
Invitation: China OSW GBIP Webinars - GBIP 海上风电系列研讨会

英中贸易协会 英中贸易协会 2022-04-08

The UK and China are two of the world’s largest and most developed offshore wind markets. The UK has installed 11GW over the last decade and is home to some of the world’s biggest offshore wind farms including Hornsea 1 and 2 which together have a combined output of 2.5GW. Meanwhile, China installed a record breaking 17GW of new offshore wind capacity in 2021 driven by rapid industrialisation of the domestic supply chain and the removal of feed in tariffs following the December 2021 deadline.

英国是世界上最大和最发达的海上风电市场之一,中国也是。在过去十年中,英国共安装了 110亿瓦特风电,成为世界上最大的几个海上风电场的所在地,包括 Hornsea 1 和 2,它们的总产量高达 25亿瓦特。与此同时,2021年,中国新增海上风电装机容量达到了创纪录的 170亿瓦特,国内供应链的快速工业化以及 2021 年 12 月后对上网电价的放开都起到了很好的推动作用。

Globally, the offshore wind sector continues to innovate at pace: next generation turbines bring increased power ratings, rotor diameters, hub heights and loads, and continue to push operational and logistical limits, requiring the introduction of new technologies, operating procedures, and support infrastructure; the removal of subsidies and the competitive funding environment creates a focus on cost reduction; while the cost of failure and remediation creates opportunities for risk management, asset integrity, condition monitoring, preventative maintenance and operations planning solutions.


The fixed bottom offshore wind market will continue to experience rapid growth over the next few decades, while floating wind projects are also expected to become more prominent as good shallow water sites are used up and countries seek to tap into deeper water resources.


Floating wind brings a whole set of new challenges and opportunities for a sector currently assessing the merits of a wide range of hull structures and mooring concepts both in the laboratory and via large scale field trials such as the Kincardine and Hywind demonstration projects underway in Scotland. These early floating trials, combined with a wealth of experience gained in the North Sea O&G sector, position UK companies strongly for the emerging global floating offshore wind opportunity.

浮动式风电为目前仍在通过实验室和大规模现场试验(如正在苏格兰进行的 Kincardine 和 Hywind 示范项目)评测各种浮式结构和锚泊概念的海风行业带来了一系列全新的挑战和机遇。这些早期的浮式试验,加上在北海油气领域获得的丰富经验,使英国公司在全球浮式海上风电市场新兴的机遇中占据优势地位。

At this critical stage in the development of both the fixed and floating offshore wind markets, there are huge opportunities and benefits to be gained from collaboration between organisations and companies in the UK and China.


Funded by Innovate UK, the Global Business Innovation Programme (GBIP) helps ambitious UK companies collaborate and expand into new markets. This programme is focussed specifically on companies targeting the the Fixed and Floating Offshore Wind Sector in China. A Series of webinars held in February and March 2022 will showcase 10 innovative UK companies bringing forwards new solutions from mooring and geotechnical design services to digital asset monitoring solutions. The webinars will be of interest to OEMs, developers and design institutes as well as other offshore wind stakeholders.

由 Innovate UK 资助的全球商业创新计划 (GBIP) 旨在帮助志向远大的英国公司合作并拓展新市场。该计划专门面向期待进入中国固定式和浮动式海上风电行业的英国公司。我们将于2022 年 2 到 3 月举行一系列网络研讨会,聚焦 10 家创新的英国公司,展示从锚泊、岩土工程设计服务到数字资产监控管理的全新技术解决方案。欢迎海上风电行业设备制造商、开发商、设计机构以及其他相关从业人员加入该系列研讨会,获取更多信息。

China OSW GBIP Webinars 1:

Planning / Design and Supply Chain

GBIP 海上风电系列研讨会 


This webinar is an opportunity to showcase three innovative companies involved in the design, planning and supply chain management of offshore wind farms.


Date 日期: 

Wednesday 16th February 2022

2022年2月16日 周三

Time 时间: 

16:30 – 17:45 北京时间

0830 – 0945 UK Time

Format 形式:

Zoom Webinar


Language 语言:

Chinese and English, with simultaneous interpretation,



  • Introduction 开场介绍

  • UK Companies Showcasing 英国公司创新技术推广展示

    * Gavin & Doherty Geosolutions

    * OSI Renewables

    * Live lead

  • Q&A 问答环节

Registration 报名方式

Please scan the QR code below and fill out the form to complete registration. The webinar link will then be sent to you via email.


