
Woman Attacks Disney Chipmunk, Claims Didn’t Know She Couldn’t

2017-11-15 Joe Buddha ShanghaiExpatOfficial


A woman reportedly attacked a Disney employee dressed as Dale the Chipmunk last week, smacking him in the head and allegedly giving him a mild concussion.


According to Ms He, a witness at the scene, last Friday a woman at Shanghai Disney “ran up behind a cast member dressed as Dale the chipmunk before jumping up in the air and smacking him on the back of the head.” The employee began clutching their head and was immediately led away while Disney staff prevented the attacker from leaving.


Ms He's initial statement about the attack


Another witness , identified only by their Weibo handle “牙买加山崎丸” confirmed the attack, writing “there was a loud noise as the attacker hit Dale’s head and he was led off to the rest area, clutching the top part of the costume.”


Chinese state media contacted Ms He, who confirmed her initial account of the attack. Ms He claimed the attacker said “she didn’t know she wasn’t allowed to hit the employees,” and that she “thought it would be fun.”


Chip, Dale and Donald practicing Tai chi at Shanghai Disney


Ms He also told the reporter that a Disney staffer had told her that that the employee had suffered a mild concussion.


As of yet Disney has not issued an official statement regarding the attack.

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