
霸气 | NUS商学院2016毕业典礼一口气授予41个学位!








通告7月13日(明天)NUS商学院毕业典礼早10点至晚10点纵贯三场 C19,C20,C21国大文化中心 University Cultural Centre




★ Doctor of Philosophy工商管理博士★ Doctor of Philosophy / Master of Business Administration工商管理硕博连读学位

Double Degree Programme双硕士学位

NUS-University of California, Los Angeles Double Degree Programme新国大-加州大学洛杉矶分校双学位课程
★ Master of Business Administration工商管理硕士

NUS-CEMS Double Degree Programme新国大-全球管理教育联盟双学位课程 Master of Science (Management) 管理学硕士
NUS-Hautes Études Commerciales (HEC Paris) Double Degree Programme新国大-巴黎高商双学位课程★ Master of Business Administration工商管理硕士
NUS-Peking University Double Degree Programme新国大-北大双学位课程★ Master of Business Administration工商管理硕士
NUS-Fudan University S3 Asia Double Degree Programme新国大-复旦3S亚洲双学位课程★ Master of Business Administration工商管理硕士
NUS-Korea University S3 Asia Double Degree Programme新国大-高丽大学3S亚洲双学位课程★ Master of Business Administration 工商管理硕士
NUS-Yale University Double Degree Programme新国大-耶鲁大学双学位课程★ Master of Business Administration 工商管理硕士
Master Programme硕士学位

★ Master of Business Administration (Asia-Pacific Executive MBA Programme)亚太EMBA(英文)硕士

 Master of Business Administration (Asia-Pacific Executive MBA Programme - Chinese) 亚太EMBA(中文)硕士

★ Master of Business Administration 工商管理硕士(英文)

★ Master of Business Administration (Conducted in Chinese) 工商管理硕士(中文)

★ Master of Science (Business) 商学硕士

★ Master of Science (Business Analytics) 商业分析硕士

★ Master of Science (Management) 管理学硕士

Concurrent Degree Programme (NUS-CEMS Double Degree Programme)



★ Master of Science (Management) / Bachelor of Arts with Honours - English Literature 英语文学学士-管理学硕士

 Master of Science (Management) / Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours 工商管理荣誉学士-管理学硕士

 Master of Science (Management) / Bachelor of Business Administration (Accountancy) with Honours 工商管理(会计)荣誉学士-管理学硕士

★ Master of Science (Management) / Bachelor of Engineering (Environmental Engineering) 环境工程学士-管理学硕士

★ Master of Science (Management) / Bachelor of Science with Honours - Life Sciences 生命科学荣誉学士-管理学硕士

 Master of Science (Management) / Bachelor of Science with Honours – Physics 物理学荣誉学士-管理学硕士

★ Master of Science (Management) / Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours - Communications and New Media 新媒体传播学荣誉学士-管理学硕士
Concurrent Degree Programme本硕连读学位课程

★ Master in Public Policy / Bachelor of Business Administration (Accountancy) with Honours 工商管理(会计)荣誉学士-公共政策硕士

 Master of Science (Management) / Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours 工商管理荣誉学士-管理学硕士

★ Master of Science (Management) / Bachelor of Business Administration (Accountancy) with Honours工商管理(会计)荣誉学士-管理学硕士

 Master of Science (Management) / Bachelor of Computing (Information Systems) 计算机学士(信息系统)-管理学硕士

 Master of Science (Management) / Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering) 化学工程学士-管理学硕士

★ Master of Science (Management) / Bachelor of Engineering (Environmental Engineering) 环境工程学士-管理学硕士

★ Master of Science (Management) / Bachelor of Applied Science with Honours - Food Science and Technology 应用理学(食品科技)荣誉学士-管理学硕士

★ Master of Science (Management) / Bachelor of Science with Honours - Applied Mathematics 应用数学荣誉学士-管理学硕士

 Master of Science (Management) / Bachelor of Science with Honours - Life Sciences 生命科学荣誉学士-管理学硕士

★ Master of Science (Management) / Bachelor of Science with Honours - Quantitative Finance 数量金融荣誉学士-管理学硕士

★ Master of Science (Management) / Bachelor of Science with Honours – Statistics 统计学学士-管理学硕士

 Bachelor of Business Administration (Accountancy) with Honours 工商管理(会计)荣誉学士

 Bachelor of Business Administration (Accountancy) 工商管理(会计)学士

★ Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours 工商管理荣誉学士

 Bachelor of Business Administration 工商管理学士
Joint Programmes with Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, NUS与新国大李光耀公共政策学院合作课程

★ Master in Public Administration and Management 高级公共行政与管理硕士

Concurrent Degree Programme本硕连读学位
★ Master in Public Policy / Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours工商管理荣誉学士-公共政策硕士

 Master in Public Policy / Bachelor of Business Administration (Accountancy) with Honours工商管理(会计)荣誉学士-公共政策硕士


https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=n0312h0p9te&width=500&height=375&auto=0毕业典礼形象片 (抢先看)

