
First Foreign Patient is Recovered and Discharged Today!

Reese HACOS瀚客 2020-03-07


Two weeks ago we've reported that a person of Pakistani nationality was diagnosed with novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP) infection, which is the first case of foreigner infected with the virus in Guangzhou. Here come a good news, he is discharged from hospital after recovery today! 

First thing first, here's a brief of the current epidemic situation so far according to DingXiangYiSheng, whose source is from health authorities, as of 16:46 on Feb 12: 

  • Confirmed cases: At least 44,754 in China, 441 abroad 

  • Deaths: 1,115, mostly in Hubei 

  • Recovered cases: 4,924

  • People are generally susceptible to the virus 

  • Incubation period: no more than 14 days 

△ Epidemic map made by DingXiangYiSheng

A total of 4,740 patients infected with the novel coronavirus had been discharged from hospital after recovery by the end of Tuesday, Chinese health authorities announced Wednesday. 

Today morning, the Pakistani young man walked out of hospital. He is the 10th patients discharged from Guangzhou Eighth People's Hospital. 

Related article: First Case of Foreigner Infected in GZ! But Vaccine's on the Way 

According to local media reports, he went to Guangzhou from Wuhan and had a fever eight days later, with headache, sore body and feebleness

Then he went to the hospital after treatment in the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, and got diagnosed with a pneumonia infection caused by the novel coronavirus. 

After receiving treatment and good care, the patient's temperature has returned to normal for days, and two nucleic acid tests had negative results. 

He said that the disease can be defeated as long as people “stay strong”, physically and mentally. 

So far, a total of five foreign patients infected with the novel coronavirus have been recovered and discharged in Guangdong. 


In order to help foreigners understand and master the relevant knowledge of prevention, National Immigration Administration (NIA) has compiled and  translated this guide according to the Public Prevention Notes. 

NIA has issued the note in 6 languages. Please check the following links to reach it: 

Due to the work resumption, Guangzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention has issued the Prevention and Control of 2019-nCov Infection in the Workplace

Try to follow the guide to prevent the NCP infections: 

  • The staff should monitor their own health. Don’t go to work if symptoms compatible with 2019-nCoV infection develop. The symptoms include fever, cough, sorethroat, chest distress, breathing difficulties, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,  conjunctivitis and muscle ache. 
  • Anyone with symptoms compatible with 2019-nCoV infection should be requested to leave. 
  • Public supplies, public goods and public places should be cleaned and disinfected regularly. 
  • Maintain proper ventilation in the workplace. Ensure proper functioning of the air conditioners and extract fans. Rinse theA/C filters regularly. Open the windows and air the room.
  • Prepare enough liquid soap in the restroom. Ensure proper functioning of the water supply facilities. 
  • Keep the environment clean. Clean rubbish out in time.

Besides, you can check a short epidemic prevention video released by Guangzhou Municipal Public Service Platform to get more info: 


The State Council has compiled hotlines for foreigners aid novel coronavirus out break in provinces and cities across the country. 

You can also check the following website to the H5 pages and directly click on the number to call: http://h5.www.gov.cn/c/wxzi/hnt4/index.html

Meanwhile, some provinces and cities set up 24-hour bilingual hotline platform. Foreign nationals can call these number for inquiries or assistance at anytime during the period. 

Guangdong: 020-1258088
Hubei province: 027-87122256
Zhejiang province: 13968133909
Shanghai city: 021-12345
Tianjin city: 022-58368675
Chongqing city: 18983632200

Related article: Expats, Your Legal Stay May be Affected by These Changes! 

HACOS Business Services have started to work online. We'll stick to our posts, run for your business with our best services. Please feel free to contact us if you have any question. 

Lots of measures and policies have been adjusted and taken due to the epidemic situation. We will post a series of articles about latest policies and solutions. Stay tuned. 

Share to let your friends know!

SOURCE | 南方+ / China Gov

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