
Friday Favorites: We Want Your Beijing Parenting Memes, Too!

Cindy M Jenkins Jingkids 2021-03-30



Is it a workweek or a holiday? Is there online school or are they off? Is it Monday or Thursday?

These days can be confusing and all meld together faster than that science experiment your kid forgot about, but you know it’s Friday when Jingkids International (our
new name!) breaks out the memes! Below are some of our favorites from around the internet tubes, but we also want to see yours. Make your own Beijing specific meme and send it to editor@beijing-kids.com along with your name and how long you’ve lived here – we just might feature your creation next!

On to the discoveries that made us giggle last week……

With all the talk of family gatherings over the Chinese New Year, this hit us pretty hard.

And if family forests aren’t confusing enough, what are the regulations on gathering again?


This excuse won’t work as well when there’s so little holiday traffic!

Which one are you? (I’m usually the house husband, even when I go into work).

We’ve all been there…..

…and here……

Why is it so hard to get out of the house with kids, anyway?

Some days, though, it’s all worth it!


Images: shared from various sources on the web, Canva

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