

Sasa 环球时报GlobalTimes 2019-04-06


▲议员们威胁要拆除莫斯科市中心新开的这家卖淫博物馆 (Via Russia Today)


Locals have been gathering signatures for the new prostitution museum to be closed down, while Christian activists accuse it of “violating the will of the president and going against the national security strategy.”


Prostitution is claimed to be the oldest profession in the world and may deserve a museum of its own, but now that one has opened within walking distance of the Kremlin, MPs are crying foul and threatening to shut it down.


“Let’s open a museum of murderers and rapists too,” because one may now say that they also deserve to be studied, Vitaly Milonov, a parliamentarian made famous for his anti-gay crusade, said.

“让我们再开一个杀人犯和强奸犯博物馆吧,”因为人们可能会说他们也值得研究,以反对同性恋运动而闻名的议员Vitaly Milonov说。

It may end up being OK if it treats prostitution as the “immoral” crime that it is, but “if it’s frivolous, then we’ll have grounds to shut it down,” Milonov warned.

如果博物馆是将卖淫视为“不道德”的罪行,那就没有问题,但“如果它只是哗众取宠,那么我们就有理由将其关闭,” Milonov警告说。

▲Via Russia Today


(图 Via Reuters / Leonhard Foeger)

俄罗斯联邦议会文化委员会的副主任Elena Drapeko也对这个博物馆的展品是否进行了合法登记表示质疑。

“Does it have to anything with culture? It may relate to history, hygiene and maybe medicine, but not culture,” Drapeko stated.


▲Via Russia Today

那么这家博物馆长啥样呢? 其实也不是很大,开幕的时候都没办法容纳所有的参观者。

Artist and collector Valery Pereverzev fitted the toilet room of his own Torture Museum to host the Museum of the History of Prostitution, saying “I think it’s the best place for it.”

艺术家及收藏家Valery Pereverzev把他的酷刑博物馆的卫生间改造成了这家卖淫博物馆。他说:“我觉得这是最适合它的地方。”

▲Via Russia Today


Pereverzev claimed that glorifying the sex trade wasn’t his aim at all, as the display which he has been collecting and assembling over the last half year is designed “to make a person feel betrayed and nasty.”

Pereverzev称,他的目标根本不是赞美性交易,他过去半年里收集和组装这些展品的设计是为了 “让人感到被背叛和肮脏”。


“If a man inspired by movies like ‘Pretty Woman’ wants to have some fun, he should be ready to experience inner desolation and, of course, heath problems.”


▲Via Russia Today


Visitors say there is nothing shocking about it and that they actually “expected more.” The exhibition consists of vintage photos of courtesans, books, chastity belts, and old dresses.


其实,俄罗斯这家以卖淫为主题的博物馆也不是首创,荷兰阿姆斯特丹就有一家名为“Red Light Secrets”(红灯区秘密)的博物馆, 被称为世界上首家有关卖淫的博物馆,要购票参观,是荷兰的著名景点之一。


(图 Via getyourguide.com)

Previously a brothel, the ‘Red Light Secrets’ museum stands pretty in the middle of the famous Red Light District or De Wallen. By the harbour, it is where sailors once came looking for entertainment. 


Amsterdam’s ‘Prostitution Museum’ Teaches a Lot About Consent (Via thequint.com) 


The rooms of the museum are kept the way they were while it was a brothel, so one gets to see beds, bathtubs and props of loud colours, curtains that are frilly or jangle and sex toys galore.


▲Via thequint.com


(图 Via Red Light Secrets/Facebook)



文:Russia Today,thequint.com


图:Russia Today,thequint.com, Red Light Secrets, Facebook