Company introduction 英国公司简介

Gavin & Doherty Geosolutions

Speaker 演讲嘉宾

Ting Sie Chui

Director 总监

Gavin & Doherty Geosolutions Ltd. (GDG) is a specialist geotechnical engineering consultancy, providing innovative geotechnical solutions across a broad range of civil engineering sectors. Our geotechnical engineers provide services to both the domestic and international markets including concept design, detailed design, in-situ monitoring and general geotechnical advice.

Gavin & Doherty Geosolutions Ltd. (GDG) 是一家专业的岩土工程咨询公司,为土木工程行业的多个细分领域提供创新的岩土工程解决方案。我们的岩土工程师为国内外市场提供多种服务,包括概念设计、详细设计、现场监测和一般岩土咨询。

Collaboration Objectives:Collaborating with offshore wind developers, design institutes and universities in China on research and development projects to solve challenges in foundation and mooring design, and to provide innovative geotechnical solutions.


OSI Renewables

Leveraging nearly 80 years of experience with fixed and floating structures as well as lifting and mooring systems for the oil and gas industry, OSI Renewables is now advancing these technologies to deliver next-generation energy infrastructure.

We rise to the challenge to meet growing global energy demand through traditional sources while enabling pathways to a lower-carbon, multisource energy system including offshore wind, geothermal, tidal, and wave energy resources. Whether looking for cost-effective fixed platform foundation or floating wind mooring systems, custom lifting equipment to optimize construction feeder vessel operations, platform-based lifting solutions, or a trustworthy offshore service partner, we apply our experience as a leading specialist in offshore energy construction to deliver reliable, cost-effective solutions for wind & marine energy.

深耕石油和天然气行业近八十年,凭借在固定和浮式结构以及起重和锚泊系统方面丰富的经验,OSI Renewables 现在正在推进这些技术以提供超前的能源基础设施。


Collaboration Objectives: Keen to work with leading OEM manufacturers, developers, and design institutes working on floating offshore wind systems and interested in developing novel moorings systems for deep water applications or integrated tu8rbine-floater designs.


Live Lead

Speaker 演讲嘉宾

Gareth Alexander

Live Lead have developed a platform called Offshore Wind Leads (OWL). OWL is a supply chain integration system that allows and encourages buyers and suppliers to tender work packages, JV, develop innovative systems and provide a detailed real time insight into the supply chain capabilities and capacity in the UK.

Live Lead 开发了一个名为 Offshore Wind Leads (OWL) 的平台。OWL 是一个供应链集成系统,它鼓励买家和供应商投标工作包、合资企业、开发创新系统,并提供对英国供应链性能和产能的详细实时洞察。

Collaboration Objectives: Looking to collaborate with organisations and companies in China to deliver and implement OWL into the Chinese market, interested in partnering with suitable Chinese software or IT companies working in supply chain management or tendering in the offshore wind sector.

合作意向:与国内的相关组织和公司合作,将 OWL 交付和应用在中国市场,愿意与从事供应链管理或海上风电领域招投标的合适的中国软件或 IT 公司合作。

China OSW GBIP Webinars 2:

Digital / Smart Turbines

GBIP 海上风电系列研讨会 

第二场:数字化/ 智能风机

This webinar will showcase three companies developing smart sensors, instrumentation and condition monitoring systems for offshore wind farms.


Date 日期: 

Wednesday 23rd February 2022

2022年2月23日 周三

Time 时间: 

16:30 – 17:45 北京时间

0830 – 0945 UK Time

Format 形式:

Zoom Webinar


Language 语言: 

Chinese and English, with simultaneous interpretation



  • Introduction 开场介绍

  • UK Companies Showcasing 英国公司创新技术推广展示

    * Peak to Peak

    * Ada Mode

    * MIROS Group

  • Q&A 问答环节

Registration 报名方式

Please scan the QR code below and fill out the form to complete registration. The webinar link will then be sent to you via email.


