

薛雨晨 一只不争朝夕的肉丸子 2021-02-10

English the American Way




读得时候我就在想,学了快二十年英语,如果把我扔到一个英语国家,生活中的英文肯定也还是非常有障碍的。文学史课上学的Renaissance,bourgeois真是一点儿也用不上的。就像Eric第一天早读的时候说的,“我想问人家能不能给我换点零钱买票坐车都不知道怎么问。”本月早读的这本English the American Way,就能带我们从日常生活的角度学习学习英语,推荐大家看这本书哦!


- How are you? 的回答:

- Same shit, different day. 

- I'm seven out of ten.

- 我一直想...

- I've been meaning to...

- 我得走了。

- I gotta run.

- 你可以...

- You may want to...

- 您几位?

- A party of...(party这里指一行人)

- 他唱得真好!

- He can really sing!

- 我干啥都行。

- I'm up for everything.

- 怎么了?

- What's it with you?

- 担心死了 worry sick

- Where have you been?I've been worried sick.

- 表示同意🙆

- No kidding.

- 别想太美了,别得意忘形。

- Don't get carried away.

- 你觉得...怎么样?

(除了用What do you think of...还可以用how do you like...)

- How do you like these shoes?

还有个很常见的非正式用法,how are you liking...


- 你可以破开一张20块钱吗?

- Can you break a 20-dollar bill?

- 能给我把20块钱换成零钱吗?

- Have you got change / Can you make change for a 20-dollar bill?

- 乘车不找零

- Make sure you have exact change.

- 避免堵车

- beat the traffic

- 车每15 分钟一趟

- The buses run about every 15 minutes.

- 纸币💰:英🇬🇧  note   美🇺🇸  bill

 a five-pound note

 a twenty-dollar bill

- 车票: 🎫2 farecard  token



- 出租车司机 🚕  cabbie

- turnstile 旋转栅门

  jump the turnstile 引申为逃票

- sunroof 天窗


- moving violation 行车违规

- issue a ticket 开罚单

- speeding ticket 超速罚单

- road hog 横冲直撞的司机


- drive-thru 一直不知道,原来“得来速”是从这来的!

- chicken nugget 黄金鸡块(这个前段时间跟学校外教那听到过,再巩固一下!)

- How would you like your eggs?

- concession stand / snack bar小吃摊

- Let's dig in 动筷子吧!

- pig out 大吃特吃

- wolf down, gorge on,binge 狼吞虎咽

有意思的习语 😁

  • one-track mind 一根筋

  • miss the boat 错失良机

  • get the show on the road 开始

  • just what the doctor ordered 正式所需之物

  • A day at the beach was just what the doctor ordered.

  • ˌbad ˈhair day 倒霉的一天

  • have a ˈfield day 有展现本领的机会,有机会大干一番

  • hold your horses 且慢,请三思

  • chew the fat 闲扯

  • butter up 讨好,拍马屁

  • bring home the bacon 成功,挣到钱养家糊口

  • have money to burn 钱跟大风刮来的似的

  • feel/look like a million bucks 感觉像中了五百万,感觉好极了

  • a bull in a china shop 横冲直撞

  • talk 'shop 三句话不理本行(尤指当着外行的面)

  • ˌold ˈflame 老相好

  • out of the frying pan and into the fire 逃出狼窝又入虎口


  • pickup game 临时凑打球等

  • shoot hoops 投篮

  • weights 哑铃,杠铃片

  • lift weights 举铁

  • Pilates /pɪˈlɑːtiːz/ 普拉提

  • aerobics /eˈroʊbɪks/  有氧运动

  • racket (网球、羽毛球等的)球拍


  • security deposit 押金

  • direct deposit 银行账户

  • utilities 水电费等

  • overdraft 透支

  • a grace period 免息期

  • credit rating / score 信用评级

  • be slapped with 

    Parents are already slapped with a $100 fine if their child is repeatedly late for school.

  • stash 存放

    She has a fortune stashed away in various bank accounts.

  • 钱的俚语:

    Moolah, dough, bread, cabbage, lettuce, smacker


    5美元 a fin

    10美元 a ten-spot

    100美元 a C-note,a Benjamin(跟我们的一张毛爷爷异曲同工呀!)


  • shop around 货比三家

    Prices may vary so it's well worth shopping around before you buy.

  • ˌbig-box ˈstore 大卖场

  • big ticket items 大件儿

  • doorbuster sale 限时打折


  • -y

    roomy 空间大

    handy 方便的,有用的

  • do

    - You were doing 70.

    - do payroll

    - 模仿:I can do Claire.

  • hold 不放...

    hold your horses 且慢,请三思

  • come with/in 有...的 

    Do those pants come in black?

    The dinner comes with a vegetable.

  • mix-up 差错,失误 

  • sure的副词用法,表示强调

    - He sure looked unhappy. 他的确显得不高兴。

    - That song sure sounds familiar. 那首歌确实耳熟。

    - It sure is hot. 天儿可真热。

  • watch 当心;留神

    - If you're watching the calories, don't have mayonnaise.如果你在意卡路里的摄入量,就不要吃蛋黄酱。

    - I should watch my weight.

  • where 引导出后面的解释

    - You can pay as you go, where you pay $5 every time you want to use the facilities and $5 for every class you attend. Then there is the monthly plan where you pay a flat rate of $45 per month.

  • all-inclusive 


  • part-time,secondhand的副词用法:

    - I work part-time.   

    - I heard about the news secondhand

  • anywhere 

    It's not anywhere / nowhere near perfection.

  • forever

    It would take forever to...

  • payroll 

    We have XX people on the payroll. 在编员工有...人。

  • picture 想象,设想

    I tried to picture the place, but could not.

  • carry 出售、卖...东西

    These large stores carry everything from clothing to housewares.

  • sample的动词用法:体验,尝试

    I sampled the delights of cooking for the first time. 我第一次体验到烹饪的乐趣。


  • hectic  (忙碌的,但是不用来形容人)

    a hectic life/ schedule/ week...

    The traffic is hectic.

  • nag 唠叨


    Her parents have been nagging her into getting married.

  • revoke 吊销

    revoke driving license 吊销驾照

  • hog 霸占,多占

    to hog the bathroom/road

    There’s not a day goes by without him hogging the TV.

  • beef 吐槽,抱怨

  • beefy 强壮的,肌肉发达的

    也可以用来形容工资 a beefy pay

  • smudge 污点

    a smudge of lipstick on a cup 留在杯子上的口红印


  • idiomatic 表达地道的

    She speaks fluent and idiomatic English.

  • streak 性格特征,特点 

    He's still got a mean streak.

  • hassle 麻烦

    Keep it small, hassle-free.


- 就像我们喜欢说“卫生间”“洗手间”一样,美国人也会用bathroom,restroom来代替toilet来显得更加礼貌。

- 给出租车司机,餐馆服务员的小费(tip/gratuity/ɡrəˈtuːəti/)通常是15%-20%

- 如果警察👮 拦你车,靠边停车,不要下车。


1⃣️  现金提取(指借记卡持有者可在商店刷卡付账时提取小额现金,此现金附加在购物账单上)



  • ˈspeed limit

  • cashier /kæˈʃɪr/ 

  • rebate 重音在前

  • produce / ˈproʊduːs /名词,农作物,重音在前


  • just so so

  • rain cats and dogs





