
Attention! China to Extend Tax Declaration Deadline in Feb

Reese HACOS瀚客 2020-02-02

Due to the epidemic situation caused by the novel coronavirus outbreak, State Taxation Administration of China decided to extend the deadline for tax declaration in February to Feb 24

State Taxation Administration (STA) has issued a new circular extending local tax declaration deadline in February. 

The tax declaration deadline will be nationwide changed to February 24, 2020, according to the circular. 

For regions such as Hubei, where the epidemic situation is severe, the deadline could be further extended. That depends on the specific situation. 

According to Hubei authorities, the deadline in Feb for taxpayers who declare monthly will be extended to March 6, 2020

Besides the extension, the notice advocate taxpayers to file tax return and pay their taxes online as possible. 

Please check the latest rules issued by local authorities. In addition, HACOS will provide our best services to help you. 

Full content of the circular concerning the extension is as follows (in Chinese), please tap to enlarge the full size. 

Official website: http://www.gov.cn/zhengce/zhengceku/2020-01/31/content_5473310.htm 

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SOURCE | China Gov

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