Company introduction 英国公司简介

Peak to Peak Measurement Solutions Ltd.

Speaker 演讲嘉宾

Dr LI Xiangwei

Peak to Peak are based in Sheffield (UK) and specialise in developing and supplying standard and non-standard embedded sensor technologies, for the measurement and monitoring of dynamic machine elements.

Our core technology uses permanently embedded micro-ultrasonic transducers for the measurement of interfaces and materials, predominantly in the field of tribology. We have unique capabilities for the following measurements, including lubricant film thickness & degradation, lubricant/fluid viscosity, contact pressure, contact mapping, sealing, & interfacial stiffness, etc.

Peak to Peak 总部位于英国谢菲尔德,专门开发和提供标准和非标准嵌入式传感器技术,用于动态机器元件的测量和监控。


Collaboration Objectives: OEMs wishing to embed state-of-the-art sensors into their products. Technology companies wanting to perform advanced product testing for research and development and performance validation. Asset owners who wish to monitor performance of their assets. Service providers who offer maintenance & aftermarket sales.

合作意向:希望将最先进的传感器嵌入到产品中的设备制造商, 希望为研发和性能测验实行高级产品测试的科技公司, 希望监控其资产绩效的资产所有者,以及能提供维护和售后市场销售服务的服务商。

Ada Mode Limited

Speaker 演讲嘉宾

Daniel Everitt

Co-founder 共同创始人

Head of Technology 技术负责人

AI and data driven solutions by engineers, for engineers —We work with operators to monitor the health and performance of critical turbine components and rotating plant to minimise unplanned downtime and optimise offshore maintenance schedules. We specialise in unsupervised ML techniques for wide-scale fleet health monitoring.

由工程师为工程师提供的人工智能和数据驱动解决方案 ——我们与运营商合作,监控关键风机部件和旋转设备的运行状况和性能,以最大限度地减少计划外停机时间,优化海上维护计划。我们专注于用于大规模车队健康监测的无监督机器学习技术。

Collaboration Objectives: Looking to speak with Chinese wind turbine OEMs and operators especially those who are currently looking to optimise their O&M strategy, may also look to collaborate with Chinese software developers who currently support the wind sector through provision of CMS software

合作意向:希望与国内风力涡轮机设备制造商和运营商交流,特别是目前正在寻求优化运维战略的公司机构,也希望与目前在风电行业中提供 CMS 软件支持的中国软件开发商合作。


Speaker 演讲嘉宾

Maggie McMillan

Miros is a technology company that specialises in measuring the ocean surface. The company provides sensors and systems for environmental monitoring to the global offshore and maritime industry. Our portfolio of sensors provides accurate, real-time data for weather-sensitive operations offshore, as well as offering input to asset integrity systems and coastal monitoring. The primary applications of Miros sensors include wave and current monitoring and oil spill detection. 

Miros 是一家专门测量海平面的技术公司。该公司为全球近海和海事行业提供用于环境监测的传感器和系统。我们的传感器产品组合为海上对天气敏感的作业提供准确的实时数据,并为资产整合系统和海岸监测提供支持。Miros 传感器的主要应用包括海浪和电流监测以及漏油检测。

Collaboration Objectives: Guidance and feedback on handling and hosting of data, offshore wind farm owners/developers, weather forecast providers, operations and maintenance, turbine oems , offshore wind vessel companies


About us 关于我们

Innovate UK

Innovate UK is part of UK Research and Innovation, a non-departmental public body funded by a grant-in-aid from the UK government. With a strong business focus, we drive growth by working with companies to de-risk, enable and support innovation. We connect businesses to the partners, customers and investors that can help them turn ideas into commercially successful products and services and business growth. We fund business and research collaborations to accelerate innovation and drive business investment into research and development. Our support is available to businesses across all economic sectors, value chains and UK regions.

