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Course Title: Stochastic Modeling and Data-driven Decision Analytics in Supply Chain and Operations Management

Instructor: Prof. Zhan Pang, Denials School of Business, Purdue University

Instructor Bio:

Dr. Zhan Pang is Lewis B. Cullman Rising Star Professor of Supply Chain and Operations Management at Denials School of Business at Purdue University. His research interests include statistical learning and decision theory, healthcare delivery systems, supply chain risk management, and pricing and revenue management. He is a senior editor of Production and Operations Management, and a founding editor of Journal of Blockchain Research. He had extensive industry experiences as an entrepreneur and a management consultant.  He is a board member of a public energy technology company and a non-profit home healthcare service provider and serves as an Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fellow and an Experiential Education Champion at Purdue. He is the coordinator of the Supply Chain and Operations Management PhD Program at Purdue.  He is actively recruiting PhD students and welcoming visiting students and scholars with strong mathematics background and research interest in statistical learning and optimization and their applications in supply chain and operations management.

Course Description:

In this module, we will introduce several stochastic models in supply chain and service operations. When the underlying probability distributions are unknown while only limited data are available, the decision makers can either learn (or estimate) the distributions with the data and then optimize the decisions, or, alternatively, directly optimize data-driven decision rules. We will introduce recent developments of data-driven approaches and discuss their applications and potential research opportunities in supply chain and operations management.


课程名称:  Design Science Research




王刚教授现任弗吉尼亚理工大学潘普林商学院商业信息科技系安德森讲席教授。王教授于1995年在天津大学取得工业管理工程学士学位,2001年在路易斯安那州立大学取得工业工程的硕士学位,2006年在美国亚利桑那大学取得管理信息系统专业的博士学位。他的研究方向包括大数据和知识挖掘、网络及社交媒体分析、人工智能、信息安全、质量管理和服务科学,在各类刊物上发表超过110篇同行审议的文章。他在Electronic Commerce Research Applications担任高级编辑。

Course Description:

This seminar will provide systematic knowledge of the Design Science Research (DSR) methodology in the context of business disciplines with a focus on information systems (IS). The objective is to get familiar with the process of conducting DSR and justifying its knowledge contributions. The seminar can also help you review and evaluate other DSR research works and become a more discerning consumer of both the methodology and their contributions. The ultimate objective is to guide you through the process of conducting a Design Science Research project, which will lead to a high-quality published work.


Course Title: Selected Research Methods in Management Science and Engineering Summer Seminar Series 2023

Instructor: Prof. Ou Tang, Linköping University, Sweden

Instructor Bio:

Ou Tang is Professor of Production Economics at Linköping University, Sweden, where he obtained a PhD in 2000. He served as associate editor and editor in the International Journal of Production Economics since 2008, and he is the past-president of the International Society for Inventory Research. Ou Tang’s principal research interest is in the field of operations and supply chain management, more specifically it includes inventory modelling, manufacturing planning and control systems, closed loop supply chain management, sustainable supply chains,supply chain risk management, and China related operations management issues. He has published 80+ articles in international journals such as the European Journal of Operational Research, Computers and Operations Research, Omega, International Journal of Production Economics, Production and Operations Management, and others.

Ou Tang has extensive industrial experience with his research projects. As the principle investigator, he has audited and analyzed production and logistics systems, and proposed improvement suggestions in about 50 companies such as Volvo, Scania, Toyota, Siemens, Hewlett-Packard, General Electric, Ericsson, Electrolux, IKEA,Sapa, SSAB, Stora Enso, Alfa lava, Atlas Copco, SKF, among others. 

Course Description:


This doctoral seminar series provide a brief overview of research methodology and discuss some selected modelling approaches in Management Science and Engineering. The research field of Management Science has a scope on all managerial aspects of enterprises such as strategy, entrepreneurship, innovation, information technology, and organizations as well as all functional areas of business for example accounting, finance, marketing, and operations. The research approach can be either normative or descriptive, or alternatively it can be either quantitative, qualitative or a combination of two. In this seminar series, the focus will be put on selected research articles related to the research methodology and modelling techniques in the relevant areas. On completion of this seminar series, students should have gained some in-depth knowledge of the subject.


Basic courses in operations management, operations research, management science and engineering.

(3)Preliminary schedule

Each seminar session takes 3 hours, including discussions.


