谁是中国内陆沙尘灾害的始作俑者? 兰大黄建平课题组发现我们可能错怪了塔克拉玛干沙漠
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戈壁沙漠(陈柏靖 摄)
《中国科学》英文版期刊上发表的论文刊登了兰州大学大气科学学院黄建平团队(第一作者为其学生陈思宇博士)的研究成果,论文题目为“Comparison of dust emissions, transport, and deposition between the Taklimakan Desert and Gobi Desert from 2007 to 2011”(详细信息见文末)。该研究指出,一直以来关于塔克拉玛干沙漠是东亚沙尘主要来源的认知存在一定的误区。相较而言,位于中蒙之间的戈壁沙漠才是东亚沙尘浓度最主要的贡献者。
塔克拉玛干沙漠是中国最大的沙漠,也是全世界第二大流动沙漠。其面积为33.76万平方公里,约占中国总面积的1/30。近年来,科学家对塔克拉玛干沙尘进行了全面、深入的研究工作,包括塔克拉玛干沙尘的时空变化特征、沙尘释放、远距离传输及气候效应等方面。然而,长期以来人们低估了戈壁沙漠对东亚沙尘浓度贡献的重要性,对戈壁沙漠的研究仍然存在一定空白。为定量估计塔克拉玛干沙漠和戈壁沙漠对东亚地区沙尘浓度的贡献,该项研究基于 WRF-Chem 模式,结合多种先进的卫星遥感和地面观测数据,系统深入地对比了塔克拉玛干沙漠和戈壁沙漠地区沙尘释放、传输和沉降等过程的差异以及造成这种差异的原因。
该项研究成果表明,尽管塔克拉玛干沙漠在东亚地区的起沙能力最强,但戈壁沙漠对东亚地区沙尘浓度的贡献最大。具体来说,塔克拉玛沙漠身处盆地、三面环山,沙漠上空风速较小。因此不利于沙尘传输,大量沙尘在扬起后又重新沉降到地表。同时,塔克拉玛干沙尘只有当被抬升到4 km以上才能进入西风带开始远距离输送,因此对整个东亚地区沙尘的贡献相对较小。戈壁沙漠位于中国和蒙古国之间,西接塔克拉玛干沙漠,面积仅为13万平方公里。相比于塔克拉玛干沙漠而言,位于高原地区的戈壁沙漠地形平坦,海拔相对较高,南北两支急流汇合处位于其上空,高空风速大。深厚的对流混合促使高空急流下沉支将更多的高空动量不断下传到对流层中层,导致戈壁地区中低层风力增大,有利于戈壁沙尘的垂直抬升。在强西风急流的作用下,戈壁沙尘更容易被输送出沙尘源区。相比沙尘传输量约为45 Tg a-1的塔克拉玛干沙漠,戈壁沙尘传输量超过53 Tg a-1,是东亚地区最主要的沙尘贡献区域。
该项研究得到了国家自然科学青年科学基金项目(批准号: 41405003)和兰州大学半干旱气候变化教育部重点实验室(No. lzujbky-2017-kb02)资助。十多年来,黄建平团队围绕干旱半干旱气候变化这一国际重大科学前沿问题,开展了独具特色、深入系统的科学研究,取得了一系列基础性强、影响力高的原创性研究成果,关于东亚沙尘方面的研究荣获2013年度国家自然科学奖二等奖,在国际顶级期刊上发表了系列高水平论文。此外,该文章的合作者江南萱和谢亭亭是兰州大学两位出类拔萃的本科生,他们通过兰州大学本科生创新项目进入该项课题的研究工作,近两年来发表多篇SCI和核心论文是本科生科研能力提升计划培养下的成功范例。
作者联系方式:陈思宇 chensiyu@lzu.edu.cn
题目 Comparison of dust emissions, transport, and deposition between the Taklimakan Desert and Gobi Desert from 2007 to 2011
作者 CHEN SiYu HUANG JianPing LI JingXin JIA Rui JIANG NanXuan KANG LiTai MA XiaoJun XIE TingTing
期刊 SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences 60(7), 1338-1355(2017);
doi 10.1007/s11430-016-9051-0
摘要 The Taklimakan Desert (TD) and Gobi Desert (GD) are two of the most important dust sources in East Asia, and have important impact on energy budgets, ecosystems and water cycles at regional and even global scales. To investigate the contribution of the TD and the GD to dust concentrations in East Asia as a whole, dust emissions, transport, and deposition over the TD and the GD in different seasons from 2007 to 2011 were systematically compared, based on the Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with Chemistry (WRF-Chem). Dust emissions, uplift, and long-range transport related to these two dust source regions were markedly different due to differences in topography, elevation, thermal conditions, and atmospheric circulation. Specifically, the topography of the GD is relatively flat, and at a high elevation, and the area is under the influence of two jet streams at high altitudes, resulting in high wind speeds in the upper atmosphere. Deep convective mixing enables the descending branch of jet streams to continuously transport momentum downward to the mid-troposphere, leading to enhanced wind speeds in the lower troposphere over the GD which favors the vertical uplift of the GD dust particles. Therefore, the GD dust was very likely to be transported under the effect of strong westerly jets, and thus played the most important role in contributing to dust concentrations in East Asia. Approximately 35% and 31% of dust emitted from the GD transported to remote areas in East Asia in spring and summer, respectively. The TD has the highest dust emission capabilities in East Asia, with emissions of about 70.54 Tg yr−1 in spring, accounting for 42% of the total dust emissions in East Asia. However, the TD is located in the Tarim Basin and surrounded by mountains on three sides. Furthermore, the dominant surface wind direction is eastward and the average wind speed at high altitudes is relatively small over the TD. As a result, the TD dust particles are not easily transported outside the Tarim Basin, such that most of the dust particles are re-deposited after uplift, at a total deposition rate of about 40 g m−2. It is only when the TD dust particles are uplifted above 4 km, and entrained in westerlies that they begin to undergo a long-range transport. Therefore, the contribution of the TD dust to East Asian dust concentrations was relatively small. Only 25% and 23% of the TD dust was transported to remote areas over East Asia in spring and summer, respectively.
▽ 故事
· 论文撤稿、研究团队解散、经费被停:日本生命科学领军人物因学术不端付出巨大代价
· 姚期智:清华已有世界最出色的本科班,中国计算机教育超越MIT并不很难
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