活动。泰坦号在下潜约1小时45分钟后与海面上的一艘科考船失联,人们随即对该潜水器及其乘客展开持续数天的全力搜寻。


结合我们常见的aircraft/spacecraft/hovercraft等词可以猜到,此处craft表示“船,艇;飞行器,航空器”,英文解释为“a vehicle for travelling on water or through the air”,如:naval craft 军舰,civilian craft 民用船,cpatrol craft 巡逻艇,rescue craft 救生艇。

📍补充:hovercraft 气垫船,military aircraft 军用飞机,a manned/unmanned spacecraft 载人/无人的宇宙飞船。

📍此外,craft作名词还可以指“工艺,手艺;技术”,英文解释为“skill and experience, especially in relation to making objects; a job or activity that needs skill and experience, or something produced using skill and experience”,如:the craft of furniture making/sewing 家具制作/缝纫工艺 political/literary craft 政治手腕/文学手法,rural/ancient/traditional crafts 乡村的/古老的/传统的手艺,craft workers (= skilled workers) 熟练工人,工匠。

📍当然,craft也可以作为动词表示“精制,(手工)制作”,举个🌰:Each doll is crafted individually by specialists. 每个布娃娃都由专业人员手工制作。

🎬电影《外星人保罗》(Paul)中的台词提到:Hey, imagine if we got buzzed by a craft. 想象一下如果一艘飞船从我们头上掠过。


dive /daɪv/ 1)表示“(尤指头和手臂先入水的)跳水;下潜”,英文解释为“to jump into water, especially with your head and arms going in first, or to move down under the water”举个🌰:Look at those children diving for oysters over there! 看那边那些潜水摸牡蛎的孩子们!

2)表示“(通常指携带呼吸设备的)潜水”,英文解释为“to swim underwater, usually with breathing equipment”

📍dive in/dive into sth. 表示“贸然投入到…之中,介入;一心投入,钻研”,英文解释为“to start doing something suddenly and energetically, often without stopping to think”举个🌰:When I start a new project, I like to dive right in and see how it works. 开始一个新项目时,我喜欢立刻全心投入,看看情况会怎样。


wreck /rek/ 作动词,表示“破坏;损坏;毁坏;毁灭;毁掉”,英文解释为“wrecksth to damage or destroy sth”举个🌰:The building had been wrecked by the explosion. 那座楼房被炸毁了。The weather wrecked all our plans. 天气把我们的计划全都毁了。

作名词,表示“严重损毁的交通工具;沉船”,英文解释为“a vehicle or ship that has been destroyed or badly damaged”举个🌰:Divers exploring the wreck managed to salvage some coins and jewellery. 探寻沉船的潜水员们设法打捞到了一些硬币和珠宝。

kick off

kick off动词短语,表示“(足球比赛)开球,开始”,英文解释为“If a game of football kicks off, it starts.”当然,也可以指活动,事件的开始,举个🌰:What time does the game kick off? 比赛什么时候开始?

🎬电影《又一年》(Another Year)中的台词提到:- Shall I kick off? - You take the honour.-可以让我开球吗 -当然可以。

📍kick-off 名词,表示“(足球比赛的)开球,开赛,中线开球”,英文解释为“the time when a game of football starts, or when it begins again after it has stopped because of a goal, etc.”

The Coast Guard said Thursday it found debris consistent with “the catastrophic loss” of the submersible’s pressure chamber approximately 1,600 feet from the bow of the Titanic. 



