在美国的大学校园,每到期中考试或是论文提交的截止日期之前,都会出现一类神秘的现象:许多学生的祖母会在这时批量去世,甚至有些学生的祖母会反复去世。对于教龄比较高的教授来说,这种现象已经见怪不怪了,人们给这类现象起了个名字叫做“祖母死亡问题”(Dead Grandmother Problem)。
许多年前,东肯塔基州立大学的植物学家Mike Adams研究了这一现象并证实了:考试和祖父母的死亡存在着一定关联。持续收集数据20多年后,Adams得出结论:学生的祖母在期中考试之前死亡的可能性远远超过平时。具体来说,期中考试之前死亡的可能性是平时的10倍,期末考试前死亡的可能性是平时的19倍!在课堂上表现不好的学生的祖母则更危险了,不上课的学生的祖母死亡的可能性是其他学生祖母的50倍!
有些教授会坚定地站在学生这一边,比如华盛顿州立大学的副教授Lisa Guerrero。虽然她遇到过一些可疑的学生,但她也见过许多真实的意外发生。“死亡带来创伤,没有人能够完全从容地应对(家人的)死亡,所以有些学生的借口听起来有些可疑,可能只是因为他们不知道该怎么应对这种精神创伤”, Lisa说道。
Takiyah Nur Amin
这不是针对你一个人的。我在每学期要教三门难度不同的课程,带将近200个学生的情况下,很难为这些事情给予宽限。我知道你在想什么,你会觉得我让你的人生更艰难了。但说实话,课程的要求在开学第一天就已经说得很清楚了,如果你在加退选期(drop/add period)过后还在我的课上,那么这份课纲就是你我之间的契约:它勾勒出了你对我的期望,当然也有我对你的期望。
Dear Student,
I hope all is well with you. Please note that, as articulated in my well-developed, color-coded syllabus, I am not here for make-up assignments, late work, or extra credit.
It's not personal. But when I am teaching almost 200 students a semester across three different kinds of courses at three different levels, I can't make allowances for those kinds of things. I know what you are thinking—I am trying to make your life difficult. But honestly, the course policies have been clear since Day One, and if you are still in my class after the drop/add period, that syllabus is our contract: It delineates what you can expect of me and certainly what I expect of you.
I only consider make-up work when illness or family crisis is documented via official letter from the Dean of Students office. Please do not show up with an obituary or a copy of the funeral program or have your mama call me and leave nasty voicemails about how I had better accommodate you because your granny has just died. Upon receipt of the required documentation, I will make an appropriate arrangement concerning the midterm for you. And I am sorry you had a death in the family. That truly sucks.
Kevin Heffernan
Dear Student,
Thank you very much for the note.
I’m very sorry to hear of the loss in your family. Please know you are all in my thoughts in this difficult time. I understand the importance of family in times of grief, and I hope you can be a source of support for your parents in what is one of the most difficult life transitions we all must face as we get older. My professors in both college and grad school were very understanding of some of my setbacks in similar family circumstances.
I would very much like to send your [Mom or Dad] a card and a short note to let them know they are in my thoughts and to single you out for praise in being so proactive and forthright in speaking to me. Would you be kind enough to send along [his or her] snail mail address so I can get this in the mail in the next day or so?
Thank you so much, and please contact me when you get back into town so we can talk about a timetable for making up the work you missed.
Tracy M. Lewis-Giggetts
P.S. 你19岁,你奶奶57岁。你可拉倒吧。
Dear Student:
So here’s the thing: Your granny is going to die. She’s most likely going to go quietly into the dark night, in her sleep, of old age. However, there is the slight chance that the high blood pressure she’s had for years might catch up with her or, worse, she might have a heart attack or stroke. Then there’s that pesky hip surgery she had last year and the insidious, undiscovered infection that has been festering in her body, coursing through her blood stream, slowly shutting down the functioning of her organs one by one. Of course, she could also just be walking along a street, minding her own business, and out of nowhere a city bus jumps a curb and runs her and her dog, Laura, over.
Appalled yet? Devastated? I hope so.
I sincerely hope you find my entirely-too-vivid description of all the ways your precious grandmother can and might die just as appalling and inexcusable as I find your faking her death in order to escape being accountable for the work you chose not to do. I hope you see how it would take a soulless, life-suck of a person who lacked both character and integrity to say such horrifying things without an ounce of compassion or—wait for it—truth.
Then I hope you make another choice. One that includes taking the “L” (and my “F”) and owning this tragic, yet totally predictable, mistake. In the meantime, let Granny live to die another day.
Come again.
P.S. You’re 19. Your granny is 57. Stop it.
Doria Johnson
Thanks for the heads up, again, and for asking if your continued absences to “see about Grandma” caused you to miss anything 'important'. Well, I am here to tell you a big, fat "hell no, you did not miss anything important." Rest easy, my friend.
The lectures I prepared earlier were mostly unimportant, and your absences have coincided with those class dates. I spent dozens of hours writing and researching the most mundane information. Then, I bring that information into the room where you, and hundreds of others, pay exorbitant fees and tuition. Wow, how do I stay employed?
The bad news is by the time Grandma dies at midterm I will shift towards giving mostly important lectures, and those you should not miss. In anticipation of your impending familial obligations to the rituals surrounding death, I am carbon-copying your adviser on this email and requesting that they help you drop this course.
By the way, you should not have tried to friend me on Facebook because your profile is public and pictures of you partying while attending to your sick grandma have framed your commitment to our unimportant course!
Lisa Guerrero
Dear Student,
I’m sorry to hear about your grandmother’s unexpected passing. I’m sure it is a difficult time. I am sure you two were close. She was probably the type of grandmother who would do anything for her children and grandchildren … including conveniently meeting her maker on the same day that the class midterm was scheduled. She must have sensed that you were one of my more inquisitive students, who was constantly asking questions in class like: “Will this be on the test?” “How far should we have read before the midterm?” “Is the midterm really next week?” and “Will we be able to drop our lowest grade if we fail the midterm?” I only hope she did not die in vain, and that you actually spend your time at her “wake” catching up on the reading so that you can take the midterm next week.
I believe in karma … both mine and yours. And if you are fine with tempting karma by virtually knocking off family members on a whim simply because you can’t get your act together, then you have bigger problems than the grade you’re going to get in my class.
Mark Naison
Dear Student,
The only death I will accept as an excuse for a late paper is your own. And in the event of your demise, I expect your executors to turn in the paper within six months of your passing.