

知今 Ad植物微生物 2022-11-03

Functional analysis of the OsNPF4.5 nitrate transporter reveals a conserved mycorrhizal pathway of nitrogen acquisition in plants



Low availability of nitrogen (N) is often a major limiting factor to crop yield in most nutrient-poor soils. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are beneficial symbionts of most land plants that enhance plant nutrient uptake, particularly of phosphate. A growing number of reports point to the substantially increased N accumulation in many mycorrhizal plants; however, the contribution of AM symbiosis to plant N nutrition and the mechanisms underlying the AM-mediated N acquisition are still in the early stages of being understood. Here, we report that inoculation with AM fungus Rhizophagus irregularis remarkably promoted rice (Oryza sativa) growth and N acquisition, and about 42% of the overall N acquired by rice roots could be delivered via the symbiotic route under N-NO3 supply condition. Mycorrhizal colonization strongly induced expression of the putative nitrate transporter gene OsNPF4.5 in rice roots, and its orthologs ZmNPF4.5 in Zea mays and SbNPF4.5 in Sorghum bicolor. OsNPF4.5 is exclusively expressed in the cells containing arbuscules and displayed a low-affinity NO3 transport activity when expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Moreover, knockout of OsNPF4.5 resulted in a 45% decrease in symbiotic Nuptake and a significant reduction in arbuscule incidence when NO3 was supplied as an N source. Based on our results, we propose that the NPF4.5 plays a key role in mycorrhizal NO3 acquisition, a symbiotic N uptake route that might be highly conserved in gramineous species.


arbuscular mycorrhiza | RNA sequencing | nitrate transporter | nitrogen uptake | OsNPF4.5

A model for N uptake, assimilation, and translocation in AM symbiosis. AM fungi can take up both NH4+ and NO3, as well as organic N forms, such as amino acids (AAs) and small peptides (SPs), from soil solution via their extraradical mycelium (ERM). The NH4+ in fungal cytoplasm can be rapidly assimilated into amino acids, mainly arginine, via the glutamine synthetase-glutamate synthase (GS-GOGAT) pathway and translocated, probably coupled with Poly-P through the intraradical hyphae. After hydrolysis in the arbuscule, NH4+ is exported from the AM fungus to the periarbuscular space (PAS) and subsequently imported, probably in the form of NH3, into the root cell by the putative plant NH4+ transporters located on the periarbuscular membrane (PAM). The NO3 absorbed by extraradical mycelium can be directly translocated into intraradical hyphae and released into the interfacial apoplast. The import of NO3 into root cell is mediated by the PAM-localized NO3 transporters, such as OsNPF4.5. NR, nitrate reductase; NiR, nitrite reductase; GS, glutamine synthetase; GOGAT, glutamate synthase; AMT, ammonium transporter, AAP, amino acid permease. Question marks and dotted lines indicate that the putative transporters or transport/metabolic processes have not yet been established.


Microbiome: 红树林生态系统中新型产甲烷菌的产甲烷潜能




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The Lugden Hill Scholarship

Chancellor's Research Fellowships

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帝国理工学院 Postdoctoral Research Associate

Ph.D. student positions

PhD student (m/f/d)

博士后职位:Technical University of Denmark (DTU)



