这一次,悠航的冬季列车开往了北京怀柔的老栗树明清栗园,甄选了百年老树的当年有机新栗,并把它们“猛灌”进了酒杯里!Slowboat went on a field trip last month to Huairou to check out The Old Chestnut Orchard. We brought back with us an insane amount of freshly roasted certified organic chestnuts to use in a brand new beer!
老子伏栗1783帝国棕色艾尔是一款柔滑适口、栗味香浓、充满欺骗性的9.1度丝滑酒弹!焦糖和太妃糖的口味让它甜美温柔,回味中充斥栗子的浓香,在寒冷的天气里喝一杯,太有北er京er味er了!At 9.1%, the 1783 Old Chestnut Orchard Imperial Brown Ale is a goliath of a brew. Caramel and toffee flavors ride a wave of delectable sweetness upfront and then fall back to a clean and warming finish. A perfect beer to sail through the rest of the cold weather.悠航所有地点均已上线啦!
On tap now at all Slowboat locations!