
A Journey through Modern Manhood with GHC Modern Man

Mark Karanja BJkids 2020-11-15


Is it just me, or have guys been getting a bad rep lately? Don’t get me wrong. Between the massive ‘me too’ movement that continues to gain global traction, to women continuing to fight for equality in all walks of life, it is hard to say that this criticism of men is entirely unwarranted. Just a few months ago, the Yiwu, in Zhejiang province introduced a provision to allow people to see their potential partner’s violent history. This is in a bid to counteract the rising rates of domestic violence in China, predominantly perpetrated by men against women.

Right out of the gate, it doesn’t look too great for men. But this is not to say that all men are bad. I dare say these days, the more respectful, feminist-inclined, ‘equal at home, and at work’ man is the rule rather than the exception. Men who are in touch with their emotions and aren’t afraid to express themselves are becoming increasingly vocal in trying to normalize male self-expression as part of being masculine and healthy. Despite these social strides, the world is still largely patriarchal. Countries like China still highly value traditional masculinity associated with stoicism. So what happens to those men who are looking for a community that not only embraces their emotional openness but encourages it? They might turn to organizations like “The Great Human Connection“.

As men continue to evolve in their roles in society, especially in expat contexts, transitioning from traditional breadwinners to being trailing spouses and primary caregivers, it is important for men and society at large to discuss this evolution of manhood and what the possible future of ‘being a man’ might look like. We spoke to Matteo Casto, slated to be one of the hosts at a series of seminars organized by the Great Human Connection titled “GHC Modern Guy”. These seminars will explore a host of topics from “Exploring how men feel important in relationships,” “Permission to feel; helping men harness the power of emotion,” and “How to get out of living on autopilot mode, and embrace a fulfilling life.”


So, what’s the deal with ‘GHC’ and this new ‘ Modern Guy’ initiative?

The ‘modern man’ is a new and exciting evolution. The Great Human Connection helps men explore their unique power and improve relationships with family, friends, and community through a volunteer mentorship program. The Modern Man Event is the place where the men of Beijing gather and celebrate the journey of manhood. The format of the gathering is a small discussion group that is lead by a volunteer moderator. The goal of the moderator is to facilitate a dialogue on a wide variety of topics relevant to the maturation and development of men.

Topics might include:

  1. Role of men in relationships: from problem-solver, provider, and compassionate partner.

  2. Living a life of passion, not life on autopilot.

  3. Definition of the Modern Man.

  4. The balance between masculinity and femininity

  5. The difference between feeling loved and feeling needed.

  6. The skill of setting realistic and ambitious goals while supporting healthy expectations.

  7. The art of living a virtuous life while exploring new and exciting things.

  8. Recognizing, understanding, and effectively expressing emotions.

  9. Managing the challenges of building a career and raising a young family.


A someone who has never done this before, what should I expect from one of these seminars?

The group moderator might ask thought-provoking questions, such as:

  1. Why am I never satisfied with my life?

  2. What does it mean when I want to cheat on my partner?

  3. Why is vulnerability taboo?

  4. Is being a father a necessary requirement of manhood?

  5. Does my sexual orientation determine my manhood?

The goal of GHC Modern Man is to inspire men and provide a mechanism for mentorship and mutual support.  This program is not intended to be a counseling or therapy practice, nor is it designed to be a platform promoting religious or professional agendas. The hope is that participants will cultivate the art of listening and skills of communication while enjoying the feeling of community and brotherhood.

Outside of these events, what exactly is the Great Human Connection?

We create and nurture a vibrant community of passionate and thoughtful people from all paths of life. We provide educational resources to sharpen self-awareness and share personal stories that inspire, encourage, and support. We equip people like you with online tools for discovering and deepening meaningful connections with friends, family, and community. We ignite a lasting passion for individual and social change. We promote aware participation in community programs and charity work. Engage with us, and together we can co-create and enjoy truly rich experiences.

Be a part of raising awareness, promoting unity, and igniting a desire for individual change and social connection.


Photos: Courtesy of GHC Modern Man, Unsplash 

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