
南大余林蔚课题组:金属液滴诱导晶硅纳米线“超塑形”调控 | Nature Communication 论文推荐;

2016-10-13 科研圈 科研圈




推荐论文,请联系 keyanquan@huanqiukexue.com

供稿 南京大学余林蔚教授课题组

编辑 谭坤


类似于液体束流中的 Plateau-Rayleigh(PR)不稳定特性,一维纳米线在表面能最小化的驱使下,将“倾向于”自发演化成分立的珠串结构。虽然原则上固态晶硅纳米线无在低温下法完成上述的 PR 形貌转变,但巧妙地借助于金属纳米液滴的自驱动生长和柔性“固-液”生长界面,可以在350oC 的低温下实现了对所生长出纳米线直径和形貌的实时调控,“塑造”出周期性的岛链状(island-chain)纳米线结构。令人吃惊的是,在此过程中 PR 形变动态可以被宏观调控参量很好地掌控,从而制备出几乎任意中间态的硅纳米珠串形貌结构。例如:可以保持晶硅岛之间的窄沟道连接(这对于电声传输尤其重要),并同时实现岛链状纳米线的精确定向定位。针对此新颖的金属纳米颗粒生长特性,此工作还进一步讨论了其中的独特形貌调控理论,并建立了关键的生长描述模型。此项研究的突破,充分展示了液态金属液滴自组织生长在调控硅基纳米结构材料上的巨大潜力和机遇,也为在大面积尺度上开发和集成新一代的高性能硅基电子和光电子器件,深入研究其中独特的光、热、电及其相互转换特性,提供了理想的结构框架。


本项研究成果论文发表在 Nature communication 上之上 (论文信息见文末)。论文的第一作者为博士生薛兆国同学,通讯作者是南京大学余林蔚教授和徐骏教授。相关工作得到了电子科学与工程学院的施毅教授、陈坤基教授以及法国巴黎综合理工/CNRS,LPICM 实验室 PereRoca i Cabarrocas 教授的大力支持。该项研究工作受到“青年千人计划”,国家基础研究“973”课题,国家自然科学基金,江苏杰出青年基金,江苏省自然科学基金,双创人才计划和江苏省“333”高层次人才培养工程项目的资助。



1997-2001      毕业于南京大学半导体专业,获得物理学学士学位;

2001-2002      团中央第三届研究生青年志愿者支教团(赴宁夏隆德县支教);

2002-2007      获得南京大学固体电子与微电子学博士学位;

2007-2009      法国巴黎综合理工“界面与薄膜物理实验室 LPICM”进行博士后研究工作;

2009.10      入职法国国家科学研究院(CNRS) 终身职位研究员(CR2);

20013.6      中组部“青年千人计划”入职南京大学电子科学与工程学院



1)  气相淀积系统中半导体纳米结构的生长机理和调控理论;
2)  可拉伸、柔性及高性能纳米线薄膜电子器件和传感应用;



一系列原创性工作多次被学术新闻媒体 SPIE Newsroom, APS Physics Focus 和 Nature Materials Highlights 报道。相关工作已发表学术论文80余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者在Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters, Nano Letters, Advanced Functional Materials, Nano Energy, Nanoscale, APL, PRB 等国际一流学术期刊上发表论文45篇。参加国际会议70余次,其中邀请报告11次。长期担任 Appl. Phys. Letters, Adv. Eng. Mat., Nanotechnology, ACS Nano, IEEE Trans. series 等18个SCI期刊的审稿人。申请和获得国际PCT发明授权专利2项和国内授权发明专利5项,申请受理国际和国内专利9项。






1.      Engineering island-chain silicon nanowires via a droplet mediated Plateau-Rayleigh transformation
Zhaoguo Xue, Mingkun Xu, Yaolong Zhao, Jimmy Wang, Xiaofan Jiang, Linwei Yu,Junzhuan Wang, Jun Xu,* Yi Shi, Kunji Chen, and Pere Roca i Cabarrocas
Nature Communications 7, 12836, (2016)

2.      In-plane self-turning and twin dynamics renders large stretchability to mono-like zigzag silicon nanowire springs
Zhaoguo Xue, Mingkun Xu, Xing Li, Jimmy Wang, Xiaofan Jiang, Xianlong Wei, Linwei Yu*, Qing Chen,* Junzhuan Wang, Jun Xu, Yi Shi, Kunji Chen, and Pere Roca i Cabarrocas
Advanced Functional Materials, 26, 5352–5359 (2016)

