
Sleep, like food and water, is essential for life.(睡眠如饮食般重要)

2016-08-10 广东疾控 广东疾控

Consequences of insufficient sleep.
Insufficient sleep has been linked to the onset of and correlates with a number of chronic diseases and conditions, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and depression. Insufficient sleep also contributes to motor vehicle crashes and machinery-related accidents, causing substantial injury and disability each year.

How much sleep do we need? 
Although how much sleep is needed varies between individuals, most adults need 7–9 hours of sleep each night. More than a third of U.S. adults report sleeping less than 7 hours per night.

Why don’t we get the sleep we need? 
Causes of insufficient sleep include lifestyle and occupational factors. In addition, some medical conditions, medications, and sleep disorders affect the quantity and quality of sleep.

Getting the sleep we need. 
Good sleep practices are important for achieving healthy sleep. 

Sleep hygiene tips

睡眠健康建议• Go to bed at the same time each night and rise at the same time each morning.• Moderate physical activity may help promote sleep, but avoid vigorous exercise in the few hours before going to bed.• Avoid large meals before bedtime.• Avoid caffeine and alcohol close to bedtime.• Avoid nicotine.
  • 每天在同一时间就寝和起床。
  • 适量的体育运动有助于睡眠,但请避免在就寝前数小时进行剧烈运动。
  • 就寝前避免大量进食。
  • 就寝前避免摄入咖啡因或饮酒。
  • 避免吸烟。

The sleep environment
睡眠环境• Your bedroom should be a quiet, dark, and relaxing environment, that is neither too hot nor too cold.• Remove all TVs, computers, and other “gadgets” from the bedroom.• Your bed should be comfortable and used only for sleeping and not for other activities, such as reading, watching TV, or listening to music.
  • 寝室应该保持安静、昏暗和放松的环境,室内不宜太热或太冷。
  • 寝室中不宜摆放电视、电脑以及其他小型电器。
  • 选择舒适的床,并仅在床上休息而不是进行其他活动——包括阅读、看电视或听音乐。

How’s your sleep?
You may suffer from a sleep disorder if:1.You frequently have difficulty sleeping (e.g., trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, feeling unrefreshed after sleep).2.You snore loudly or you or others have observed that you stop breathing or gasp for breath during sleep.3.You suffer from excessive sleepiness during the day.4.You have unpleasant, tingling, creeping feelings or nervousness in your legs when trying to sleep.

1.    你经常难以入睡(例如:入睡困难或经常醒,或者在睡眠后依然感到疲惫)。2.    你有严重打鼾或其他人曾发现你在睡眠中途有停止呼吸或喘气的情况。
3.    一天当中你经常犯困。
4.    在你尝试入睡的时候你有难受、耳鸣、恐惧的感觉,或感到双腿有神经紧张。

What to do if you have trouble sleeping. 
• Practice good sleep hygiene.• Consult your physician to discuss any of the problems above.• Keep a sleep diary to discuss with your physician or sleep specialist.
  • 养成睡眠健康习惯。
  • 如果有上述睡眠问题请就医。
  • 记录自己的睡眠情况以便咨询医生或睡眠专家。


《Chinese Valentine's Day(老外对“七夕”的英文介绍)》
《Physical  Activity(各年龄段的运动建议)》

