
为什么睡前想喝水 ? | Nature 论文推荐

2016-10-07 董堃 科研圈


来源 麦吉尔大学

翻译 董堃

审校 刘小鸥 谭坤

麦吉尔大学的研究人员发现,大脑的生物钟会在睡前刺激神经,引起口渴。这项研究已发表于2016年9月29日的 Nature

这项发现及其背后的分子机制,使人们初步了解了生物钟是如何调节生理功能。虽然这项研究是在小鼠身上进行,但是本文的资深作者,来自麦吉尔大学神经学系和麦吉尔大学健康中心的脑修复与整合神经科学(integrative neuroscience)项目的 Charles Bourque 教授指出,“这些发现能够为受体靶向的药物的研究指明方向,从而减轻那些饱受时差或轮班折磨人们的痛苦”。

科学家们已观察到,啮齿类动物在睡前两小时会大量饮水。Bourque 的项目组的研究发现,这种行为并不是由于任何生理因素(如脱水)引起的。那么既然他们并不缺水,为什么会饮水呢?

本文的第一作者、博士生 Claire Gizowski 发现在睡前两小时限制小鼠水分的摄入,会导致小鼠在睡眠结束时明显的脱水。由此可见,睡前增加水的摄取是防止脱水,保持动物健康和水分充足的明智做法。


小组成员首先猜测血管加压素(一种由视交叉上核分泌的神经肽)可能在其中发挥了关键作用。为了验证这个猜想,他们用到了“嗅细胞”,这种细胞能够在加压素存在时会发出荧光。他们将这种细胞运用到啮齿动物的大脑组织,并用电刺激视交叉上核,Bourque 说,“我们看到嗅细胞发出的荧光急剧增加,这表明刺激生物钟造成了血管加压素的释放”。






原文链接 http://www.mcgill.ca/newsroom/channels/news/brains-biological-clock-stimulates-thirst-sleep-263012



题目 Clock-driven vasopressin neurotransmissionmediates anticipatory thirst prior to sleep

作者 C. Gizowski, C.Zaelzer, C.W. Bourque

期刊 Nature(2016)

日期 28. SEP.2016

DOI 10.1038/nature19756

摘要 Circadian rhythms have evolved to anticipate and adapt animals to theconstraints of the earth’s 24-hour light cycle. Although the molecular processes thatestablish periodicity in clock neurons of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) arewell understood, the mechanisms by which axonal projections from the centralclock drive behavioural rhythms are unknown, , . Here we show that the sleep period inmice (Zeitgeber time, ZT0–12) is preceded by an increase in water intakepromoted entirely by the central clock, and not motivated by physiologicalneed. Mice denied this surge experienced significant dehydration near the endof the sleep period, indicating that this water intake contributes to themaintenance of overnight hydromineral balance. Furthermore, this effect reliesspecifically on the activity of SCN vasopressin (VP) neurons that project tothirst neurons in the OVLT (organum vasculosum lamina terminalis), where VP isreleased as a neurotransmitter. SCN VP neurons become electrically activeduring the anticipatory period (ZT21.5–23.5), and depolarize and excite OVLTneurons through the activation of postsynaptic VP V1a receptors and downstreamnon-selective cation channels. Optogenetic induction of VP release before theanticipatory period (basal period; ZT19.5–21.5) excited OVLT neurons andprompted a surge in water intake. Conversely, optogenetic inhibition of VPrelease during the anticipatory period inhibited the firing of OVLT neurons andprevented the corresponding increase in water intake. Our findings reveal theexistence of anticipatory thirst, and demonstrate this behaviour to be drivenby excitatory peptidergic neurotransmission mediated by VP release from centralclock neurons.

链接 http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v537/n7622/full/nature19756.html#affil-auth


▽ 故事

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· 2016年诺贝尔物理学奖:拓扑与物理学的相遇

· 2016 诺奖工作解读 | 生理学或医学奖×细胞自噬×大隅良典


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▽ 中文摘要

· Science 一周论文导读 | 09 SEP 2016

· Nature 一周论文导读 | 22 SEP 2016




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