

留学杂志 2022-10-02

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2022  / 5 / 26







A new law in Finland, which came into effect on 15 April this year, aims to reduce the red tape facing international students wishing to study in the country and seek employment upon graduation. The legislative changes, the government believes, have the potential to treble the number of international students in Finland.

The changes to the law mean that international students and their families will be covered by a residence permit for their whole study period instead of having to renew the residence permit every year as they were previously required to do.

In addition, a change in the students’ visa category – from temporary (B) to continuous (D) – will make it easier to acquire a permanent residence permit at a later stage.

The law also ensures that the period given to graduates to remain in the country to seek employment has been extended from one to two years.

International students will also be allowed to work 30 hours a week instead of 25, and will only need to prove they have funds to finance their living costs and tuition fees for one year at a time, rather than the full study period.



芬兰就业部部长图拉·哈泰宁(Tuula Haatainen)表示,通过顺畅的居留许可政策实践,政府希望国际学生与研究人员可以更容易地留在芬兰。“新法案将为那些在芬兰学习的学生在此找工作提供便利,也将使芬兰成为对国际专业领域人才更加有吸引力的目的地。”她谈道。


芬兰赫尔辛基大区商会人才管理经理萨图·萨洛宁(Satu Salonen)在接受《芬兰好消息》采访时指出,在去年9月芬兰就预估每年就需要2万名工作移民来填补就业市场方面的人才短缺。他谈到,尽管新冠肺炎疫情大流行已经将注意力和影响力转移到了其他问题上,但守住人才仍然是与其有相关性值得关注的。

据SchengenvisaInfoNews 报道,去年芬兰内政部长克里斯塔·米科宁(krista mikkonen)曾表示芬兰的相关法律法案有望让芬兰国际学生人数翻三倍。“居留签证制度的积极更新可以有助于国际学生及早抵达芬兰,如期开展课程学习。我们还同样注重在国际科学界加强芬兰的作用和吸引力”,芬兰内政部长谈道。

A more attractive destination

Finland’s Minister of Employment Tuula Haatainen has said that the “seamless permit practices” are intended to make it easier for international students and researchers to stay in Finland.

“The new law will enable those who have studied here to look for work and will make Finland a more attractive destination for international experts,” she said.

The amended legislation has been in the making in several ministries in Finland for several years in anticipation of a shortage of experts in Finland owing to an ageing population and low birth rate.

Satu Salonen, talent manager at the Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce, told Good News from Finland in September last year that it was estimated that Finland would need 20,000 work-related immigrants a year to fill the labour shortage.Salonen said the question of how to secure talent was not going to “lose its relevance” even though the COVID pandemic had diverted attention to other matters.

SchengenvisaInfo News reported last year that Minister of the Interior Krista Mikkonen said the law had the potential to treble the number of international students in Finland.

“A D visa issued in connection with a positive residence permit decision would enable an international student to travel to Finland sooner than at present. That, in turn, would help start studies on time. We also consider it important to strengthen Finland’s role and attractiveness in the international scientific community,” the minister said.







Additional measures to attract talent

In addition to the legislative changes aimed at attracting talent and potential talent, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and the Ministry of Education and Culture have jointly launched the inter-sectoral ‘Talent Boost’ programme which aims to promote the immigration of senior specialists, employees, start-up entrepreneurs, students and researchers.

In addition to making Finland an attractive country for experts and their families, the programme is aimed at supporting the growth and internationalisation of companies.

As part of the programme, discretionary government grants are awarded to support the development of regional ‘talent hub’ cooperation models and services.

Talent hub models offer customer-oriented service paths to make it easier to attract and recruit international talent and to support their settlement and integration.Talent hubs also provide services that bring employers and international talent together.

Municipalities with at least 15,000 foreign language-speaking residents are eligible to apply for the grants which cover up to 70% of the project’s costs. Applicants are expected to finance 30% of the project costs themselves. 




赫尔辛基大学行政管理部主任Esa Hämäläinen向世界大学新闻网指出,赫尔辛基大学正在与政府“人才助推”计划保持紧密合作。


Hämäläinen 表示,赫尔辛基大学长期以来一直在为法案的修改而游说。“像这样的法案修订并不会直接导致我们任何政策的直接改变,我们对这些修改和改变抱以热烈的欢迎。我们也希望学生求职和研究人员居留许可可以进一步延长,现在的两年相较于之前只有一年已经很好了。”他提到。

“赫尔辛基大学拥有多专业的硕士培养项目(共计36项计划)和一个本科培养项目。自从对非欧盟学生收取学费以来,我们的申请人数大幅增加。”Hämäläinen 指出,学校的多元化培养项目非常受欢迎,最新一轮申请的结果显示,三所学校有超过 5,600 名申请人竞争不到 1,200 个名额。“如今我们静待7月份,看看实际上到底会接收多少学生。”他还谈到,“2023年秋季的下一轮申请将于今年 12 月开始,因此我们显然希望法案的这些新变化能够帮助未来学生更容易进入芬兰。


New academic programmes

Esa Hämäläinen, director of administration at the University of Helsinki, told University World News the university collaborates closely with the government’s Talent Boost programme.

“We are developing new programmes (both at masters and bachelor degree level), and are developing our policy of waivers to be more lucrative to new students, and we already try to make it smoother for foreign students to get into the Finnish labour market during their studies.

“We also have some targeted internationalisation measures and programmes which focus on international students, one example being our Africa Programme.”

Hämäläinen said the university had lobbied for changes to the legislation for a long time.

“As such, this legislative change does not directly cause any changes to our policy. We warmly welcome this change. We would have wished that the job-seeking students’ and researchers’ permit had been extended further, although two years looks better than it did,” Hämäläinen said.

“We have the international multidisciplinary masters programmes (36 programmes altogether) and one bachelor degree. Since the introduction of tuition fees for non-EU students, the numbers of applicants have risen considerably with the new offer and our marketing efforts.

Hämäläinen said the university’s multidisciplinary programmes were popular and results from the latest application round show that three had more than 5,600 applicants for just under 1,200 places.

“Currently we wait [until July] to see how many of those accepted will actually arrive.

“The next application round for autumn 2023 begins in December this year so we obviously hope this new change in legislation makes it easier for future students to enter the country.

“All in all, there are a lot of ongoing efforts to attract talent to Finland,” Hämäläinen said.

来源:节选自University World News,图片源于网络,如侵删。


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