

科研圈 科研圈 2021-11-30


使用模拟的火星土壤(左)和月球土壤(右)合成的材料。图片来源:Dr. Aled Roberts | Research Fellow Future Biomanufacturing Research Hub Manchester Institute of Biotechnology

来源 University of Manchester

编译 董聿恒 戚译引

据估计,将一块砖运送到火星的花费大约为两百万美元,这使得未来在那里建造殖民基地的成本让人望而却步。近日,英国曼彻斯特大学(University of Manchester)的科学家们的一项新研究或许具有解决这个问题的潜力:使用外星球的土壤和人类的血液、汗液与泪水,制造一种类似混凝土的建材。


不携带建筑材料登陆火星,只能就地取材去修建建筑和庇护所,这种方式被称为“就地资源利用”(in-situ resource utilisation ,简称 ISRU)。该方法的关键在于如何利用松散的岩石和火星表面的土壤(又叫风化层),以及珍稀的水储备。然而,有一种实际上存在于任何一次载人任务中的资源却长期以来都被忽视了,那就是宇航员们本身。

在 9 月 10 日在线发表于 Materials Today Bio 期刊的一篇论文中,科学家们实验证明,大量存在于人类血浆中的人血清白蛋白(HSA)可以作为一种粘合剂,将模拟的月壤和火星土壤制成一种类似混凝土的材料。得到的这种新材料被命名为 AstroCrete,使用不同配方得出的抗压强度有差异,最高可达 25 Mpa,与常见混凝土的 20-32 Mpa 大致相当。


科学家们还发现,加入尿素(一种人体通过尿液、汗水和眼泪排出的代谢废物)可以将抗压强度进一步提高 300% 以上,性能最好的材料的抗压强度接近 40 Mpa,大大强于普通的混凝土。研究参与者之一、来自曼彻斯特大学的 Aled Roberts 博士表示,与其他许多计划应用在月球和火星上的建造技术相比,这项新技术具有相当明显的优势。


材料制成后需要在 4 °C 保存,48 小时内使用完毕,在 65°C 下放置一夜即可固化该研究还证明,这样合成的材料具备应用于 3D 打印的潜力。由于缺乏合适的 3D 打印设备,研究团队将材料装进一支注射器,模拟了 3D 打印的过程。

模拟火星土壤合成材料 3D 打印效果图。图片来源:Dr. Aled Roberts | Research Fellow Future Biomanufacturing Research Hub Manchester Institute of Biotechnology

科学家们计算得出,一升人类血浆所包含的血清蛋白可制造约 300 克此类地外风化层生物复合材料(extraterrestrial regolith biocomposites)。如果每周献血两次,每个宇航员一周可以制造约 2.5 千克材料,相当于一块标准的粘土红砖。在为期两年的火星任务期间,六名宇航员总计可以生产超过 500 公斤的高强度 AstroCrete。如果将它们用作砂浆,来粘合沙袋或者用风化层材料烧制成的砖块,那么每个人生产的 AstroCrete 都足以为营地扩建出容纳一名新宇航员的空间,也就是说一次任务可以将整体的居住空间翻一番。


研究团队还指出,这项技术可能在地球上也能找到用武之地。混凝土是全球经济发展的一块基石,其二氧化碳排放占据人类来源排放量的 8%。混凝土的碳排放有一半来自于将碳酸钙热分解制造氧化钙的过程,后者是混凝土的主要原料之一。因此,研究团队主张利用合成蛋白作为粘合剂,例如使用合成的蛛丝蛋白。

动物血液在历史上曾经被用作砂浆的粘合剂。“让人兴奋的是,太空时代的一项重大挑战可能受到来自于中世纪的启发而找到了解决方案,”Roberts 说。

科学家们进一步研究了这种结合的内在机理,发现人血清蛋白会变性,或者说“凝结”,形成一种具有 β-折叠(beta sheets)相互作用的二级结构,将材料紧紧地结合在一起。

研究团队也承认,未来还需要进行大量研究以评估这一概念的可行性,例如该材料在火星环境条件下的耐久性。该研究中的实验都在室温下进行,而火星昼夜温差极大,高温约 20 °C,低温可达 −153 °C。火星环境低气压、强辐射的特点也要纳入考虑。





【标题】Blood, sweat and tears: extraterrestrial regolith biocomposites with in vivo binders

【作者】Aled D.Roberts, Dominic R. Whittall, Rainer Breitling, Eriko Takano, Jonny J. Blaker, Sam Hay, Nigel S. Scrutton

【期刊】Materials Today Bio (100136)

【日期】10 September 2021




【摘要】The proverbial phrase “you can't get blood from a stone” is used to describe a task that is practically impossible regardless of how much force or effort is exerted. This phrase is well-suited to humanity’s first crewed mission to Mars, which will likely be the most difficult and technologically challenging human endeavour ever undertaken. The high cost and significant time delay associated with delivering payloads to the Martian surface means that exploitation of resources in situ – including inorganic rock and dust (regolith), water deposits and atmospheric gases – will be an important part of any crewed mission to the Red Planet. Yet there is one significant, but chronically overlooked, source of natural resources that will – by definition – also be available on any crewed mission to Mars: the crew themselves. In this work, we explore the use of human serum albumin (HSA) – a common protein obtained from blood plasma – as a binder for simulated Lunar and Martian regolith to produce so-called extraterrestrial regolith biocomposites (ERBs). In essence, HSA produced by astronauts in vivo could be extracted on a semi-continuous basis and combined with Lunar or Martian regolith to “get stone from blood”, to rephrase the proverb. Employing a simple fabrication strategy, HSA-based ERBs were produced and displayed compressive strengths as high as 25.0 MPa. For comparison, standard concrete typically has a compressive strength ranging between 20 and 32 MPa. The incorporation of urea – which could be extracted from the urine, sweat or tears of astronauts – could further increase the compressive strength by over 300% in some instances, with the best-performing formulation having an average compressive strength of 39.7 MPa. Furthermore, we demonstrate that HSA-ERBs have the potential to be 3D-printed, opening up an interesting potential avenue for extraterrestrial construction using human-derived feedstocks. The mechanism of adhesion was investigated and attributed to the dehydration-induced reorganisation of the protein secondary structure into a densely hydrogen-bonded, supramolecular β-sheet network – analogous to the cohesion mechanism of spider silk. For comparison, synthetic spider silk and bovine serum albumin (BSA) were also investigated as regolith binders – which could also feasibly be produced on a Martian colony with future advancements in biomanufacturing technology.


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