
CBBC Launches First UK-Shanghai Business Dialogue

英中贸易协会 英中贸易协会 2022-04-08

CBBC members take the opportunity to ask the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government about their key concerns going into the final quarter of 2020

Following the news that British investment into Shanghai grew by 228% during the first half of 2020, the China-Britain Business Council (“CBBC”) co-hosted the first UK-Shanghai Business Dialogue at the InterContinental Shanghai Ruijin on 27th August 2020 in partnership with Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce and Huangpu District People’s Government.

Tom Simpson, Managing Director of China-Britain Business Council, delivered opening remarks

Over 100 attendees representing municipal-level bureaux and offices, major UK companies, and companies based in Huangpu District were present at the first UK-Shanghai Business Dialogue

Tom Simpson, Managing Director of CBBC, opened by noting that “From theme parks and shopping centres to R&D centres and production facilities, Shanghai is a major destination for British investment. A key reason for this is the reception British investors receive when they invest here, and events such as today’s play a role in this.”

Mr XU Kunlin, Vice Mayor of Shanghai Municipal People’s Government, gave a keynote speech

The dialogue was attended by Mr XU Kunlin, Vice Mayor of Shanghai Municipal People’s Government, who commented that “Industrial development in Shanghai and the UK are highly complementary to each other.” He also noted to the over 100 attendees representing municipal-level bureaux and offices, major UK companies, and companies based in Huangpu District that “Broad cooperation opportunities can be found in financial services, biomedicine, the cultural and creative industries, professional services, education and tourism, and other industries. I look forward to UK companies taking root in Shanghai, the world’s best market.”

Senior representatives from CBBC member companies ask questions relating to Shanghai’s business environment and investment policies

During the dialogue, senior representatives from CBBC member companies – Aberdeen Standard Investments, Jardines, Deloitte, Jaguar Land Rover, Atkins, BSI, and Samarkand Global – had the opportunity to ask questions relating to Shanghai’s business environment and investment policies. The dialogue was moderated by Madam SHANG Yuying, Deputy Secretary General of Shanghai Municipal People’s Government, and responses to each question were provided by representatives from the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, Tax Bureau, Development and Reform Commission, Housing and Construction Commission, Financial Regulatory Bureau, Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and Lingang New Area.

Representatives from CBBC member companies joined an extensive range of topics during the dialogue

The dialogue covered an extensive range of topics, with particular focus given to the importance of financial professional services reform, how to best attract overseas talent, the cost of human resources, the need for mutual recognition of professional qualifications, and how to optimise policies concerning tax relief and subsidies. As well as these topics, there were questions covering relevant local concerns, including on the future development of Lingang New Area of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, further integration within the Yangtze River Delta region, epidemic prevention and control work during the 3rd China International Import Expo (“CIIE”), and a fast-track programme for the convenience of foreign exhibitors at the CIIE.

Mr CHAO Kejian, District Mayor of Huangpu People’s Government, outlined the key industries within Huangpu and the investment opportunities they present

The dialogue also saw Mr CHAO Kejian, District Mayor of Huangpu People’s Government, outline the key industries within Huangpu and the investment opportunities they present. In addition, a delegation from Shanghai Municipal Commerce Commission detailed the preparatory work being carried out for the CIIE later this year.

Over 100 attendees representing municipal-level bureaux and offices, major UK companies, and companies based in Huangpu District were present at the first UK-Shanghai Business Dialogue

上海市人民政府副市长许昆林和英中贸易协会中国区总裁 Tom Simpson分别致辞

上海—英国经贸合作圆桌对话会于 8 月 27 日下午在上海瑞金洲际酒店成功举行。本次对话会由上海市商务委员会、黄浦区人民政府和英中贸易协会三方共同主办,上海市外国投资促进中心、黄浦区商务委员会、黄浦区金融办联合承办。活动分为三部分,包括“上海•云见”英国企业专场圆桌对话会、黄浦区专场推介会以及外滩金融集聚带线下参观活动。


上海市人民政府副市长许昆林和英中贸易协会中国区总裁 Tom Simpson分别致辞。黄浦区人民政府区长巢克俭作了有关黄浦区的主旨推介。上海市各委办局、英国在沪重点企业代表以及黄浦区相关部门和企业代表共百余人参会。此外,会议通过线上平台,邀请到了太古集团、雅诗兰黛、沃博联等近50家境内外跨国公司远程参会。




英中贸易协会中国区总裁Tom Simpson在会上发言

英中贸易协会中国区总裁 Tom Simpson 在致辞中表示“2019年英中双边贸易额首次突破一千亿英镑,在过去二十年间,中国对英国的投资超过了其对德法两国的投资之和,总计超过400亿英镑。会员企业对华投资的意愿依然强劲,有越来越多互补的领域可供英国投资者来沪投资。


此次活动的重头戏“上海 - 英国经贸合作圆桌对话会”对话环节,由上海市政府副秘书长尚玉英主持。安本标准投资(Aberdeen Standard Investments)、怡和集团(Jardines)、德勤(Deloitte)、捷豹路虎(Jaguar Land Rover)、阿特金斯(Atkins)、英国标准协会(BSI)以及思迈德国际(Samarkand)共7家英中贸易协会会员企业代表分享了在沪投资案例,并就上海的营商环境和企业运营中的具体事项踊跃提问。

在谈及第三届中国国际进口博览会的筹备情况时,上海市商委有关领导表示, 商务委成立了服务保障工作小组,制定了总体方案和15个专项工作方案,形成了105项具体任务。关于进博会的疫情防控工作,目前具体的工作方案、以及为了方便境外人员入境参展的快捷通道方案正在制定中,很快将会统一对外公布。




英中贸易协会中国区总裁Tom Simpson接受采访


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The China-Britain Business Council ("CBBC") is the UK’s national business network promoting trade and investment with China. Since 1954 we have acted as the independent voice of business, located at the heart of the action, engaging across both countries in every sector and region. We support our members and partners by delivering the advice, analysis and access which they need in order to seize the China opportunity. Our diverse membership includes leading UK companies and universities, many of the UK’s most dynamic SMEs, and an ever increasing number of Chinese companies exporting to and investing in the UK.


