在这项研究中,研究人员报道,通过利用一种三维细胞培养方法,他们能够诱导胚胎干细胞发育成能够检测声音、头部运动和重力的内耳感觉上皮组织(含有毛细胞、支持性细胞和神经元)。相关研究结果发表在《Nature 自然》期刊上,论文标题为“Generation of inner earsensory epithelia from pluripotent stem cells in 3D culture”。
该研究团队通过进行精确的时间选择来使用几种促进干细胞分化为内耳前体结构的小分子来模拟早期的发育过程。不过,论文第一作者KarlR. Koehler说,这种三维的悬浮培养也提供重要的机械信号,如细胞彼此之间所产生的拉力。
Nature. 2013 Aug 8;500(7461):217-21. doi:10.1038/nature12298. Epub 2013 Jul 10.
Generation of inner earsensoryepithelia from pluripotentstem cells in 3Dculture.
The inner ear contains sensoryepithelia that detect head movements, gravity and sound. It isunclear how to develop these sensoryepithelia from pluripotent stem cells, a process that will be critical for modelling inner ear disorders or developing cell-based therapies forprofound hearing loss and balance disorders. So far, attempts to derive inner ear mechanosensitive hair cells and sensoryneurons have resulted in inefficient or incomplete phenotypic conversion of stemcellsinto inner-ear-like cells.A key insight lacking from these previous studies is the importance of thenon-neural and preplacodal ectoderm, two critical precursors during inner ear development. Here we report the stepwisedifferentiation of innerearsensoryepitheliafrom mouse embryonic stemcells (ESCs) in three-dimensional culture. We show that by recapitulating in vivo developmentwith precise temporal control of signalling pathways, ESC aggregates transformsequentially into non-neural, preplacodal and otic-placode-like epithelia. Notably, in a self-organized process that mimicsnormal development, vesicles containing prosensory cells emerge from the presumptive otic placodes and giverise to hair cells bearing stereocilia bundles and a kinocilium.Moreover, these stem-cell-derived hair cells exhibit functional properties of nativemechanosensitive hair cellsand form specialized synapses with sensoryneurons that have also arisen from ESCs in the culture. Finally, we demonstrate how these vesicles arestructurally and biochemically comparable to developing vestibular end organs.Our data thus establish a new in vitro model of inner ear differentiation that can be used to gain deeperinsight into innerear development and disorder.