
Do These Slogans Ring a Bell?

Mina Yan Jingkids 2021-10-19


How well do you remember the 90s? Do any of these slogans ring a bell?

Scroll to the end for answers.

Disclaimer: Jingkids is not responsible for any of these being stuck in your head for the rest of the weekend.

Guess These Slogans

Got _ _ _ _?

You’ve got mail

Snap into a _ _ _ _  _ _ _

Do the _ _ _!

I want my baby back, baby back, baby back…

_ _ _ _ _ _, the freshmaker.

Nobody better lay a finger on my _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _!

¡Yo quiero _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _!

Once you pop, the fun don’t stop .

Maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Think different.

Just do it.

What would you do for a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bar?

The best part of waking up is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in your cup!

Dangerously cheesy

Images: Pexels, Taco Bell, Mina Yan


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