3.      Highly-connected silicon-copper alloy mixture nanotubes as high rate and durable anode materials for lithium ion batteries
Hucheng Song, HongXiang Wang, Zixia Lin, Xiaofan Jiang, Linwei Yu,* Jun Xu,* Zhongwei Yu, Xiaowei Zhang, Yijie Liu, Ping He, Lijia Pan, Yi Shi, Haoshen Zhou and Kunji Chen
Advanced Functional Materials, 26, 524–531 (2016)

4.      Hierarchical Nano-branched c-Si/SnO2 Nanowires for High Areal Capacity and Stable Lithium-Ion Battery
Hucheng Song, HongXiang Wang, Zixia Lin, Linwei YU*, Xiaofan Jiang, Zhongwei Yu, Jun XU*, Lijia Pan, Mingbo Zheng, Yi Shi, and Kunji Chen
Nano Energy 19, 511 (2016)

5.      Incorporation and redistribution dynamics of impurities into silicon nanowires
Wanghua Chen*Linwei Yu*, Soumyadeep Misra, Zheng Fan, Pere Roca i Cabarrocas, Philippe Pareige*, Gilles Patriarche and Sophie Bouchoule
Nature Communications 5, 4134 (2014)

6.     In-Plane Epitaxial Growth of Silicon Nanowires and Junction Formation on Si(100) Substrates
Linwei Yu,* Mingkun Xu, Jie Xu, Zhaoguo Xue, Zheng Fan, Gennaro Picardi, Franck Fortuna, Junzhuan Wang, Jun Xu, Yi Shi, Kunji Chen, and Pere Roca i Cabarrocas
Nano Letters, 14, 6469 (2014)

7.      Bismuth-Catalyzed and Doped Silicon Nanowires for One-Pump-Down Fabrication of Radial Junction Solar Cells
Linwei Yu, Franck Fortuna, Benedict O’Donnell, Taewoo Jeon, Martin Foldyna, Gennaro Picardi, and Pere Roca i Cabarrocas†
Nano Letters 12, 4153−4158 (2012)

8.      An in-plane solid-liquid-solid growth mode for self-avoiding lateral silicon nanowires
Linwei Yu, Pierre-Jean Alet, Gennaro Picardi and Pere Roca i Cabarrocas 
Physical Review Letters,
 (2009)  Featured as Editor’s Suggestion

9.      Highly cross-linked Cu/a-Si core–shell nanowires for ultra-long cycle life and high rate lithium batteries
Hongxiang Wang, Hucheng Song, Zixia Lin, Xiaofan Jiang, Xiaowei Zhang, Linwei YU*, Jun XU, Lijia Pan, Junzhuan Wang,* Mingbo Zheng, Yi Shi and Kunji Chen
Nanoscale, 8, 2613-2619 (2016)

10.   Operating principles of in-plane silicon nanowires at simple step-edges
Mingkun Xu, Zhaoguo Xue , Linwei Yu*, Shengyi Qian, Zheng Fan, Junzhuan Wang, Jun Xu, Yi Shi, Kunji Chen and Pere Roca i Cabarrocas
Nanoscale 7, 5197 (2015)


题目 Engineering island-chain silicon nanowires via a droplet mediated Plateau-Rayleigh transformation

作者 Zhaoguo Xue, Mingkun Xu, Yaolong Zhao, Jimmy Wang, Xiaofan Jiang, Linwei Yu, Junzhuan Wang, Jun Xu, Yi Shi, Kunji Chen & Pere Roca i Cabarrocas

刊期 Nature Communications 7, Article number: 12836 (2016)


发表日期 Published online: 29 September 2016

摘要 The ability to program highly modulated morphology upon silicon nanowires (SiNWs) has been fundamental to explore new phononic and electronic functionalities. We here exploit a nanoscale locomotion of metal droplets to demonstrate a large and readily controllable morphology engineering of crystalline SiNWs, from straight ones into continuous or discrete island-chains, at temperature <350 °C. This has been accomplished via a tin (Sn) droplet mediated in-plane growth where amorphous Si thin film is consumed as precursor to produce crystalline SiNWs. Thanks to a significant interface-stretching effect, a periodic Plateau-Rayleigh instability oscillation can be stimulated in the liquid Sn droplet, and the temporal oscillation of the Sn droplets is translated faithfully, via the deformable liquid/solid deposition interface, into regular spatial modulation upon the SiNWs. Combined with a unique self-alignment and positioning capability, this new strategy could enable a rational design and single-run fabrication of a wide variety of nanowire-based optoelectronic devices.

链接 http://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms12836


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▽ 中文摘要

· Science 一周论文导读 | 30 SEP 2016

· Nature 一周论文导读 | 29 SEP 2016




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