

Hardjono 原人绘 2022-09-05


1948, 摄影师,The Photographer

1957, 安塞尔·亚当斯,Ansel Adams, Photographer

1972, 去我不曾去过的地方,黛安·阿布斯摄影,Going Where I've Never Been The Photography of Diane Arbus

1973, 决定性瞬间,The Decisive Moment

1983, 灯下阴影,Shadows from Light

1984, 美国与刘易斯·海因,America and Lewis Hine

1986, 东方之火:罗伯特的肖像,Fire in the East: A Portrait of Robert Frank

1986, 卡什:搜索的眼睛,Karsh: The Searching Eye

1989, 摄影师之眼 Creativity with Bill Moyers: The Photographer's Eye

1989, 赫尔穆特·牛顿Helmut Newton: Frames from the Edge

1989, 黑布之下,Strand, Under the Dark Cloth

1989, 尤金·史密斯,W. Eugene Smith: Photography Made Difficult

1993, 摄影大师Sebastião Salgado,Looking Back at You

1994, A Great Day In Harlem

1995, Lee Miller: Through the Mirror

1995, Legends in Light: The Photography of George Hurrell

1995, 透过镜头,Through the Lens

1996, 梦幻女郎,盖·伯丁的摄影,Dreamgirls: The photography of Guy Bourdin

1996, 理查德·艾维顿:黑暗与光明,Richard Avedon: Darkness and Light

1998, Dying to Tell the Story

1998, 国家地理:摄影师,National Geographic: The Photographers

1999, 马格南图片社:神话的变迁,Magnum Photos: The Changing of a Myth

1999, 影响的时刻:普利策奖照片的故事。Moments of Impact: Stories of Pulitzer Prize Photographs

2000, 秋天过半:戈登公园的生活和工作,Half Past Autumn: The Life and Works of Gordon Parks

2000, 裸体漂流记,Naked States

2000,战地摄影师,Shooting War

2001, 阿尔弗雷德·斯蒂格利茨:能言善辩的眼睛,Alfred Stieglitz: The Eloquent Eye

2001, 布列松:我们的爱情如此简单,Henri Cartier-Bresson: L’amour Tout Court (Just Plain Love)

2001, 视觉爵士乐,Jazz Seen: The Life and Times of William Claxton

2001, 森山大道 ≒森山大道,Near Equal Daido Moriyama

2001, 战地摄影师,War Photographer

2002, 安德烈亚斯·古尔斯基的世界,Gursky World

2002, 图片的意义,The True Meaning of Pictures: Shelby Lee Adams' Appalachia

2003, 亚当斯:美国经验,Ansel Adams, American Experience

2003, 布列松:激昂的眼睛,Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Impassioned Eye

2003, Martin Parr – De Magie van het Moment

2003, Milton Rogovin: The Forgotten Ones

2003, 河流与潮汐:安迪高茲沃斯的艺术人生,Rivers and Tides – Andy Goldsworthy Working with Time

2003, 罗伯特·卡帕:战地摄影记者的传奇一生,Robert Capa In Love and War

2003, 摄影发展史,The Adventure Of Photography

2003, 威廉·艾格斯顿的彩色摄影,The Colourful Mr Eggleston

2003, 马丁·帕尔的世界,The World According To Martin Parr

2004, 荒木经惟:迷色,Arakimentari

2004, 生于妓院,Born Into Brothels: Calcutta's Red Light Kids

2004, 摄影师眼中的伊拉克战争,The War in Iraq: Through Photographers' Eyes

2004, 想入非非,Thinking XXX

2005, Leaving Home, Coming Home A Portrait of Robert Frank

2005, What Remains – Sally Mann

2005, 威廉·埃格尔斯顿的现实世界,William Eggleston in the Real World

2006, 安妮莱柏维兹的浮华视界,Annie Leibovitz Life Through A Lens

2006, 人造风景,Manufactured Landscapes

https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=r0153wu4wm6&width=500&height=375&auto=0纪录片《人造风景,Manufactured Landscapes》(中字正片)

2006, …More Than 1000 Words

2006, Tierney Gearon母亲项目,Tierney Gearon: The Mother Project

2007, At Close Range With National Geographic

2007, 黑白灰,Black White + Gray: A Portrait of Sam Wagstaff and Robert Mapplethorpe

2007, 赤裸的雄辩:哈里斯·威尔逊与爱德华·韦斯顿的爱与遗产,Eloquent Nude: The Love and Legacy of Edward Weston & Charis Wilson

