What makes you love Guizhou? 大声说出来!Voice that out loud!
12月9日,全球短视频征集活动——“爱上贵州的100个理由”在“天眼新闻”客户端、当代先锋网,以及全球各大社交媒体平台正式上线。本次活动由贵州日报报刊社主办,并获得贵州茅台公益支持。"100 Reasons to Love Guizhou" Global Short Video Competition, sponsored by Moutai Group for public good and hosted by Guizhou Daily Press, is officially launched on Eyesnews, ddcpc.cn, and major social media platforms on December 9th. 位于北半球的中国贵州迎来大雪时节,人们在屋里红泥小火炉、问客能饮一杯无,或在山水间踏雪、且与深情共白头。而此时的你,无论在世界哪个角落,我们都极想与你分享这些贵州式的浪漫。It's right after Major Snow. People in Guizhou either stay around the fireplace with baijiu and chit-chat or hang around to enjoy the magnificent snowscapes. No matter where you are, we'd like to share with you the romance of winter in Guizhou. 最重要的是,我们十分诚挚地邀请你,为贵州拍一段浪漫短视频吧!说出与贵州相遇、相知、相爱的动人故事。在镜头里面,你可以展示贵州的如画风景,可以讲述贵州的人间烟火,可以倾诉对贵州的乡愁与思念。And we sincerely invite you to share your stories with Guizhou through the camera. Feel free to showcase the scenery, tell your daily life, or express recalling of your old time in Guizhou in the video. Ji Keliang, former chairman of Moutai Group季克良,茅台集团原董事长 同时,我们还将邀请活跃在海内外的贵州籍名人、行走在贵州的中外网红大V、海内外短视频爱好者,一起来让世界触摸中国、爱上贵州。Also, Guizhou celebrities abroad, Chinese and foreign social media influencers based here, and short film enthusiasts are invited to join us to discover Guizhou and China. Gong Linna, a famous Guizhou singer龚琳娜,中国贵州女歌唱家、中国新艺术音乐创始人 活动期间,DiscoverGuizhou将从全网征集的作品中选取优秀作品在国内主流媒体、社交平台和Twitter、Facebook、Youtube、Ins等平台进行展播。Selected entries will be published on the mainstream media and our domestic and overseas social media account, DiscoverGuizhou, on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. 凡入围展播作品,均向创作者提供最高1000元奖励。最终将评选出一二三等奖,最高奖金人民币2万元。Up to 1,000 RMB will be awarded to each shortlisted work. For the shortlisted videos, after review, corresponding awards (up to 20,000 RMB) will be presented to prize winners. 摄制要求:紧扣“爱上贵州的100个理由”摄制1至2分钟短视频,分辨率1920*1080以上。视频画面清晰干净,不带角标、水印或标识。横竖屏皆可。中英文皆可。Entry requirements: Themed "100 Reasons to Love Guizhou", the entry should be a one-to-two-minute short film in English or Chinese with a resolution of 1920*1080 or above. MP4 or MOV is acceptable. Besides, your video should be of high visual clarity without corner marks, watermarks or logos. Both horizontal and vertical screen formats are acceptable. 投稿邮箱:DiscoverGuizhou@gmail.comSubmission email: DiscoverGuizhou@gmail.com