
曾经抑郁的禅师 The Sayadaw who had depression

德加尼亚禅师 维安正念小站 2019-04-02

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<The Sayadaw who had depression 曾經抑鬱的禪師>

I began practicing at age fourteen, so long before I experienced depression I’d already developed the ability to regard anything that came up in my mind and deal with it objectively, without getting involved or taking it personally when ugly stuff came up. 


When I became depressed I could apply all theseskills. I’ve been depressed three times. The first time I made a strong effort,just snapped myself out of it. And the second time, too. But each time thedepression came back, and each time it came back stronger. My recovery didn’tlast long.


I know now that the first two times I’d used effort but no wisdom, no understanding. During the last depression, I had no energy left in me to make the effort. Depression followed me everywhere.


The key for me in dealing with my depression was right attitude. I realized I’d have to use my wisdom to learn about it,understand it. By just recognizing the depression and being present with it. I would just recognize that this was nature, that this was just a quality of mind; it was not personal. I watched it continually to learn about it. Does it go away? Increase? What is the mind thinking? How do the thoughts affect feelings? I became interested.

我能處理抑鬱的關鍵是正見。我發現我要用智慧去學習、理解它。當我覺知到抑鬱,並與它一起保持在當下,我就明白到這只是自然法。是心的其中一種素質。不是"人"。我繼續觀察,從中學習。它有沒有消失?增長? 心在想甚麼?念頭怎樣影響感受? 我開始有興趣。

I saw that when I’d do the work with interest, myinvestigation would bring some relief. Before that I’d been at the depression’smercy, but I learned I could actually do something. I was choosing to beproactive, to find out about depression, and then it lightened.




