
Managing Pregnancy During Coronavirus

Mina Yan BJkids 2020-08-30


Pregnancy is a beautiful time, but it’s also a time when your brain is coming up with more questions than you can imagine, especially if you’re going through it for the first time.

Your body is going through changes that you’ve never experienced before and for the majority of first timers, you’re doing weird things like peeing on more pregnancy tests even though you already know you’re pregnant; just to be extra sure. And instead of sleeping peacefully at night, you stay up Googling stuff like “is blah blah blah normal when pregnant?”.

With so many new regulations on quarantine, new ways of testing for COVID-19, and the death toll still rising, you can’t help but be extra paranoid when it comes to your safety and the safety of your baby.

Oasis International Hospital recently published a very helpful graphic explaining the most pressing concerns of expecting parents in every stage of the pregnancy, and the exams they absolutely cannot delay, regardless of COVID-19 concerns.

According to Oasis International Hospital OB/GYN, Dr. Jiru Dai, expecting moms should take a few extra precautions when visiting the hospital for their check-ups. Aside from wearing face masks (which we should all know by now), Dr. Dai recommends avoiding public transportation and sticking to your schedule. Don’t arrive at the hospital too early, and limit the amount of time you spend there.

Likewise, while this is a joyous time in your life and you might want to share it with your family and friends, limit the number of people you bring to the bare minimum, which for most, is you and your spouse.

Click here to watch the full video interview with Dr. Dai.


Photos: Courtesy of Oasis International Hospital, unsplash, mamamakesmemes

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