课程名称: 中国债券市场的实证研究——数字经济与可持续发展专题




高昊宇,中国人民大学财政金融学院副教授,博士生导师,中国人民大学“杰出学者”青年学者,第5届中国科协“青年人才托举工程”入选人,博士毕业于中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院和香港城市大学。研究兴趣主要集中在银行与金融市场中介、金融风险管理、债务与信用市场和公司金融与中国资本市场等方面。代表性学术成果发表或接受发表在Journal of Finance (JF)、 Review of Financial Studies (RFS)、Journal of Financial Economics (JFE)、Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (JFQA)、《金融研究》、《管理科学学报》、《世界经济》、《系统工程理论与实践》、《经济学季刊》等国内外金融管理领域权威刊物。他指导的博士生荣获2022年数字经济年会博士生最佳论文奖和第十届中国投资学年会学生组一等奖,指导的本科生荣获2020年北京市优秀本科毕业论文(设计)奖,他本人获得北京市本科毕业论文(设计)优秀指导教师奖。他结题一项国家自然科学基金青年项目(后评估特优),主持一项国家自然科学基金面上项目,参与多项国家自然科学基金重点项目,曾受邀参加国务院参事室、原中国银保监会、国家开发银行、中国工商银行等机构学术交流




Course Title: Supply Chain Management: Models and Empirical Analysis

Instructor: Prof. Yan Dong,Darla Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina

Instructor Bio:

Yan Dong is a BPF Distinguished Moore Fellow and Professor of supply chain and operations management in the Department of Management Science, Darla Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina. He has been PhD Program Coordinator for management science from 2017-2021. Before he joined the Moore School, he also taught at the Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, and the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota. He holds a Ph.D. in Supply Chain and Operations Management from the University of Maryland and worked for IBM and the World Bank as a supply chain management consultant. 

Professor Dong's primary research interest is supply chain management with a focus on governance and relationship, technology and innovation, and sustainability. His earlier work focuses on incentive mechanisms and contracting in supply chains with asymmetric information. His more recent work extends to empirical research on mobile networks and technologies, global supply chains, quality and recalls, emissions, and financial inclusion. His research has appeared in Management Science, Manufacturing, Services, & Operations Management, Marketing Science, Information Systems Research, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Operations Management, Decision Sciences, JMIS, JAMS, Transportation Research and Journal of Business Logistics. He is a senior editor for Production and Operations Management, an associate editor for Journal of Operations Management, and a department editor for Decision Sciences.  

Course Description:

This course is aimed at developing basic understandings and current streams of supply chain management research. We will study analytical models that may provide theoretical background and implications for empirical analysis, and empirical work that tests the validity of theories, both of which may help develop future research in supply chain management. This course follows an interdisciplinary perspective of supply chain management and draws upon literature in operations management, marketing, management theories, and economics. We will focus on development of novel research questions and nuanced research design that will benefit students in the long term.

The objectives of this course are as follows: 1. to establish basic analytical and theoretical framework relevant to SCM; 2. to explore and develop empirical research in SCM; 3. to introduce and discuss common sources and tools of data and data analysis in SCM. 

Tentative Topics:

Module I: Supply Chain Coordination, Governance, and Incentive Contracts

Module II: Technology and Innovation in Supply Chains

Module III: Quality and Risk Management in Supply Chains

Module IV: Sustainability in Supply Chains

Module V: Data and Empirical Analyses in Supply Chain Research


Course Title: Research Fundamentals: Creativity, Writing for Non-English Native Speakers, and Reviewing

Instructor: Dr. Chris M. Bell

●Professor of Organization Studies, Schulich School of Business, York University, Toronto

● Xiao Xiang Scholar, Hunan Normal University, PRC

● Associate Editor, Social Justice Research

Instructor Bio:

Chris Bell is Professor of Organization Studies. His research explores the personal and social aspects of work, including justice and fairness, ethical reasoning, moral emotions, organizational de/humanization, and leadership. In one current program of research, funded by a grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada, Chris is examining how envy affects cognition in ways that influence performance, goals, and motivation. In another line of research, Chris and his colleagues have developed a new participatory theater framework of leadership, a multi-level flow model in which leaders, followers, non-followers, and their sub-groups co-create leadership. Their approach recognizes the constructive forces of dissent in ways that much of the leadership literature does not, due to the prevalence of a view that dissent obstructs a leader’s vision and goals. Chris and his colleagues have empirically established a typology of follower and non-follower roles and are applying this to the exploration of i) situational and dispositional factors in role adoption; ii) social exchange relationships and guanxi; iii) individual experiences of procedural, distributive, and interpersonal justice; iv) and the motives and strategies behind organizations’, supervisors’, and coworkers’ enactment of justice and injustice.

Chris’ research has appeared in the Journal of Business Ethics, Business Ethics Quarterly, Human Relations, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. He is an associate editor at Social Justice Research, the flagship journal of the International Society for Justice Research and co-founder of the International Workshop on Organisational Justice Behavioural Ethics, which attracts leading justice scholars to its biennially meetings in Europe. He served as a guest editor on three special issues associated with the workshop in Human Relations, the Journal of Business Ethics, and the Journal of Organizational Behavior. His research has been recognized through the Schulich School of Business Research Excellence program and an Academy of Management best paper award. Chris has designed and taught courses at the undergraduate, MBA, and PhD levels, earning a teaching excellence nomination in the MBA program.

Course Description:

This brief lecture series will introduce students in a research program to several aspects of a successful research career. The main focus of the lecture series is a review of the structure and writing approach to scientific research papers. We will dissect the research paper and discuss each section in detail. In addition, and time permitting, we will discuss approaches to reviewing academic papers for journals and conferences. Finally, we will discuss the often perplexing question: What is a novel contribution?


