
如何练习“正念内观” | TIPS ON “MINDFULNESS”

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想了解更多相关信息,您可以参阅: https://www.therapistaid.com/worksheets/family-mindfulness-schedule.pdf


Mindfulness is a great method to help you release your stress, improve your emotional awareness and focus on the reality. It could be practice in a variety of ways. You can enjoy it by yourself or have a family time together.

Below you will find mindfulness techniques from an article that you can practice by yourself or with your family during a busy daily routine. Focus on doing one technique very well each day, rather than trying to do many.

Waking Up

When you wake up, take a few moments to explore the morning and your body through your senses. It helps you to avoid getting up hastily or checking your cell phone.

Five Senses. Try to name things you see, hear, feel, taste, and smell. Do you notice how soft is your pillow? Can you see the light is trying to come to your room through the curtain? Is the smell of breakfast coming around you?

Body Scan. Wake up your sensations by scanning your body. For example, starting from your head down to your toes. Notice your brain is probably working slow, the cool air on your face, or the warm comfy feeling in your blankets. 


Mindful Check-In. During this special time, taking care of everyone’s emotional needs is very important. Check in with each other while having meals by asking some simple questions. For example, how are you feeling today, or what is something fun we can do together.  

Mindful Eating. Rather than rushing through a meal, or watching TV show in the same time, eat slowly and mindfully. Notice how the food looks, and how it smells. What does it taste like? What does the food feel like on your tongue? You can write down some notes of how you feel about the food. You may find you have different feelings about the same food in different time or mood. 

Square Breathing. It is a great way to calm our mind down with breathing. You are going to use your finger to draw a square in the air, and every line you draw, you will take an action of breathing: breath in, hold breath, breath out, and pause. Time each step to last about four seconds. Repeat this for about 5 minutes to help you focus in the present moment. 


Progressive Muscle Relaxation. This activity below will help you relax the body for sleep. Read the following script slowly, allowing time for practice.

Pretend like you are in a quiet dark room, laying on a hammock, covered with soft blankets, and wearing a pair of soft socks. The hammock is swaying slowly, your breath is going up and down with it. Notice how your body feel comfortable and the tension has gone away. Relax every part of your body, let your thoughts sway away with the hammock. 

For more information on this, you can go to: https://www.therapistaid.com/worksheets/family-mindfulness-schedule.pdf

Special thanks to our school counselors for this article.

