
China Releasing E-ID Via WeChat As Physical Card Alternative

2017-12-27 Jordan Harris ShanghaiExpatOfficial


Just when you think WeChat has reached its full potential the social media giant adds yet another useful feature. Police in Guangzhou have just issued the nation's first WeChat ID card allowing members of the public to use the e-ID instead of physical cards for ID checks and other purposes. 


The virtual ID cards are being tested first in Guangdong Province before they'll allow people across China to apply beginning sometime next month. It's unclear if the service will extend to the new work permit cards for foreigners. 


The e-ID comes as part of an app that's been developed by China's Ministry of Public Security in cooperation with Tencent, the company behind WeChat. Officials hope the system will help to deter online identity theft, as applicants for the new WeChat ID are required to go through facial recognition before the virtual ID is authenticated. 


"I'm gonna need to see some ID"   "Uh sorry officer my phone's out of battery" 


WeChat has seen a huge success in China since the app's launch back in 2011. Not only has it become one of the country's most popular social messaging apps, it's also used extensively for its mobile payment system WeChat pay, where users can pay for items at stores and vendors, book train tickets, pay for utilities and more through the app. WeChat is becoming more and more of an all-inclusive app allowing people in China to leave their wallets at home and just bring along their phone. 

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