Course Title: Tackling the Pitfalls in Publishing

Instructor: Prof. Hui Zhao, Smeal College of Business, The Penn State University

Instructor Bio:

Dr. Hui Zhao is Professor of Supply Chain Management and the Charles and Lilian Binder Faculty Fellow at the Smeal College of Business, the Penn State University. She is also the co-director of research at the Center for Supply Chain Research® at Penn State University. She is generally interested in using analytics to solve problems in supply chains to align incentives, promote collaboration, and improve efficiency. Most of her current work is in pharmaceutical/healthcare supply chains, health public policy and innovations in healthcare (online platforms and telehealth systems). Her work has appeared in top journals such as MS, OR, M&SOM, POM, and NRL. She serves as an Associate or Senior Editor for  M&SOM, POM, DSJ, and NRL. Her work has received multiple awards including Finalist for the Pierskalla healthcare research award, second prize for the Ralph Gomory Best Industry Studies Paper, SCOR research innovation award, and Finalist for the Best Dissertation award for Industry Studies for her PhD student. Aside from academia, her work has been well recognized by the US FDA (e.g., an invited speaker multiple times and serving on panels for topics such as drug shortages) and by industry (e.g. serving as a co-lead on the Pharma subteam of the Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Initiative, speaker to industry advisory boards). She teaches extensively in quantitative decision making and supply chain analytics at the undergraduate, MBA, EMBA, and PhD levels.

Course Description:

This is a short course focused on conducting high quality research, tackling a few common pitfalls in publishing. We will start with understanding the misconceptions behind these pitfalls, presenting some basic principles and steps to tackle these pitfalls. We will then use a few context-rich papers (supply chain, healthcare, etc.) to demonstrate how to use these principles in structuring and conducting high-quality research. We will sample a few methodologies (analytical, empirical, experimental) instead of focusing on one methodology, emphasizing the thought-building process in conducting research, a critical skill to have.


Course Title: Automating Supply Chain Contracts in the Presence of Demand Shifts and Contract Execution Lag




岳晓航,美国威斯康星大学米尔沃基分校(The University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee)商学院的终身教授,其主要从事供应链与物流管理、生产与市场管理和工业制造系统管理的研究工作。目前已在 Operations Research、Information System Research、Production and Operations Management等期刊等国际顶级/权威期刊上发表论文70余篇。 

Course Description:

We develop an analytical model in which a supply chain can adopt either a conventional non-automated (long-term) contract or an automated contract in response to a potential demand shift. Under the automated contract, the wholesale prices are dynamically updated based on embedded Bayesian detection of the demand shift. We find that the magnitude and timing uncertainty of the demand shift are positive factors that favor the adoption of the automated contract in a supply chain. We also extend the model and explore the effect of supply chain competition on the adoption of automated contracts when two supply chains have Cournot competition.


Course Title: Qualitative Research Methods

Instructor: Prof. Zhibin Lin,Durham University Business School

Instructor Bio:

Zhibin Lin is Professor in Marketing and Director for the MSc Marketing Programme in Durham University Business School. Prof Lin has made significant contributions in the fields of technology and innovation marketing, as well as transport, travel, and tourism management. Throughout his career, Prof Lin has published over 100 articles in esteemed international journals, books, and conference proceedings. His research work has been featured in renowned publications such as the Journal of Service Research, Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Business Research, Business Strategy and the Environment, and Entrepreneurship and Regional Development.  Prof Lin's influence extends beyond his research contributions. He served as the co-chair for the prestigious 2022 UNESCO Cultural Heritage Symposium held at Durham University, showcasing his leadership and ability to organize and facilitate important academic events. Prof Lin's exceptional research rigor and valuable contributions to the academic discipline have been acknowledged through various accolades. In 2022, he was honored with the Faculty of Business Research Awards for Research Rigour and Contribution to the Academic Discipline, recognizing his outstanding achievements in advancing knowledge and making a meaningful impact in his field. 

Course Description:

This course is designed to provide students with a foundational understanding of qualitative research and its application in the realm of business and management. This course introduces students to the fundamental principles and concepts of qualitative research, highlighting its significance and value in generating rich insights and understanding complex business phenomena. Students will explore various qualitative research designs, such as case studies, phenomenology, and grounded theory, and gain insights into when and how to employ each design in a business context. They will also be introduced to common qualitative data collection techniques, including interviews, observations, and focus groups, and learn how these methods can be used to gather in-depth and contextual information. Ethical considerations in qualitative research, such as informed consent, confidentiality, and managing researcher bias, will be discussed to promote ethical conduct throughout the research process. Additionally, students will be introduced to basic data analysis techniques, such as coding and thematic analysis. Lastly, students will explore the potential applications of qualitative research methods in various areas of business and management, such as organizational culture, leadership, consumer behavior, and entrepreneurship. This introductory course does not have any prerequisites, making it accessible to students with a basic understanding of research methods and an interest in business and management studies.




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