
Do Returning Kids Need Quarantine? Cast Your Vote

beijingkids BJkids 2020-08-18


Let’s put aside the question on every parent’s mind of when school will resume for just a second, and talk about the practicality of when it actually happens.

Yesterday, the number one topic in expat WeChat groups was, “Do foreigners coming back to China need to be quarantined?” Our sister publication, The Beijinger, explains that in detail.

But let’s talk about your kids. While some schools have unofficially made a plan requiring teachers self-quarantine for 14 days upon returning to Beijing, but before returning to campus, there’s been no news of what schools are expecting from their students.

Will kids who’ve stayed in Beijing be going back to school with kids who just returned from overseas? And if that does end up being the case, how comfortable will you be with that decision?  

Cast your vote and leave your thoughts in the comment section below.


Photos: France24

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