Editor's Note
The following article is from BioArt植物 Author 曹务强
【1】 Maekawa, T., Kufer, T. A., & Schulze-Lefert, P. (2011). NLR functions in plant and animal immune systems: so far and yet so close. Nature immunology, 12(9), 817.
【2】 Jacob, F., Vernaldi, S., & Maekawa, T. (2013). Evolution and conservation of plant NLR functions. Frontiers in immunology, 4, 297.
【3】 Collier, S. M., Hamel, L. P., & Moffett, P. (2011). Cell death mediated by the N-terminal domains of a unique and highly conserved class of NB-LRR protein. Molecular plant-microbe interactions, 24(8), 918-931.
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【8】 Rairdan, G. J., Collier, S. M., Sacco, M. A., Baldwin, T. T., Boettrich, T., & Moffett, P. (2008). The coiled-coil and nucleotide binding domains of the potato Rx disease resistance protein function in pathogen recognition and signaling. The Plant Cell, 20(3), 739-751.
【9】 Lukasik, E., & Takken, F. L. (2009). STANDing strong, resistance proteins instigators of plant defence. Current opinion in plant biology, 12(4), 427-436.
【10】 Moffett, P., Farnham, G., Peart, J., & Baulcombe, D. C. (2002). Interaction between domains of a plant NBS–LRR protein in disease resistance‐related cell death. The EMBO journal, 21(17), 4511-4519.
【11】Rairdan, G. J., & Moffett, P. (2006). Distinct domains in the ARC region of the potato resistance protein Rx mediate LRR binding and inhibition of activation. The Plant Cell, 18(8), 2082-2093.
【12】Rairdan, G., & Moffett, P. (2007). Brothers in arms? Common and contrasting themes in pathogen perception by plant NB-LRR and animal NACHT-LRR proteins. Microbes and infection, 9(5), 677-686.
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