
小行星是如何砸死恐龙的? | PNAS 论文推荐

2017-10-23 科研圈 科研圈


白垩纪-第三纪灭绝事件(Cretaceous-Palaeogene mass extinction)是地球历史上一次大规模物种灭绝事件。关于它的起因假设众多,小行星碰撞理论便是其中之一。本研究利用现代气候模型研究了小行星撞击后带来的影响。空中漂浮的烟尘遮蔽了阳光,使地球全部陷入黑暗;光合作用失效,海洋大地严寒。残酷的气候持续了数年的时间,生物容身之处几乎为零。


撰文 Steve Drury

翻译 卓思琪

审校 访冬 阿金





Charles Bardeen 和他的同事在研究中模拟了这场大灾难中的气候变化和化学效应,相关论文于八月发表在 PNAS 上(论文信息见文末)。据该研究显示,小行星撞击后发生了大规模的火灾,而当时大气层中的烟尘量约在15,000亿吨左右。












【题目】On transient climate change at the Cretaceous−Paleogene boundary dueto atmospheric soot injections

【作者】Charles G. Bardeen, Rolando R. Garcia, Owen B.Toon, and Andrew J. Conley



【摘要】Climate simulations that consider injection into the atmosphere of15,000 Tg of soot, the amount estimated to be present at theCretaceous−Paleogene boundary, produce what might have been one of the largestepisodes of transient climate change in Earth history. The observed soot isbelieved to originate from global wildfires ignited after the impact of a10-km-diameter asteroid on the Yucatán Peninsula 66 million y ago. Followinginjection into the atmosphere, the soot is heated by sunlight and lofted to greatheights, resulting in a worldwide soot aerosol layer that lasts several years.As a result, little or no sunlight reaches the surface for over a year, suchthat photosynthesis is impossible and continents and oceans cool by as much as28 °C and 11 °C, respectively. The absorption of light by the soot heats theupper atmosphere by hundreds of degrees. These high temperatures, together witha massive injection of water, which is a source of odd-hydrogen radicals,destroy the stratospheric ozone layer, such that Earth’s surface receives highdoses of UV radiation for about a year once the soot clears, five years afterthe impact. Temperatures remain above freezing in the oceans, coastal areas,and parts of the Tropics, but photosynthesis is severely inhibited for thefirst 1 y to 2 y, and freezing temperatures persist at middle latitudes for 3 yto 4 y. Refugia from these effects would have been very limited. The transientclimate perturbation ends abruptly as the stratosphere cools and becomessupersaturated, causing rapid dehydration that removes all remaining soot viawet deposition.


