

littleflute 笛台 2021-10-05














【TED演讲202】How to stay calm when you know you'll be stressed

【TED演讲201】拿什么拯救我们的医疗?演说者:Atul Gawande


Nilay Kulkarni是实时人群流量分析平台Ashioto Analytics的联合创始人兼首席技术官。

演讲者:Nilay Kulkarni


I was only nine when my grandfather first described to me the horrors he witnessed six years earlier when human stampedes killed 39 people in our hometown of Nashik, India. 

What saddened me the most is seeing people around me resigning to the city's fate in witnessing the seemingly inevitable deaths of dozens at every Kumbh Mela. 

I sought to change this, and I thought, why can't I try to find a solution to this? Because I knew it is wrong. Having learned coding at an early age and being a maker, I considered the wild idea -- [Makers always find a way] 
我想要改变现状。我想,为什么我不能找到方法解决这个问题?因为我知道这是不对的。我早年学过编程,作为一个手艺人(这里指程序员),我想到了一个疯狂的点子—— 【手艺人总能找到方法解决问题】 

I considered the wild idea of building a system that would help regulate the flow of people and use it in the next Kumbh Mela in 2015, to have fewer stampedes and, hopefully, fewer deaths. 

Now, we figured out to solve the stampede problem, we wanted to know only three things: the number of people, the location, and the rate of the flow of people per minute. So we started to look for technologies that would help us get these three things. Can we distribute radio-frequency tokens to identify people? 

We figured out that it would be too expensive and impractical to distribute 30 million tags. Can you use CCTV cameras with image-processing techniques? Again, too expensive for that scale, along with the disadvantages of being non-portable and being completely useless in the case of rain, which is a common thing to happen in Kumbh Mela. 

The possible errors, like overcounting or double-stepping, were overcome using design interventions. The optimum breadth of the mat was determined to be 18 inches, after we tested many different versions and observed the average stride length of a person. Otherwise, people might step over the sensor. 

We started with a proof of concept built in three days, made out of cardboard and aluminum foil. It worked, for real. We built another one with aluminum composite panels and piezoelectric plates, which are plates that generate a small pulse of electricity under pressure. 

We tested this at 30 different pilots in public, in crowded restaurants, in malls, in temples, etc., to see how people reacted. And people let us run these pilots because they were excited to see localites work on problems for the city. I was 15 and my team members were in their early 20s. 
我们在30多个不同的公众场合测试了这个装置,在拥挤的餐厅,商场和寺庙等等,来了解人们的表现。人们同意我们进行这些测试,因为他们非常乐于看到有当地人在解决城市问题。我当时15岁,团队的 平均年龄也就是20出头。 

Now, another added benefit of using black rubber was that dust naturally accumulates over the surface, eventually camouflaging it with the ground. We also had to make sure that the sensor is no higher than 12 millimeters. Otherwise, people might trip over it, which in itself would cause stampedes. 

We don't want that. So we were able to design a sensor which was only 10 millimeters thick. Now the data is sent to the server in real time, and a heat map is plotted, taking into account all the active devices on the ground. The authorities could be alerted if the crowd movement slowed down or if the crowd density moved beyond a desired threshold. 
我们可不想这样。所以我们设计了只有10毫米厚的传感器,现在数据实时传回服务器了, 热点图生成了——基于地面这些所有的活跃设备。政府部门就可以知道人群慢了下来,或者人群密度超过了期望的阀值。

We installed five of these mats in the Nashik Kumbh Mela 2015, and counted over half a million people in 18 hours, ensuring that the data was available in real time at various checkpoints, ensuring a safe flow of people. 

Now, this system, eventually, with other innovations, is what helped prevent stampedes altogether at that festival. The code used by Ashioto during Kumbh Mela will soon be made publicly available, free to use for anyone. I would be glad if someone used this code to make many more gatherings safer. 
现在这个系统,最终和其他创新一起,帮助我们避免了节日踩踏发生。大壶节的Ashioto使用的代码马上就会公开发布,任何人都可以免费获取。我非常乐于见到有人能够使用这个代码,去让更多有人群聚集的 场合变得更安全。 

Having succeeded at Kumbh Mela has inspired me to help others who may also suffer from stampedes. The design of the system makes it adaptable to pretty much any event that involves an organized gathering of people. 







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