表示“碎片,残片;残渣;垃圾;废弃物”,英文解释为“pieces of material that are not wanted and rubbish/garbage that are left somewhere”举个🌰:Clear away leaves and other garden debris from the pond. 把池塘里的树叶和其他庭园垃圾清除干净。


catastrophic /ˌkætəˈstrɒfɪk/ 1)表示“灾难性的”,英文解释为“Something that is catastrophic involves or causes a sudden terrible disaster.”举个🌰:The water shortage is potentially catastrophic. 水资源的匮乏很可能是灾难性的。

2)表示“极糟的;失败的”,英文解释为“If you describe something as catastrophic, you mean that it is very bad or unsuccessful.”


chamber /ˈtʃeɪm.bər/ 1)表示“(用于特定用途或官方用途的)房间,室,厅;会议厅”,英文解释为“a hall in a public building that is used for formal meetings”,如:the Senate/House chamber 参议院/众议院会议厅,举个🌰:The members left the council chamber. 议员离开了会议厅。

2)表示“(机器、植物或动物的)腔,膛,室”,英文解释为“a closed space in a machine, plant, or body”举个🌰:The human heart has four chambers. 人的心脏有4个心室。

3)表示“(议会的)议院”,英文解释为“one of the parts of a parliament”,如:the Lower / Upper Chamber (= in Britain, the House of Commons/House of Lords) 下 / 上议院(英国为the House of Commons / House of Lords)。


bow /baʊ/ 作动词,表示“(使)鞠躬;(使)欠身;点头致意”,英文解释为“to bend your head or body forward, especially as a way of showing someone respect or expressing thanks to people who have watched you perform”举个🌰:They bowed to the Queen. 他们向女王鞠躬。

作名词,1bow /baʊ/ 表示“船头,舰首”,英文解释为“the front part of a ship”

2)bow /bəʊ/ 表示“蝴蝶结;环状装饰结”,英文解释为“a knot with two curved parts and two loose ends, used as a decoration or to tie shoes”举个🌰:I tied the ribbon around the present in a pretty bow. 我用丝带在包裹上打了一个漂亮的蝴蝶结。

词源和词根:对于船或船只前端的“Bow”,它来自于古英语的"bog", 意为“弯曲的东西”。对于屈服或弯腰的“Bow”,则源自古英语的"bugan",意为"屈服"。 派生词:bowman, elbow

What’s the latest update on the search? 泰坦号搜寻工作有哪些最新进展?

The search uncovered five major pieces of debris that told investigators they had found the Titan’s remains, including a nose cone and the front-end bell of the pressure hull, officials said at a news briefing Thursday.  


nose cone

nose cone /ˈnəʊz ˌkəʊn/ 表示“(航天器、飞机或导弹的)锥头”,英文解释为“the front part of a spacecraft, aircraft, or missile (= flying weapon)”


hull /hʌl/ 表示“船体,船身”,英文解释为“the body or frame of a ship, most of which goes under the water”

The debris was found on the ocean floor in a smooth area without any debris from the Titanic shipwreck, said Carl Hartsfield of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, which was helping with the search.

协助搜寻工作的伍兹霍尔海洋研究所(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)的Carl Hartsfield说,这些残骸是在一片平静海域发现的,该海域没有泰坦尼克号沉船的任何遗骸。

“The debris is consistent with the catastrophic loss of the pressure chamber,” said Coast Guard Rear Adm. John Mauger, who has been leading the search. Experts previously said death would have been instantaneous in those circumstances.

领导搜寻行动的美国海岸警卫队少将John Mauger表示,这些残骸与泰坦号压力舱发生灾难性内爆的情况一致。专家此前表示,在这种情况下,舱内乘客可能瞬间死亡。


instantaneous /ˌɪn.stənˈteɪ.ni.əs/ 表示“瞬间的,即刻的”,英文解释为“happening immediately, without any delay”如:an instantaneous response/reply/reaction 即时的响应/回答/反应。

词源和词根:来源于拉丁语的 "instantaneus",意思是 "立即的",它由 "instans" 衍生出来,意思是 "紧迫的,目前的"。派生词:instant, instantly

Asked about the prospect of finding the passengers’ bodies, Mauger said the operation took place in “an incredibly unforgiving environment.” 


“We’ll continue to work and to search the area but I don’t have an answer for prospects,” he said.


Teams and equipment from around the world converged in a remote part of the North Atlantic to help with the search. They combed an area at least twice the size of Connecticut for the 22-foot-long Titan. 



converge /kənˈvɜːdʒ/ 1)表示“(观点等)趋于一致,趋同”,英文解释为“If ideas and opinions converge, they gradually become similar.”

