

Chen Xi 环球时报GlobalTimes 2019-03-29


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A college student’s voice recording of her admission that she twice allowed doctors to extract eggs from her ovaries to earn money to repay a loan has shocked many netizens, earning her a lot of criticism and some sympathy.  


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The student in Wuhan, Central China's Hubei Province apparently anonymously sent an audio recording of her story to thepaper.cn, which posted it with an accompanying video it shot. 


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“The client will ask me about my family’s health history to see if I may be prone to any genetic disease. My height, appearance and education background are also very important,” said the woman in a disguised voice in the thepaper.cn video. The woman said she underwent the procedure twice and 29 of her eggs were harvested. 

“客户会询问我家人的健康情况,看看我是否容易患上遗传性疾病。 此外,身高、长相和教育背景也非常重要,” 该女子在视频中的声音被做了变声处理,并表示她接受了两次手术,取卵29个

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The woman did not say how she was recruited or at which hospital the procedure was performed. She said she was given a physical examination at facilities in Shanghai by medical staff, including one facility believed to be run by foreigners.



The woman said the money she was paid for her eggs went to help pay off a 60,000-yuan ($ 8,934) debt she had incurred from P2P lending platforms. She didn’t say how she had gotten so deeply in debt. 



The video also shows posters in women’s washrooms offering women money for their eggs. 


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“Women who are short of money, here’s your opportunity to make money. We are recruiting a large number of women between 18 and 28 years to donate eggs,” reads a sign posted in a women’s washroom at a university. A woman will be paid between 10,000 and 50,000 yuan for the “donation,” said the advertisement. 

“缺钱的女性注意啦,赚钱的机会来啦。 我们正在招募大量18到28岁的女性来捐卵,” 一张贴在大学女厕所里的广告写着:捐卵的女士每人将获得1到5万元的薪资。

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According to China's assisted reproductive technology code released by the National Health and Family Planning Commission in 2003, organizations and individuals were prohibited from conducting egg donations for the purpose of making profit. Only eggs left from vitro fertilization treatment could be used for donations, and their sale and purchase were strictly prohibited.


Although the for-profit sale and purchase of a woman’s eggs have not been listed as a crime in Chinese criminal law, China’s Health Commission and the Ministry of Public Security are working on it.


“Selling eggs or sperm for benefit should be forbidden. People can voluntarily denote their sperm or egg to the legally licensed hospitals and the government could give them some reward,” Deng Liqiang, director of the legal affairs department of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, told the Global Times on Tuesday.


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文: Chen Xi/Global Times


整合:Wang Han


