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HOW征募 | 昊国际策展人驻留项目


第1期讲座 | 多罗特娅·舍内《博伊斯和德国战后现代主义》



第2期讲座 | 昊驻留策展人贝蒂-苏·赫尔茨《艺术、环境和公共参与:博伊斯的遗产》


吴秉熙博士(Dr. Oh Byunghee)是一名艺术史学家、策展人、写作者。他在西江大学和弘益大学学习艺术史和历史,于2015年获得弘益大学艺术批评的博士学位。目前的研究主要专注于亚洲当代新媒体艺术和作为东亚共同文化的当代文人画的发展。

2002年,吴秉熙担任釜山市立美术馆策展人。2002-2008 年期间,他担任光州市立民俗博物馆策展人,并参与博物馆馆藏和作品保存工作。2008年至今,他于光州市立美术馆任策展人,期间有4年艺术教育的相关经验。

在光州市立美术馆期间的主要展览包括:“黄蝴蝶在黎明飞行”(2017)、“两种现代主义”(2012)、“传统全南道绘画中水墨精髓和色彩”(2011)、“蝴蝶梦”(2011)以及“光 2010”(2010)。其中“两种现代主义”和“传统全南道绘画中水墨精髓和色彩”的展览图录被美国国会图书馆、密歇根大学图书馆和日本新美术馆收藏。




光州市立美术馆由六部分组成,包括主楼、河正雄美术馆、光州市立摄影博物馆、双年展馆、Geumnamro画廊和G&J 光州全南画廊。主楼包括六个展区以及儿童博物馆、文化中心、文件档案室、会议室,户外礼堂和咖啡厅。博物馆所在的中外公园也是光州双年展、光州民俗博物馆、国立光州博物馆和光州文化艺术中心的所在地,这里是自然与艺术交融的文化场所。


 HOW International Curatorial Residency Program 

HOW International Curatorial Residency Program welcomes the third curator-in-residence, Oh Byunghee from South Korea, curator at Gwangju Museum of Art who will stay with us from July 30, 2018 to August 26, 2018. 

Co-sponsored by HOW Art Museum and Onehome Art Hotel (Shanghai), HOW International Curatorial Residency Program launches an open call for curators, scholars and arts writers worldwide who are interested to get deeper insight of Chinese contemporary art scene. The residency program aims to motivate residency exchange opportunities around the world and to forge durable institutional relationships in the long run. Individualized arrangements will be provided for each curator-in-residence. The arrangements include meetings with art professionals, studio visits, gallery and institution visits, and attendance at selected performances and other events. Furthermore, the curators-in-residence are invited to work in close collaboration and coordination with HOW Art Museum team, as well as to produce a website/Wechat article or essay, or to organize a public event such as a lecture.

 Oh Byunghee 

Dr. Oh Byunghee is an art historian, curator, and writer. He studied art history, and history at Sogang University and Hong-ik University and obtained a PhD in art critic at Hong-ik University in 2015. His current research concentrates on the development of contemporary new-media art in Asia and contemporary Literary painting that is a common culture in East Asia. 

Oh Byunghee was curator at Busan Museum of Art in 2002 and curator at  Gwangju Folk Museum 2002–2008. He has served as curator at Gwangju Museum of Art since 2008, and has participated the art education program development for 4 years.

Selected major exhibitions organized at Gwangju Museum of Art include: Yellow butterfly flies at dawn (2017), Two Modernism (2012), Essence and Color of Ink in Traditional Namdo Paintings (2011), and Light 2010 (2010). The catalogues of Two Modernism, and Essence and Color of Ink in Traditional Namdo Paintings have been collected by US Congress Library, University of Michigan Library, and Japan New Art Museum.

He teaches art theory, and culture and arts education at Gwangju National University of Education, and Chonnam National University.

 Gwangju Museum of Art 

Since 1992, when Gwangju Museum of Art was first opened for the enrichment of local culture and arts, it has continued to strive to provide diverse cultural experiences for the public. The museum also was instrumental in building the foundations for the opening of Gwangju modern arts museum, Gwangju Biennale, in 1995. Newly relocated to Gwangju’s northwest periphery at Jungoe Park in 2007, Biennale not only collaborates with Asia Culture Center to improve local art and culture, but also communicates with prominent museums all around the world.

The Gwangju Museum of Art is composed of six components including the main building, Ha Jung-woong Museum of Art, Gwangju Museum of Photography, Biennale Hall, Geumnamro Gallery, and G&J Gwangju Jeonnam Gallery. The main building includes six exhibition halls as well as a children's museum, cultural center, documents archive, seminar room, outdoor auditorium, and cafe. The Jungoe Park where the museum is located is also home to Gwangju Biennale, Gwangju Folk Museum, Gwangju National Museum, and Gwangju Culture & Art Center-a cultural location where nature and arts intermingle.

Gwangju has been well known for its rich arts and culture. The Gwangju Museum of Art, in collaboration with the Gwangju Biennale and the Asia Culture Center, will help spread word of Gwangju not only in Asia but also in the larger global community.


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