Innovate UK 是 UK Research and Innovation 下属机构,是由英国政府拨款资助的非政府公共机构。我们重点关注商业领域,通过与公司合作来降低风险、支持创新和推动增长 . 我们将企业与合作伙伴、客户和投资者联系起来,帮助他们将创意转化为商业上的成功产品、服务以及业务增长。我们为企业和研究机构提供资金,以加速创新并推动商业投资用于研发。我们提供的支持遍布所有经济行业、价值链和英国地区。

Website 网站: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/innovate-uk

Contact Name 联系人: Dr Matthew Blackmur

Email邮箱: matthew.blackmur@innovateuk.ukri.org

Innovate UK Edge

Innovate UK EDGE is a key part of the UK innovation agency’s deep investment in the pioneering businesses that drive economic growth. It is a publicly funded service available to all high potential small to medium sized innovation-driven companies.

We support those building scalable businesses to achieve their goals, in every sector and from seed to scale stage. We work closely with leadership teams to create the conditions for each business to succeed and bring the benefits of their innovation to national and international audiences; Since 2015 we have been empowering clients to grow and scale their businesses through actionable advice, access to vital resources and opportunities to enhance their abilities.  Our innovation and growth specialists are at the centre of our service.

Innovate UK EDGE 是英国创新机构对推动经济增长的先驱企业进行深度投资的关键。作为一项政府资助的服务,所有拥有较高潜力的中小型创新驱动型公司均可申请。

我们支持那些可规模化生产的企业,以实现他们在各个领域以及从种子到规模化阶段的目标。我们与领导团队密切合作,为每个企业的成功创造条件,并将他们的创新成果带给国内和国际受众;自 2015 年以来,我们一直通过提供切实可行的建议、获取重要资源和提高能力的机会,帮助客户发展和扩大业务。我们的创新和成长专家是我们服务的核心。

Website网站: www.innovateukedge.ukri.org

Contact Name联系人: Gail Leathley

Email 邮箱: gail.leathley@inovateukedge.ukri.org

Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult

The ORE Catapult is the UK’s flagship technology Innovation and research centre for advancing wind, wave and tidal energy.  ORE catapult is a leading independent, cross disciplined research and development platform serving utility companies, developers, manufacturers, and investors in new energy technologies.

In partnership with industry, ORE Catapult is achieving new breakthroughs in design, deployment, and commercialisation of renewable energy technologies, shaping the future through Innovation

ORE Catapult 是英国推动风能、海浪能和潮汐能的旗舰技术创新和研究中心。ORE catapult 是领先的独立、跨学科研发平台,服务于新能源技术领域的公用事业公司、开发商、制造商和投资者。ORE Catapult 与行业深度合作,在可再生能源技术的设计、应用和商业化方面不断取得新突破,通过创新塑造未来

Website 网站: https://ore.catapult.org.uk

Contact Name 联系人: David Findlay

Email 邮箱: david.findlay@ore.catapult.org.uk

China Construction Bank Match Plus

China Construction Bank Match Plus (CCB Match Plus) is a B2B cross-border smart matchmaking platform developed by China Construction Bank (the Bank) in 2019.

CCB Match Plus builds a globalised, digitalised, intelligent and integrated ecosystem, and facilitates cross-border transactions in trade, investment and cooperation. The platform provides users with multilingual channels for information release, precise demand matching, and offers a full range of financial solutions by virtue of the Bank’s full license, multi-currency and global operation capability. It also extends to facilitate digital exhibition and events with online conference rooms and live broadcast for roadshows. Up to now, the number of registered users of CCB Match Plus has exceeded 140,000 with over 80,000 demand published online.


 “建行全球撮合家”于2019年上线, 是国内首个商业银行B2B跨境智能撮合平台。



Website 网站: https://match.ccb.com

Contact Name 联系人: Qinxian Lin 林沁娴

Email 邮箱: ccblondonfi@uk.ccb.com

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact James Brodie  at the China Britain Business Council (CBBC). Email: james.brodie@cbbc.org

如有任何问题,欢迎联系英中贸易协会James Brodie, 邮箱 james.brodie@cbbc.org

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The China-Britain Business Council (CBBC) is the UK’s national business network promoting trade and investment with China. Since 1954 we have acted as the independent voice of business, located at the heart of the action, engaging across both countries in every sector and region. We support our members and partners by delivering the advice, analysis and access which they need in order to seize the China opportunity. Our diverse membership includes leading UK companies and universities, many of the UK’s most dynamic SMEs, and an ever increasing number of Chinese companies exporting to and investing in the UK.


