
Diagnosed with osteoporosis, what should I do?(患骨质疏松了怎么办?)

2016-08-11 广东疾控 广东疾控

If I am diagnosed with osteoporosis, what should I do next?

You can significantly improve your bone health and reduce your risk of future fractures with a combination of medication, diet, exercise, and lifestyle modifications.In addition to taking your medication, some of the most important things you can do are to follow a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, maintain an adequate daily intake of protein, monitor your sodium intake, and get plenty of exercise. 



Calcium is needed to maintain healthy, strong bones throughout your life. Unfortunately, most Americans do not get enough calcium from their diets. Dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt are excellent sources of calcium, and some nondairy foods such as broccoli, almonds, and sardines can provide smaller amounts. In addition, many foods that you may already enjoy—juices, breads, and cereals—can now be found fortified with calcium.  

钙 是保持一生骨骼健康、强壮的重要成分。然而,大多数美国人都不能从饮食中摄入足够的钙。牛奶、乳酪、酸奶等奶制品都是钙的最佳来源;而一些非奶制品如西兰花、杏仁和沙丁鱼也都富含钙。另外,很多日常享用的食物包括果汁、面包以及麦片等也进行了钙强化。

Vitamin D plays a significant role in helping your body absorb calcium. The relationship between calcium and vitamin D is similar to that of a locked door and a key. Vitamin D is the key that unlocks the door, allowing calcium to enter your bloodstream. As we age, our bodies become less able to absorb calcium, which makes getting enough vitamin D even more important. The recommended daily intake for vitamin D is 600 IU (International Units) up to age 70. Men and women over age 70 should increase their uptake to 800 IU daily. Many people get this amount by consuming vitamin D-fortified foods such as milk. In addition, many calcium supplements are fortified with vitamin D. 

维生素D 对身体的钙吸收非常重要,钙与维生素D是如同“上锁的房间”与“钥匙”的关系——维生素D是开门的钥匙,能促使钙进入人体血液。随着年龄增长,我们身体的钙吸收能力会减弱,这使得摄入充足的维生素D变得更加重要。70岁以下人群的日常维生素D摄入量建议为600IU(国际单位);而70岁以上人群建议增加到800IU。许多人通过食用维生素D强化的食物(如牛奶)来补充。此外,许多钙补充剂都添加了维生素D。

Sodium, a main component of table salt, affects our need for calcium by increasing the amount of it we excrete in urine. As a result, people with diets high in sodium, or table salt, appear to need more calcium than people with low-sodium diets to ensure that, on balance, they retain enough calcium for their bones.  

钠 是食盐的主要成分,会导致尿液中排出的钙增加,从而影响身体对钙的需求。研究显示,和低钠饮食的人群相比,高钠或高盐饮食的人群的钙摄入需求更高,这样才能保证骨骼中含有足够的钙。

Protein in excess amounts also increases the amount of calcium we excrete in urine, but it provides benefits for bone health as well. For example, protein is needed for fracture healing. The recommended daily intake for protein is 56 grams for men and 46 grams for women.

蛋白质 摄入过量也会导致尿液中排出的钙含量增加,然而蛋白质对骨骼健康也有一定益处——例如,骨折后恢复就需要蛋白质。推荐的日常蛋白质摄入量男性为56克、女性46克。

How can I exercise safely if I have osteoporosis?如果我已患有骨质疏松,我该如何安全锻炼?
  • 穿鞋底光滑的鞋子;
  • 站立、步行或坐下时弯腰垂肩;
  • 行动太快;
  • 从事一些需要扭曲脊椎或向前弯腰的体育锻炼或活动,比如仰卧起坐、触摸脚尖或挥高尔夫球杆。

  • 注意保持正确姿势,包括抬头挺胸、目光前视、保持肩部向后、稍微“收缩”肩胛骨,以及收紧腹部和臀部肌肉;
  • 走楼梯时务必扶着把手;
  • 弯下身子时,特别是拎着东西时,要从大腿到膝盖关节处开始弯曲,千万不要先弯腰。

  • 步行
  • 力量训练
  • 跳舞
  • 太极拳
  • 走楼梯
  • 徒步
  • 骑自行车
  • 游泳
  • 园艺



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