2)表示“汇集;聚集;集中”,英文解释为“to move towards a place from different directions and meet”举个🌰:The paths all converge at the main gate of the park. 这几条小路都在公园正门处交会。

词源和词根:来自拉丁语的 "convergere","con-" 意为 "一起","vergere" 意为 "转向"。 派生词:convergence, convergent,常用短语:points of convergence (汇合点)。


comb /kəʊm/ 作名词,表示“梳子”,英文解释为“a flat piece of plastic, wood, or metal with a thin row of long, narrow parts along one side, used to tidy and arrange your hair”

作动词,表示“认真搜寻;仔细搜查”,英文解释为“to search a place or an area very carefully in order to find something”举个🌰:The police combed the whole area for evidence. 警方为了寻找证据搜遍了整个地区。

Rescuers had focused on an area where Canadian aircraft detected banging noises underwater, officials said Wednesday. Officials said Thursday there didn’t appear to be any connection between the noises and where debris from the vessel was found. 



bang /bæŋ/ 表示“砰砰猛击,重击;(使)发出巨响”,英文解释为“to (cause something to) make a sudden very loud noise or noises”举个🌰:He could hear someone banging at the door. 他能听见有人在砰砰敲门。

What is the timeline of events? 事件的时间线是怎样的?

Officials are still piecing together a timeline to determine when the submersible imploded, Mauger said. 


piece sth together

piece sth together 表示“拼合;凑集”,英文解释为“to create something by joining the separate parts of it together or by joining different things together”举个🌰:The ancient skull has been pieced together from fragments. 这个古人类头骨是由头骨碎片拼合起来的。


implode /ɪmˈpləʊd/ 表示“向心压挤;内爆”,英文解释为“to fall towards the inside with force”举个🌰:The vacuum inside the tube caused it to implode when the external air pressure was increased. 随着外部气压的增强,管内真空使管中发生内爆。

2)表示“崩溃;垮塌”,英文解释为“to fail suddenly and completely and be unable to operate”举个🌰:Their economy is in danger of imploding. 他们的经济有崩溃的危险。

A top secret military acoustic detection system designed to spot enemy submarines first heard what the U.S. Navy suspected was the Titan implosion hours after the submersible began its voyage Sunday, according to officials involved in the search.



acoustic /əˈkuː.stɪk/ 表示“声音的;听觉的”,英文解释为“relating to sound or hearing”举个🌰:The microphone converts acoustic waves to electrical signals for transmission. 麦克风把声波转换成电信号进行传送。


submarine /ˌsʌb.məˈriːn/ 表示“潜艇”,英文解释为“a ship that can travel underwater”如:a nuclear submarine 核潜艇。

词源和词根:来源于拉丁语的 "sub-",意为 "在...之下",和 "marinus",意为 "海洋的"。


voyage /ˈvɔɪ.ɪdʒ/ 表示“航海;航行”,英文解释为“a long journey, especially by ship”举个🌰:He was a young sailor on his first sea voyage. 他第一次出海航行时还是个年轻的水手。

词源和词根:来自拉丁语的 "viaticum",意为 "旅行用品、旅费",进一步追溯,其源于"via",意为"道路"。派生词:voyager, voyageur,常用短语:voyage of discovery (发现之旅)。

Who were the passengers on the Titan submersible? 泰坦号潜水器上的乘客是谁?

Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood was on the craft with his 19-year-old son, Suleman, according to a statement from the family’s company. The Dawoods, one of Pakistan’s richest families, are owners of a conglomerate called Engro that produces everything from electricity to fertilizer to milk.

