

A君 环球时报GlobalTimes 2019-03-29


十几年前,艾米·詹德里塞维茨(Amy Jandrisevits)在加州长滩纪念医院儿科当社工,那时她经常会用玩偶娃娃向孩子们讲解他们即将经历的手术或者治疗过程。别小看这些不会说话的洋娃娃,它们可是帮了艾米大忙,不但辅助艾米引导孩子们表达出自己的情绪,还让他们感到更有安全感。


"What about the girl with limb or hand differences or the boy with a large birthmark on his face?" Jandrisevits asked. "It was always in the back of my mind that they deserved to have a doll that looked like them."


▲ First there was a transgender doll, then one with an amputated leg. Now these dolls with differences are giving kids a boost. (via Washington Post)


When a friend asked if she'd create a doll for her 10-year-old daughter, who identifies as a boy, Jandrisevits made her a doll with short green hair and a Ninja Turtle jumper, and the friend put a photo of it on her Facebook page. As Jandrisevits looked through the comments on the page, she saw a message from a woman hoping to find a doll for her daughter, who'd recently had her leg amputated.


▲ First there was a transgender doll, then one with an amputated leg. Now these dolls with differences are giving kids a boost. (via WashingtonPost)



受这段经历启发,艾米决定创建自己的公司A Doll Like Me,专门为有肢体差异、有疤痕、有胎记、有白化病的孩子们制作玩偶娃娃,让他们也能有与自己外貌类似的娃娃。这个消息一发出去,很快她就收到了200多个来自世界各地的订单,他们都非常希望能为孩子订做一个仿真娃娃。

图 via WashingtonPost

"It is my heartfelt belief that dolls should look like their owners and they should be available in all colours, genders, and body types," she tells Metro.co.uk. "We do kids such a disservice in not offering a wide variety of toys. In an ideal world, limb difference, body type, medical condition, birthmarks, and hand differences would be as accepted as all of the other things that make us unique."


▲ Mum makes dolls for children with disabilities and of different skin colours (via metro.co.uk)




"It makes them not feel so alone," Jandrisevits said. "Their logical brain knows this is just a doll. But the very innocent child part of them still feels like 'Now I'm not the only one that looks this way.'" 


▲ Woman creates dolls representing kids with disabilities: "It makes them not feel so alone" (via cbsnews)


图 via WashingtonPost

2岁的基根(Keagan)出生时患有一种罕见的皮肤疾病,身上有多个巨大的痣。家人和朋友都会亲切地称他为“巧克力曲奇(Chocolate Chip Cookie)”。



Keagan's new doll also has given her a boost to celebrate, rather than hide, her son's differences. “That's the message I want Keagan to grow up with," she said.


▲ First there was a transgender doll, then one with an amputated leg. Now these dolls with differences are giving kids a boost. (via WashingtonPost)

图 via WashingtonPost

7岁的蔡斯·塞法鲁(Chase Cefalu)不会说话,也不会自己吃饭,需要全天候的照料。当他的母亲斯泰西·塞法鲁(Stacy Cefalu)递给他一个和他一样,有着一头金色直发和一双明亮的棕色眼睛的娃娃时,蔡斯仔细观察了它的脸,然后紧紧抱住一遍遍地吻它。

"I felt my heart bursting," Cefalu recalled. "The doll is more than just a doll for Chase. It's a way for us to interact with him, using the doll to teach life skills: Be gentle, give hugs, change clothes, brush teeth. Chase can't do these things independently, but he loves to help his doll do them."


▲ First there was a transgender doll, then one with an amputated leg. Now these dolls with differences are giving kids a boost. (via WashingtonPost)


图 via Amy Jandrisevits

The other day I was asked how I separate my emotions from doll-making. I will let you know when that happens, because I don't. Honestly, I think that once we become a community that is incapable of genuine empathy, we head down a dangerous path.


This doll and her girl have touched me deeply. Her mom has become an advocate...not necessarily by choice...but because of what I mentioned above. She is calling into question our empathy and our accountability to the children in our villages. It will be her sweet girl's legacy. Be that spark that sets into motion a wildfire of empathy and kindness and genuineness. 


▲ (via Amy Jandrisevits/Facebook)


图 via Amy Jandrisevits

图 via Amy Jandrisevits

图 via Amy Jandrisevits

图 via Amy Jandrisevits


图 via 网络





资料、图:WashingtonPost, metro.co.uk, cbsnews, facebook


