

Icy 京京读书会 2022-08-13



在活动开始,旅居妈妈Icy播放了国际学校Raymond老师关于儿童英语启蒙教育的视频。  特地整理出音频和文字方便大家收听阅读。

                   Reading Group —Raymond老师

Icy与来自美国的Raymond老师和中国的Sarah共同创立了公益性家长互助成长群Reading Group,将各自十几年国际学校教学经验与读者分享。

Hi, my name is Raymond Whitney.  I am an American, and I have worked in international education for more than 10 years.  I've also taught English as a Second Language in America, Bangladesh, India, and Thailand. 

I would like to share my thoughts about teaching English.  Our teaching methods change according to the way that people learn. People learn differently depending on their age and experience.  For example, young children learn from free play and discovery.  They take in information through games, listening, and structured exercises.  Listening leads to speaking, and reading leads to writing.  As students get older or gain more experience, they learn more independently, by taking in information through listening and reading, and then processing that information in their minds to gain understanding.

Western teaching methods are often very different from Asian teaching methods.  The Western model is based on a series of steps, moving from the most simple to the most complex. 

 The six steps are:

1.  Remember

2.  Understand

3.  Apply

4.  Analyze

5.  Evaluate

6.  Create

Some learning methods focus too much on one level, such as Remembering and memorizing details, but don't encourage Understanding.  Another common mistake is to jump ahead in the process by trying to Apply something that has been memorized, but not yet understood. 

Our goal is to teach the student in a systematic way that leads to independent learning.  Since the parents are the child's first teacher, there are things that parents can do to give their children a head start in the learning process.

Most Asian parents are very concerned about their children's education.  Some parents are willing to make great sacrifices to give their children the best possible learning opportunitiegs, including spending money on tutors or even moving to a different country to attend a better school.  Some parents will stop at nothing to make sure their children have the best education possible.

However, there are some common errors in the Asian methods. First, there is a significant difference between "teaching" and "learning".  It doesn't really matter what the child is "taught".  It only matters what the child "learns".  Learning requires that the child be engaged with the subject in some physical or tangible way.  That includes seeing and touching objects related to the subject, or repeating words or sounds.  If the child is just learning to read, he or she may point to the words as an adult reads them out loud. 

Learning also requires a concentrated focus.  There must be a specific learning objective that explains what the child is expected to learn.  Once the lesson is completed, there must be some way of assessing whether or not the child actually learned what was taught. 

This leads us to the most important element of learning.  The parents must also be engaged in the learning process.  It is not enough to send the child to a school and expect the child to receive an education.  The parents need to understand what and how the child is being taught.  They should be able to reinforce those concepts themselves at home, or to encourage the child to explain what he or she has learned. 

The parents need to be able to model what the child is expected to learn.  I know that sounds intimidating to the parents who may not have very good English skills themselves, but there are ways that all parents can be involved.  For example, if your child is learning to read, you could listen to a recorded version of the book or story.  The parent could help the child repeat the sounds and inflections of the recording, even if they don't fully understand it themselves.  The parent could also ask the child questions about what he or she is reading, and help the child express the meaning in his own words. 

In this way, the parents can support and encourage their child's learning, instead of just expecting someone else to do it for them.

I would like to close with a word of warning.  Some parents expect too much from their children. They may compare their children with other people's children, or they may expect the child to demonstrate what they have learned without error.  If the parent tries to put pressure on their child to perform, it can actually cause the child to lose confidence. 

I look forward to our continued conversations, as we discuss learning methods and demonstrate ways that will help your children learn English.  

 现场的家长认真聆听并记录Raymond 这五分钟的分享,频频点头,有些妈妈也表示听起来有些吃力,英语听力用时方恨少啊!




比如全浸入式的美式幼儿园配合线上美式趣味学习软件,加上每晚睡前的“No Chinese Time”都为读者提供了孩子英语启蒙的新思路。

  • 父母是孩子最好的阅读兴趣启蒙老师。重视家庭整体学习氛围营造,与孩子共同成长。在家庭内部和孩子的共建,要学习的不仅仅只有孩子,还有父母。

  • 不要以为学习只是学校和教育机构的事,家长的陪伴必不可少。你都不了解自己的孩子的兴趣在哪,还谁可以帮助她,老师,外教?

  • 每次给孩子读完绘本后,可以给孩子放原版音频听,连续放七天后再放另一本,播放英文歌谣也一样,这样可以达到真正磨耳朵的作用。

  • 英语的儿歌童谣,目的在于让孩子们感受韵律,因为英语是一门节奏和韵律的语言。如果孩子对英文绘本排斥的话,不妨试试从英语儿歌入门。

  • 阅读的目的不只是为了识字。图书就是一种工具,是打开知识宝库的钥匙,宝宝通过它可以了解到很多美好的事物。家长尽量不要太急功近利,不以认字学习单词为目的,先培养孩子的阅读兴趣。

  • 兴趣是最好的老师,永远都是如此。家长可以细心观察孩子的兴趣点,再以此为基础,提供适合他年龄段和喜欢的图书,培养孩子的阅读兴趣。

  • 亲子阅读可以多些有趣的互动。比如歌曲、戏剧、角色扮演等,一方面引导宝宝理解故事,提高趣味性,一方面也增进了亲子感情交流。 

  • 即使英语发音很不标准,也不用太过担心会教坏孩子。科学研究表明,幼儿具有自动正音的能力,只要标准音的输入(音频、动画等)大于非标准音,孩子就能自动趋于标准音。我们给孩子读绘本、听音频的目的,也不是为了让孩子听懂,而是让他熟悉、感受英语的语言节奏。

  • 亲子阅读,重在坚持。即使每天只有短短五分钟、十分钟,长期坚持下来,一定会有意想不到的收获!

“当夜晚来临,在孩子睡前,于床前温暖的台灯下,与孩子共读一本书,然后和孩子道晚安。坚持亲子阅读不仅言传身教帮助孩子培养良好的阅读习惯,更让孩子感受来自父母暖暖的爱意,相信这样的力量比任何说教都管用。  ”



   Reading Group 另外一位绘本妈妈Sarah 以一颗全情的陪伴利用亲子绘本阅读培养了两个能听擅说的儿子。通过Icy的分享,现场的读者们依然听得意犹未尽。










感谢摄像录制:D+工作室 邓嘉斌先生




一起学习 共同进步

