


快手是领先的内容社区及社交平台,专注于帮助人们通过短视频及直播记录和分享生活、呈现和发挥所长,致力于成为全球最痴迷于为客户创造价值的公司。作为全球短视频行业的开创者,快手如今已是家喻户晓的品牌,是中国最广泛使用的社交平台之一。海问作为快手的中国法律顾问,在本项目中为其提供法律服务,就有关中国法律问题提供了专业建议和解决方案。海问是享有盛誉的领先中国律所。作为公认的资本市场交易中的专家,海问在代表发行人和承销商等方面均具有丰富的经验。本项目由合伙人吕雪梅律师、霍超律师、马晨铃律师牵头,团队主要成员包括杜维、金爽爽、魏玉姬、赵天晴、赵悦、付明燕、刘昌海、呼璎琦、张云等。Haiwen & Partners has acted as PRC legal advisor to Kuaishou Technology (“Kuaishou”; stock code: 1024.HK) in connection with its listing on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and its Global Offering. Kuaishou has raised over US$5.4 billion in this Global Offering.  The joint sponsors of this IPO are Morgan Stanley, BofA Securities and China Renaissance.Kuaishou is a leading content community and social platform and focused on empowering people to chronicle and share their life experiences and showcase their talents through short videos and live streams, with its aim to be the most customer-obsessed company in the world. As a pioneer in the global short video industry, Kuaishou is a household brand and is among the most widely used social platforms in China today.Haiwen, as the PRC legal advisor of Kuaishou in this IPO, has provided legal services to Kuaishou, as well as professional legal advice and effective solutions with respect to the PRC laws. Haiwen has been widely recognized as a leading PRC firm and has extensive experience in representing issuers and underwriters in capital markets transactions.Haiwen team is led by partners Xuemei LU, Chao HUO, Chenling MA, and other team members include Wei DU, Shuangshuang JIN, Yuji WEI, Tianqing ZHAO, Yue ZHAO, Mingyan FU, Changhai LIU, Yingqi HU and Yun ZHANG.项目主要成员


