
英中贸协在沪举办商务早餐会 欢迎英国首相随访代表团

CBBC holds Business Breakfast on February 2nd in Shanghai with Secretary of State Dr Liam Fox MP, during the visit of The Rt Hon Theresa May MP, Prime Minister of the UK on her state visit to China.

上周,英国首相特雷莎•梅阁下对中国进行国事访问期间,英中贸易协会在上海举办商务早餐会。当天,出席嘉宾包括英国国际贸易大臣利亚姆•福克斯(Dr. Liam Fox)。

China-Britain Business Council, in partnership with the Department for International Trade (DIT) and the British Consulate General Shanghai, held a Business Breakfast for over 130 UK and Chinese business people in Shanghai, on February 2 (Friday). The breakfast was held prior to the China-UK Business Forum, and provided a platform for business interaction between UK and Chinese companies. The breakfast brought members of the Prime Minister’s senior business delegation together with key local business leaders, including CBBC member companies, for sector-focused discussions.  Lord Sassoon, CBBC Chairman, and Richard Burn, Head of DIT in China, welcomed the Secretary of State for International Trade, The Rt Hon Dr Liam Fox MP to the breakfast, where sectors such as Automotive & Advanced Manufacturing, Food & Drink, Education, Energy & Infrastructure, Technology, and Healthcare were represented. 

2月5日,英中贸易协会携手英国国际贸易部和英国驻上海总领事馆, 在上海举办商务早餐会,130多位中英商业人士出席了当天的会议。本次早餐会安排在中英商务论坛前,为英中两国企业提供了业务交流的平台。当天,英中贸易协会主席沙逊勋爵与英国国际贸易部中国区司长彭雅贤一同迎接了远道而来的英国国际贸易大臣利亚姆•福克斯博士,来自汽车与先进制造业、食品饮料、教育、能源和基础设施建设、科技以及医疗等众多领域的代表齐聚一堂。早餐会上,随英国首相到访的高级商务代表团成员与包括英中贸协会员企业在内的在华商务精英共同探讨了各自领域的业务。

Prime Minister Theresa May visited China for three days from 31 January to 2 February 2018, stopping in Wuhan, Beijing and Shanghai. Lord Sassoon stated that, ‘I’m very pleased that the Prime Minister has chosen to return to Shanghai, recognising this important global hub for trade, investment and China’s commercial relationship with the world.’


He continued, ‘Whether it is looking at new trends for the Chinese consumer; the expanding financial and professional services sectors needed for Chinese industry; innovation in advanced manufacturing or any number of commercial areas, Shanghai is the pacesetter for China’s development.’


According to BBC News, Mrs. May announced that trade deals worth over GBP9bn would be signed during her visit to China, across sectors where the UK is a world leader. With a network of 13 offices across China, covering all sectors and sizes of businesses, CBBC is here to further support cooperation, trade and investment between UK and Chinese companies. 