根据Dawood家族公司的一份声明,巴基斯坦商人Shahzada Dawood与他19岁的儿子Suleman在泰坦号上。Dawood家族是巴基斯坦最富有的家族之一,拥有名为Engro的企业集团,该集团生产电力、化肥和牛奶等各类产品。


conglomerate /kənˈɡlɒm.ər.ət/ 表示“联合大企业,企业集团”,英文解释为“a company that owns several smaller businesses whose products or services are usually very different”如:a financial/industrial conglomerate 金融/工业企业集团。


📍giant表示“巨头,大公司”,英文解释为“Giant is often used to refer to any large, successful business organization or country.”如:Japanese electronics giant, Sony 日本的电子业巨头——索尼公司。

📍mogul /ˈməʊɡəl/表示“(尤指新闻、影视界的)大人物;大亨”,英文解释为“A mogul is an important, rich, and powerful businessman, especially one in the news, film, or television industry.”如:an international media mogul一位国际传媒大亨。

📍magnate /ˈmæɡneɪt, -nɪt/ 表示“大亨,巨头”,英文解释为“a rich and powerful person in industry or business”。

📍tycoon /taɪˈkuːn/ 表示“巨头,大亨(工商界)”,英文解释为“someone who is successful in business or industry and has a lot of money and power”如:property tycoon 房地产大亨。

📍conglomerate /kənˈglɒmərɪt/ 表示“联合大公司;企业集团”,英文解释为“A conglomerate is a large business firm consisting of several different companies.”如:the world's second-largest media conglomerate 世界第二大传媒集团。

📍behemoth /ˈbiːhɪmɒθ/ 表示“巨头(指规模庞大、实力雄厚的公司或机构)”,英文解释为“a very big and powerful company or organization”。

📍titan表示“巨人;巨头”,英文解释为“If you describe someone as a titan of a particular field, you mean that they are very important and powerful or successful in that field.”


fertilizer / fertiliser /'fɜːtɪlaɪsə/ 表示“肥料”,英文解释为“a substance added to soil to make plants grow more successfully”如:化学肥料 chemical fertilisers。

📍2018年政府工作报告中提到,化肥农药使用量实现零增长 achieved zero growth in chemical fertilizer and pesticide use.

British aviator and explorer Hamish Harding was also on board, according to his company Action Aviation, which specializes in services including aircraft brokerage, management and financing. Harding had undertaken a series of record-breaking challenges that led him to the depths of the ocean and around the world. He also went to space on a Blue Origin flight last year.

据Action Aviation称,其董事长、英国飞行员和探险家Hamish Harding也是乘客之一。Harding进行过一系列打破纪录的挑战,到过海洋深处和世界许多地方。他去年还乘坐Blue Origin的飞船进入了太空。Action Aviation专门从事飞机经纪、管理和融资等服务。


aviator /ˈeɪ.vi.eɪ.tər/ 表示“飞行员”,英文解释为“an aircraft pilot”举个🌰:She was a pioneering aviator who made record-breaking flights. 她是一位飞行先驱,打破了前人的纪录。

on board

on board /bɔːd/ 表示“在船(或火车、飞机)上”,英文解释为“on a boat, train, or aircraft”举个🌰:As soon as I was on board, I began to have second thoughts about leaving. 我一上车就开始动摇要不要走了。


brokerage /ˈbrəʊ.kər.ɪdʒ/ 表示“(外汇、股票等)经纪商”,英文解释为“an organization that buys and sells foreign money, shares in companies, etc. for other people”如:an online brokerage 网上经纪商。

Another passenger, Paul-Henry Nargeolet, was considered a leading authority on the Titanic wreck, according to the website of Experiential Media Group. The Georgia-based company lists Nargeolet as its director of underwater research. 

根据总部位于佐治亚州的Experiential Media Group的网站,另一位乘客Paul-Henry Nargeolet是该公司水下研究主管,被视为泰坦尼克号残骸研究方面的主要权威。

Nargeolet spent 22 years in the French Navy, rising to the rank of commander. He completed more than three dozen dives to the site of the wreckage



wreckage /ˈrek.ɪdʒ/ 1)表示“严重受损的东西;残骸”,英文解释为“a badly damaged object or the separated parts of a badly damaged object”举个🌰:The wreckage of the car was scattered over the roadside. 那辆汽车的残骸散落在路旁。

2)表示“剩余物;残存物”,英文解释为“what is left of something that has been spoiled or that has failed”举个🌰:Kate was still clinging to the wreckage of her failed marriage. 凯特仍然执着于她那破碎的婚姻,不想放手。

OceanGate’s founder and chief executive, Stockton Rush, was also aboard the submersible, according to a spokesman for the company.

