
爱丁堡公爵国际奖项- 铜奖、银奖活动 | Bronze and Silver International Award

苏州德威国际高中 苏州德威国际高中 2019-04-22

上周末,我校 10 年级,11 年级以及 IG1 的 200 多名同学在浙江省参加了爱丁堡国际公爵奖银奖和铜奖的远足活动。另一个小组将在本周末出发。这些具有挑战性的探险活动将学生们带出了舒适区,让他们在一个没有电子设备的自然环境中体验生活。他们必须步行、骑自行车或划皮划艇在各自的地区展开探险。他们还必须准备和自己烹饪食物。第一组出发的同学们十分的幸运,旅途间天气非常的好,所有参加的同学们都有一个令人难忘的经历。期待第二批出发的同学们也拥有同样的体验。

爱丁堡公爵国际奖项由 4 个部分组成,户外远足仅为其中一项。大多数学生都正在努力通过学校的课外活动来完成他们的技能和运动课程,同时,学生们也需要参加社区服务工作。每一项活动都需要每周平均一小时的活动时间,而这些活动至少需要 3 个月(铜奖)和 6 个月(银奖)来完成。

92%的 10 年级学生, 89%的 11 年级学生以及所有 IG1 的学生都将于本周结束前完成他们的户外探险活动, 这也证明学生们积极参加学校所提供的活动机会,展现了德威精神,例如:协作、自信,卓越。在此,我要感谢 Dorrington 先生对整个过程的详细概述,以及所有教职员工,他们牺牲了自己的周末时间来陪伴学生们参加此次活动。恭喜参加此次活动,勇于挑战自我的每一个参与者。

Bronze and Silver International Award Expeditions

Over 200 of our Y10’s, Y11’s, and IG1’s left last weekend for their Bronze and Silver expeditions in Zhejiang province. Another group will leave at the end of this week. These challenging trips take students out of their comfort zone and get them working in teams in a natural environment free of electronic devices. They have to navigate their respective areas by foot, cycle, or kayak. They also have to prepare and cook some of their own food. The students on the first trip had an outstanding experience and they were very lucky with the weather. We wish the second group and equally outstanding experience.

The expedition is just one part of the four sections that makes up the International Award. Most students are working towards completing their Skill and Sport sections through the school’s co-curricular activities, and all should be working on their Community Service section. The time requirement for each section is one hour per week on average and these activities should span at least three months for Bronze and six months for Silver.

92% of our Y10’s, 89% of our Y11’s, and 100% of our IG1’s will have taken part in an expedition before the end of this week, demonstrating that our students embrace the many opportunities that our school offers, exhibiting many of the Dulwich values like collaboration, confidence, and excellence in the process. Thanks to Mr. Dorrington for his careful overview of the whole process, as well as all the many members of teaching and support staff who are willingly giving up one or two of their precious weekends to support our students in working towards completing this prestigious award.  Congratulations to everyone who participated and met their challenges.