2007, Helmut by June

2007, 迈克尔·肯纳的北海道,Michael Kenna's Hokkaido

2007, 房子的影子,Shadow of the House

2008, 不可能的武器,An Unlikely Weapon

2008, Blood Trail: Shooting Robert King

2008, In Harm's Way – War Photographers

2008, 视觉声学:朱利·舒尔曼的现代主义,Visual Acoustics The Modernism of Julius Schulman

2009, Erwin Olaf, on Beauty and Fall

2009, Japan in Colour: The Wonderful World of Albert Kahn

2009, Karsh Is History

2009, 盐,Salt

2009, 安东·寇班影子游戏,Shadow Play: The Making of Anton Corbijn

2009, 柬埔寨房间:安托万·D·阿格塔实录,The Cambodian Room – Situations with Antoine D'Agata

2010, 我们都为比尔着盛装,Bill Cunningham New York

2010, 马文科尔,Marwencol

2010, Moonbug

2010, 砸烂他的摄影机,Smash His Camera

2010, 南非影像,South Africa in Pictures

2010, 少年狗仔队,Teenage Paparazzo

2010, 谁记录了60年代,The Man Who Shot The 60s

2010, The Pirelli Calendar Saga

2010, 总统的摄影师,The President's Photographer

2010, The Weird Adventures of Eadweard Muybridge

如果不是Alan Yentob,如果不是BBC


Alan Yentob在《The Weird Adventures of Eadweard Muybridge》片中

2010, 伍德曼一家,The Woodmans

2010, 垃圾场,Waste Land

2011, 影像中的美国,LIFE杂志的故事,America in Pictures- The Story of Life Magazine

2011, Artists and Alchemists

2011,5台破相机.5 Broken Cameras

2011, 伯特·斯特恩:原本狂人,Bert Stern: Original Madman

2011, 北极圈最后的日子,Last Days of the Arctic

2011, Rock 'N' Roll Exposed: The Photography of Bob Gruen

2011, 摄影人生,Sam Abell – The Life of a Photograph

2011, Shooting the Hollywood Stars

2012, 安东寇班:里里外外,Anton Corbijn Inside Out

2012, 生死前线,Deadline Every Second

2012, 逐冰之旅,Chasing Ice

2012, 奎葛瑞·库德森,短暂相遇,Gregory Crewdson Brief Encounters

2012, In No Great Hurry: 13 Lessons in Life with Saul Leiter

2012, 战地摄影师麦库宁,McCullin

2012, 马丁·帕尔 不用担心 No Worries – Martin Parr

2012, 威廉·克莱因的多种生活,The Many Lives of William Klein

2013, 纽约街头摄影师,Everybody Street

2013, Rowland Scherman 标志性的摄影,Eye on the Sixties: The Iconic Photography of Rowland Scherman

2013, Vivian Maier Who Took Nanny's Pictures

2013,寻找薇薇安·迈尔 Finding Vivian Maier

2013, 战争的前线在哪方?蒂姆·赫瑟林顿传奇的一生,Which Way is the Front Line from Here? The Life and Time of Tim Hetherington

2014,地球之盐.The Salt of the Earth

https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=a0153dc7liz&width=500&height=375&auto=0纪录片《地球之盐.The Salt of the Earth》(中字正片)


1983, 摄影大师,BBC's Master Photographers

1988, 摄影全接触,Contacts, Vol. 1 The Great Tradition of Photojournalism

1992, 摄影全接触,Contacts, Vol. 2 The Renewal of Contemporary Photography

1997, 决定性的时刻,Decisive Moments – The Photographs That Made History

1999, 美国摄影:百年影像,American Photography: A Century of Images

2001, 摄影全接触,Contacts, Vol. 3 Conceptual Photography

2007, 阿尔伯特·卡恩的映像奇观,Edwardians in Colour: The Wonderful World of Albert Kahn

2007, 摄影艺术百年史,The Genius Of Photography

2012, Capture with Mark Seliger

2012, 完美图片,Picture Perfect

2012, 证人,Witness

Films By Photogs

1966, 你是谁,波莉·玛古? Who Are You, Polly Maggoo

1993, Don Van Vliet: 'Some Yo-Yo Stuff'

1999, 英格兰想像-马丁·帕尔 , Think of England – Documentary by Martin Parr

2005, Stranded in Canton – Documentary by William J. Eggleston

2007, 控制,Control – Film by Anton Corbijn

2010, 绝望,Despair – Online – Film by Alex Prager

2010, 雷斯特雷波,Restrepo – Documentary by Tim Hetherington

2010, 美国人,The American – Film by Anton Corbijn

2010, 被遗忘的空间,The Forgotten Space – Documentary by Allan Sekula

2011, Teddy Gray's Sweet Factory – Documentary by Martin Parr


1972, 观看之道,Ways of Seeing (Art Appreciation)

1992, 光影的魅力,Visions of Light – The Art of Cinematography (Cinematography)

2000, 温柔的杀害,Killing Us Softly 3 Advertisings Image of Women (Advertising Industry)

2001, 斯坦利·库布里克:电影人生,Stanley Kubrick – A Life In Pictures (Film Industry)

2003, 洛杉矶影话,Los Angeles Plays Itself (Film Industry)

2004, 光的故事,BBC.Light Fantastic – YouTube (Light)

2009, 九月刊,The September Issue (Fashion Industry)

2010, How to Make a Book with Steidl (Photo Books)

2011, 戴安娜·弗里兰:眼睛要旅行,Diana Vreeland: The Eye Has To Travel (Fashion Industry)

2011, 炮火之下:战地记者,Under Fire: Journalists in Combat (War Journalism)

2012, 阴阳相成,Side by Side (Film Industry)


Bring Your Own Doc: A conversation with director Jeff Malmberg about Marwencol

Getty Images Grants for Editorial Photography 2012

亨利·卡蒂埃-布列松访谈,Henri Cartier-Bresson Interviewed by Charlie Rose

总统的摄影师,Inside Media: The President's Photographer

James Nares – STREET – Lecture

Joel Meyerowitz 1981 Street Photography Program

Magnum Photos – Earthlings by Richard Kalvar

Magnum Photos – Personal Best by Elliott Erwitt

‪Mark Feeney: "Four Photographers on Three Wheels: William Eggleston's Tricycle and Before"‬

彼得·弗雷泽 Peter Fraser 2011 talk on his work and workshop assignment

摄影大师莎拉·莫恩 Sarah Moon is a Master of Photography

后 记

此片单主要是由摄影师Wirjo Hardjono所总结的世界各国著名图片摄影师的纪录影片、包括战地、时尚、街头等不同类型。原人绘编辑根据近两年新增片目的情况,略有补充。相信对图片摄影及电影摄影专业的朋友能够有一定帮助,原人绘平台也会在日后的慢慢分享推送。此后,我们还会慢慢总结和分享有关电影的纪录片,包括电影摄影师,导演、电影史等。欢迎喜欢观看艺术家纪录片的朋友们关注原人绘。


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