The innovation and resilience shown by many in the face of COVID-19 give great hope for future recovery. Indeed, for China, the first green shoots of recovery can be found in the country’s 3.2% increase in GDP over the second quarter of 2020, a promising indicator of a “V-shaped” economic resurgence.
Now is the time to focus on the path ahead and to explore short-to-long term survival strategies for businesses from both China and the UK. The Trade Development Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce of China, the China-Britain Business Council ("CBBC") and the British House are therefore pleased to take this opportunity to cordially invite you to attend the Opening Ceremony of the 2020 Sino British Lifestyle Week and the China-UK Business Forum, which will kick off the six-day annual flagship event at the British House in Beijing.
Date: Friday 14th August 2020
日期:2020年8月14日 星期五
Time: 09:30 - 12:00 CST (China time)
时间:09:30 - 12:00 (中国时间)
Address: The British House F1-2 W4 Beijing Fun, Dashilar, Xicheng District, Beijing
地址:英园- 北京市西城区大栅栏 北京坊西区4号楼
Open to: ALL (Free of Charge)
2020年中英生活方式体验周如期而至 ,本届中英生活方式体验周为期6天,将于2020年8月14日- 8月19日在北京英园(The British House)举行。
具体议程和活动安排包括: 开幕论坛、闭幕酒会、中英戏剧音乐下午茶、牡丹荣耀发布会等。本次生活方式周还将设有分会场,支持直播日、品牌发布等环节活动。
作为活动的联合主办方,中国商务部外贸发展局、英中贸易协会和英园诚邀中英政府和企业界的代表莅临,参加8月14日的中英生活方式周开幕式以及中英商务论坛活动。此次论坛将作为2020中英生活方式体验周的重点交流平台,将围绕 “后疫情时代中英零售企业的破局与合作之道”等主题邀请中英政商界代表开展专家座谈,探讨在后疫情时代,双循环的新发展格局下,中英两国企业的发展和合作之道。
Upcoming Events
八月之约,游戏消夏 | 中英游戏产业网络研讨会及线上商务对接会
11th Aug 2020
Invitation to Join the Hainan Free Trade Port Policy Webinar
14th Aug 2020
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The China-Britain Business Council ("CBBC") is the UK’s national business network promoting trade and investment with China. Since 1954 we have acted as the independent voice of business, located at the heart of the action, engaging across both countries in every sector and region. We support our members and partners by delivering the advice, analysis and access which they need in order to seize the China opportunity. Our diverse membership includes leading UK companies and universities, many of the UK’s most dynamic SMEs, and an ever increasing number of Chinese companies exporting to and investing in the UK.