作为在外包平台上参与价值共创的双方,顾客和生产者各自的投入程度共同决定着共创产品的质量和价格。基于理论模型,作者发现事先定价比起事后定价更能让外包平台用户收益,因为事先定价能够促进顾客和生产者双方都投入更多努力。作者还通过行为学实验对模型的结论进行验证,并对模型预测与实验结果之间的差异进行了解释。On freelance platforms, thecustomers and the freelancers are both involved in the product co-creationprocess. Their collaborative effort influences the product quality and price.With a game-theoretical framework, we show that the users of freelance platformscould benefit from determining the price before co-creation (early) rather thanafter co-creation(late). Our model predicts that the freelancer and thecustomer invest higher effort to create a higher-quality product with earlypricing. Consequently, the freelancer earns a higher profit, and the customerachieves a higher consumer surplus. We conduct behavioral experiments to testthese predictions and find that with early pricing the freelancer indeedcharges a higher price and earns a higher profit, but the product quality andconsumer surplus are not higher as predicted. The discrepancy between thetheory and behavioral results arises because freelancers take advantage ofearly pricing by charging customers higher prices without investing theadequate effort. 联系人 / 王 鹏
图文编辑 / 谷叶馨
责任编辑 / 李 庚