据OceanGate的一名发言人称,该公司创始人兼首席执行官Stockton Rush也在泰坦号潜水器上。

What is OceanGate Expeditions? OceanGate Expeditions是做什么的?

Rush founded OceanGate in 2009, saying in a speech last year that he wanted to expand deep-sea exploration. 


The Washington-based firm owns three submersibles, including the Titan, that have completed more than 200 deep-sea dives, according to the company’s website. OceanGate completed two trips to the Titanic wreck in 2021 and 2022.


This year’s expedition was slated to last 10 days, with eight days at sea. Stefan Williams, a professor of marine robotics at the University of Sydney, said it takes about two hours to travel from the surface of the ocean to the wreckage in the submersible. 

今年的探险计划为期10天,其中8天在海里。悉尼大学(University of Sydney)海洋机器人学教授Stefan Williams说,乘坐潜水器从海面到泰坦尼克号残骸大约需要两个小时。


表示“远征;探险;考察”,英文解释为“an organized journey with a particular purpose, especially to find out about a place that is not well known”,如:to plan/lead/go on an expedition to the North Pole 计划/带队/去北极探险。

词源和词根:来源于拉丁语的 "expeditionem",意为 "远征、探险",它由 "ex-",意为 "向外",和 "pes/pedis",意为 "脚" 组成。派生词:expeditionary, expedite,常用短语:expeditionary force (远征军)。


slate /sleɪt/ 作动词,表示“预定;计划;安排”,英文解释为“to plan that sth will happen at a particular time in the future”举个🌰:The houses were first slated for demolition five years ago. 这些房子在五年前就确定要拆除了。

📺英剧《追影逐凶》(Chasing Shadows)中的台词提到:There was another boy that was found in a building that was slated for demolition. 另外还有个男孩也是在一座确定要被拆除的建筑里被人发现的。

slate /sleɪt/ 作名词,可以表示“候选名单;(尤指在政治活动中的)候选人名单”,英文解释为“a list of people who are being considered for a particular job or position, especially in politics”举个🌰:His novel was chosen from a slate of ten finalists. 他的小说是从十篇最终候选作品中选出的。

OceanGate, a privately owned company, lists six board members, including Rush, on its website. The other members include an astronaut and a financial executive.


Tourists can pay $250,000 to join an expedition to see the Titanic.


What documents did passengers sign? 乘客签署了什么文件?


Past travelers on the Titan said they signed a waiver before boarding that mentioned the risk of death at least three times.


waiver /ˈweɪ.vər/ 表示“免支付协议;弃权声明书”,英文解释为“an agreement that you do not have to pay or obey something”举个🌰:We had to sign a waiver, giving up any rights to the land in the future. 我们不得不签了一份弃权声明,放弃将来对那块土地的任何权利。

- 词汇盘点 -

submersible、 vessel、 craft、 dive、 wreck、 kick off、 debris、 catastrophic、 chamber、 bow、 nose cone、 hull、 instantaneous、 converge、 comb、 bang、 piece sth together、 implode、 acoustic、 submarine、 voyage、 conglomerate、 fertilizer、 aviator、 on board、 brokerage、 wreckage、 expedition、 slate、 waiver

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

The brokerage-funded expedition to explore a shipwreck kicked off. Using a submersible craft, aviators dove into the debris-filled depths. Their vessel, an acoustic submarine, instantly converged on the catastrophic wreckage, its hull and bow imploding. As they combed through the wreckage, the aviators discovered a chamber housing a slate of debris - remnants of the conglomerate-owned vessel. Amid the wreckage was a nose cone, an eerie memento of the ill-fated voyage.
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